Enhanced Client Icons
After a recent PC disaster I found myself having to re-make my (rather basic) custom ui.
This involved re-creating a number of custom icons that I use in the 'macro icons' folder simply to better define my macros.
Anyway, having made the new icons, I thought I might share them incase anyone else likes them. The images here are .gif files, in order to use them they need to be converted to .dds files.

This involved re-creating a number of custom icons that I use in the 'macro icons' folder simply to better define my macros.
Anyway, having made the new icons, I thought I might share them incase anyone else likes them. The images here are .gif files, in order to use them they need to be converted to .dds files.

Good luck rebuilding
If anyone wants me to try to make any similar icons for them, I'm willing to try.
All the standard speed icons are present in the default UI, but "Slow" and "One Tile" only have forward and backward.
Here are the full icon sets for "Slow" and "One" in the default color palate:
I also built out some additional icons so I could remember which boring grey/blue arrows meant which speed. (For me: standard = ship, slow = turtle, one tile = one tile)
In game, my 3x3 control blocks look like this and I have a center piece reminder of which block does what.
Finally, me being me, I made start, stop, and continue using (as close as possible) nautical flags
come about, turn port, turn starboard, fire port/starboard broadside using a UO ship
and Doracron, Sueacron, start tracking, stop tracking, rename, go to pin, and continue from pin, with more colorful/relatable icons, so I could remember what did what.
Anyway, if anyone wants to use any of these, feel free.
I also have a full set of icons for the 3 speeds using the UO ship, but those didn't turn out well and when arranged in a 3x3 control block have a disconcerting pinwheel effect.
I missed a couple:
If I fold a piece of paper 4 times and punch a hole at the right top corner, I have no idea where the holes will be on the other parts of the paper when unfolded.
Skill tracker toggle icon for this command.