New Mage ideas

CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
edited May 2024 in General Discussions

Some ideas for consideration, as they come.

1. Earthquake spell to have a chance to Dismount.

2. The new Libram shield – to have a Necro (and SS), and Mystic (and Focus) version on offer.

3. Any chance of adding +Inscription skill to some nice items please? Jewels, or Belt maybe.


  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999

    a hard  'No" on #1,  mages are the strongest templates out there,  more difficult to learn but far outmatch everything else once you know how to play with magery,eval, resist.... still 3+ skills left beyond that.   (I use 'mage weapons' on the vast majority of my mages)

    # 2 & 3 sound fine to me.... 

    Parry still needs nerfed when paired with magery....  it should be treated the same as Magery + Chivalry was.. (2 fc cap -50% of the normal cap) when magery =>70.0  (real or modified skill)

    -Also add a version of Captain John's Hat (+20 Weapon skill) for Throwing, Macing & Fencing while you're at it. (more of a dexer item, but of course, like everything else Mages could use it too)
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    If Parry is nerfed on mages, mages need to be given 400 odd mana pool to compensate, and actually have more mana than warriors, and be able to cast anything.

    Without shields, we need a lot more fields to stand a chance - which take a huge amount of mana.
    Or we need spellweaving, which also takes a ton of mana.

    Yesterday, I used my entire mana pool twice, and failed to kill a trapped sampire...

    If parry is taken off mages, which I am happy with - another solution could be to hard cap Warriors mana pool at about 40 mana.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    everyone would be more happy if Parry was taken away from mages.

    then we won't see anyone playing with Parry lol.   so many more playstyles would open up again.

    you need more mana to compensate for the loss or reduction in parry-chance?   sense. make it.

    dexers mana pool being capped at 40 wouldn't matter, they can't hit often enough t spend it anyway.   between that and chasing people, there's no reason to even play a 'warrior' because magery/eval-int is EASIER and More Powerful, you for whatever reason want Mages to be more powerful...    but I guess if you somehow spent 2, entire mana pools on a :"Trapped Sampire", and somehow managed to still fail at killing it, Well. maybe you do need some buffs, cause that sure as hell sounds like an impossibility to me.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    CovenantX said:
    everyone would be more happy if Parry was taken away from mages.

    then we won't see anyone playing with Parry lol.   so many more playstyles would open up again.

    you need more mana to compensate for the loss or reduction in parry-chance?   sense. make it.

    dexers mana pool being capped at 40 wouldn't matter, they can't hit often enough t spend it anyway.   between that and chasing people, there's no reason to even play a 'warrior' because magery/eval-int is EASIER and More Powerful, you for whatever reason want Mages to be more powerful...    but I guess if you somehow spent 2, entire mana pools on a :"Trapped Sampire", and somehow managed to still fail at killing it, Well. maybe you do need some buffs, cause that sure as hell sounds like an impossibility to me.
    Every pvp related post you make, I am left thinking, you have zero clue or experience of pvp.
    At best, you are like some Popps style pvp theory crafter.

    My favourite quote about you, was, "when we were playing factions, you were the warrior complaining you could not pk the miners". That is basically your level.

    I've seen 3 maqes unable to kill an unattended warrior. I am out there almost every day. I see how it is.

    Yeah, I'm the guy complaining now about Mages, because a. you show me the pure mages - there are none left. Mages were without a doubt, the best part of pvp. Warriors and their RNG were the worst bit, we let them have it, but they were sub-standard players, they were never meant to take over the game. The Dev team gave them everything, and they are so easy to play, scripts took them to another level.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    Ok - New mage idea.

    If you go Pure Mage - ie you do not have Parry - or any form of Weapon.

    So if you have Inscription, or Spellweaving (or Achemy, or Poison) - alongside Mystic, Mage or Necro combinations - with NO weapons - you have an innate ability to completely block all Dismounts. I'll let you work out what that ability is.

    That is the sacrifice I am prepared to make.
    We would get hit a lot more for sure - but one of the consistent IWIN buttons would be gone, making the Pure Mage experience a lot more fun.

    By virtue of not having Parry - our Mana Pool would be able to reach acceptable levels - ie 200+ - just like Warriors have 200+ Stamina.

    So I either want a Dismount ability - like everyone else has.
    Or the ability to Block it completely, if you are going to remove Parry and open Mages up to being hit more. Just limiting 1 Warrior ability (IWIN button) - is not the end of the world, and would improve PvP no end.

  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    edited May 2024
    I don't think you are the person to be giving mage suggestions.  You have a weird obsession with pure mages which are not good and were ever only used for duels.

    Pure Mages should get dismount immunity in exchange for mount fatigue.
    But if you are completely obsessed with playing Inscription the place to start would probably be adding in an Inscription powerscroll and inscription mastery.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    I don't think you are the person to be giving mage suggestions.  You have a weird obsession with pure mages which are not good and were ever only used for duels.

    Pure Mages should get dismount immunity in exchange for mount fatigue.
    But if you are completely obsessed with playing Inscription the place to start would probably be adding in an Inscription powerscroll and inscription mastery.

    You are some sort of AOS pvper, so this counts you out also.

    I agree Mages are not good - this really is the whole point...
    They did used to be.

    The game turned completely away from them.

    My main obsession - is in fact to not use a weapon, and rely on spells, like, erm, a mage would.

    Warrior RNG basically sucks, this whole concept of just chasing with an auto lucky hit, yes, I preferred tactics.

    Quite frankly, I am the only person left, who should be giving Mage suggestions.
    I can accept when I say give me 400 mana, I may be exaggerating, and I hope the Devs have enough common sense to realise this.
    My ideas are suggestions, they can be tailored, they are food for thought, there may be good bits, and bad bits, but to say Hard No, is not going to work.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Cookie... what the hell kind of mage template do you even use?

    Mage, Eval-int, Resist, Wrestle, Parry (obv) Med? Alchey/Scribe?

    and it's the only thing you play?    There's more to UO than one outdated template, that still should beat a dexer at least 90% of the time (clientcrashes count in the 10% you might lose)

    You're already an outlier just by your classification of "Warriors" if they carry a weapon, regardless of the other 5+ skills used, It's literally one skill and it could be magery (Mage Weapon), like most of my mages lol.

    Hell, that template could beat most dexers with ease while dismounted against a mounted dexer lol.... just gotta get em before he gets off screen when they're unable to interrupt your combos.

    Btw, what do you mean "AoS Pvper"?   UO hasn't had any major changes at least nothing like the itemization that AoS brought and it's literally been the same for 22+ years now.

    Do you play free-shards, and post your ideas to make them better here? cause that would explain a lot,  sorta like the news about "brain eating worms" recently in the US.. explains a lot.

     Pre-AoS pvp is long gone,  The only thing that was good about it, was there were more players and a smaller percentage of them were automating everything..  it meant you had to actually be good at game.

    I even use a shield on some of my mages, and people whine about parry fighting me all the time, i don't even run parry on 90% of my characters,  I literally have it on one mage and one dexer (dexer is pvm), 

    It's been so f**king bad forever it feels like, it's unbelievable that it hasn't been nerfed into the f**king ground yet.

    in summary, by now anyone who's interested in pvp and reads some of the things you say it's not hard to see the biases,   that's ok.  everyone is bias one way or another....  I'm sure I seem bias in favor of dexers, but they're genuinely underpowered in PvP, and overpowered in PvM, the role is completely opposite for Mages, best in pvp, and almost garbage in pvm.   but magery takes less room on a template to gain the full benefit, so it's easier to fit, so that's why more PvM templates have magery, and dexers are almost exclusively sampires... apparently some are hard to kill...

    Cookie said:
    By virtue of not having Parry - our Mana Pool would be able to reach acceptable levels - ie 200+ - just like Warriors have 200+ Stamina.

    So I either want a Dismount ability - like everyone else has.
    Or the ability to Block it completely, if you are going to remove Parry and open Mages up to being hit more. Just limiting 1 Warrior ability (IWIN button) - is not the end of the world, and would improve PvP no end.

    Btw, Mages won't be hit more or less than they used to, they'd be hit exactly the same amount as every non-mage playing UO anymore,    the only reason you feel the way you do about it, is because you probably haven't even tried to pvp without parry since it became easy for mages to use it again.. hell based on your posts you started playing a mage when parry became 'free'.

    It's bad enough that a dexer can't even hit hard enough to make anyone think twice about healing without using curse scrolls anymore.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    CovenantX said:

    Btw, Mages won't be hit more or less than they used to, they'd be hit exactly the same amount as every non-mage playing UO anymore,    
    So if parry makes zero difference, and mages would be hit exactly the same, with or without it - what is the problem for you?

    I'm ignoring the rest of your post, because you are about as far wrong as you can be.
    I have about 30 different templates - the mages are retiring fast, which leaves me with less and less fun characters. I play warriors out of boredom, because they are easy. But this is just maintenance mode for me, it is not challenging. I am waiting for a real balance for mages.

    I have pvp'd on many pure mage variations without parry, it is not possible. Parry never became free, you are again deluded. The cost is a massive cost in actual gameplay experience. To be playing a mage, that runs out of ability to do anything, in less than 2 minutes, is not exactly fun.

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited May 2024

    Cookie said:
    CovenantX said:

    Btw, Mages won't be hit more or less than they used to, they'd be hit exactly the same amount as every non-mage playing UO anymore,    
    So if parry makes zero difference, and mages would be hit exactly the same, with or without it - what is the problem for you?
        There's a difference, clearly you're unable to follow what you read.   obviously it'll be exacly the same as it was before every mage picked up parry (eluded to, in the entire post basically).   -dexers would be able to play UO again without spending 300% more time to do what any template could do before parry-mages came back.    -every non-mage doesn't have parry, does everything need to be explained in perfect detail for you, or what?

      I'd ignore me too, if I were you.   obviously i frustrate you, it's not really my intention, however at some point it's inevitable, cause most people who post here play one way and can't see the big picture.

    -- edit--

     you play a warrior when you're bored?  you're really piling the boredom on if that's the case, who the F**k likes chasing people missing for 20mins?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Cookie said:

    I have pvp'd on many pure mage variations without parry, it is not possible. Parry never became free, you are again deluded. The cost is a massive cost in actual gameplay experience. To be playing a mage, that runs out of ability to do anything, in less than 2 minutes, is not exactly fun.

      you might need to learn mana conservation at least a little bit, and stop doing nothing but fields+EV's and that'll be a massive help.

      The vast majority of my mages don't run med OR parry,  dexers don't stay on screen long enough for me to spend all my mana, generally it's only about half my mana to kill them (I usually have around 150 (from int)-180 mana pool, on Human characters)

      What do you give up, to add Parry to your template?  cause it's pretty easy to do it with Reforged + Imbued gear, legendarys are at least 3+ properties, and often higher intensity better than that.  
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    CovenantX said:
    Cookie said:

    I have pvp'd on many pure mage variations without parry, it is not possible. Parry never became free, you are again deluded. The cost is a massive cost in actual gameplay experience. To be playing a mage, that runs out of ability to do anything, in less than 2 minutes, is not exactly fun.

      you might need to learn mana conservation at least a little bit, and stop doing nothing but fields+EV's and that'll be a massive help.

      The vast majority of my mages don't run med OR parry,  dexers don't stay on screen long enough for me to spend all my mana, generally it's only about half my mana to kill them (I usually have around 150 (from int)-180 mana pool, on Human characters)

      What do you give up, to add Parry to your template?  cause it's pretty easy to do it with Reforged + Imbued gear, legendarys are at least 3+ properties, and often higher intensity better than that.  
    I know everything about how you play - you are a meta player, and very boring, like the most boring playstyle ever, like the old AOS pvpers were, this is why you are all so bad.

    I don't care how you play, you keep doing it, with your lower and lower numbers of pvpers.

    I am just trying to create an option. Something different, and more fun.
    I know it is more fun, because I was there before all this.

    ps. A mage is a mage, meant to cast spells. Make the spells viable.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited May 2024
    Cookie said:
    I know everything about how you play - you are a meta player, and very boring, like the most boring playstyle ever, like the old AOS pvpers were, this is why you are all so bad.

    I don't care how you play, you keep doing it, with your lower and lower numbers of pvpers.

    I am just trying to create an option. Something different, and more fun.
    I know it is more fun, because I was there before all this.

    ps. A mage is a mage, meant to cast spells. Make the spells viable.
       haha, me a meta player?   you're wrong again, you're just jealous because I pointed out your playstyle (EVs+Fields, no timing for anything else) and somehow seem offended by that, it's not me that needs to learn to play a mage.... 

       If I was a meta player I'd be saying the same BS you're spewing, cause the meta is Parry-mages, you'd have to be a complete imbecile to not notice that.      -I'm just one of the few holding out that some positive change will happen around here.   -I often play underdog templates just to demonstrate how bad most players have become.   -it's definitely been more boring, and thus less worth the time to do that using non-caster templates though, cause you spend more time missing than anything else.   so that effectively cuts the template diversity in half just by allowing parry+magery to be as good broken as it is.  -I'll just chalk it up to you not knowing what 'meta' means.

     The irony in your posts, keep pointing towards mages being weak, except logging into the game, almost 90% of the players (in pvp) use magery as their primary offense, healing and support.

      Spells are and have always been viable in pvp, removing parry completely from Magery would not Change that, bad players like to use parry as a crutch, and will find any excuse to prevent it from being fixed, unless you're incredibly bad at timing, there's literally nothing else it could be,

     Why do you think most of the pvpers are some variant of mage mostly a hybrid, cause Mage spells are delayed enough to Easily stack them with other attacks/non-mage spells for high burst damage combos, and the only RNG is landing a weapon hit as part of a 2-3 spell combo.

    Lower and lower numbers?    have you played official UO in the last 5+ years?  the fights are like 10-15 people or less on most shards, 2-3x that on Atlantic, lower numbers are occurring now, not back when pvp wasn't all parry-mages, Now other templates only show up for group fights cause that's the only time they're of any use.   

    ..... and you whine about dismount.   how come there aren't any others posting here about mage's ability to dismount?    -have you not learned how to set a macro to use a bola yet?
    It's that pre-aos pvp mentality that's holding you back,  AoS has only been out for nearly 23 years.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited May 2024
    you are a meta player, get over it, you are part of the system. :)

    you would not be trying to hold me back otherwise, you only do so, because you know nothing else.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    ok, whatever you say pal.

    game isn't going to get better adding more garbage on top of the garbage that hasn't been cleaned up first.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • sibblesibble Posts: 190
    Cookie said:
    If Parry is nerfed on mages, mages need to be given 400 odd mana pool to compensate, and actually have more mana than warriors, and be able to cast anything.
    Sounds great to me, in fact, give them infinite mana pool as long as mage/hybrids get a nerf from parry.

    I did nothing but PVP as a pure dexer for 99.9% of my gameplay from 2009-2016 while I was unemployed.  Every day, all day, endless hours, no exaggeration.  I streamed most of the interesting interactions along the way, sadly most VODs were lost during the Twitch purge but some still there...

    The meta has shifted.  It took 10 years to get here but if you look back circa 2010 before global loot patch no one was running bokuto parry mages because the +skill gear that we have today didn't exist back then.

    I'm all for +skill items, I think it adds diversity and opens up possibilities for new builds making things more interesting and exciting to characters.  However, you can't ignore when things become unbalanced.  Adjustments should be made so that there is no one godly template that rules them all - which there clearly is.  You can't let people boost to 900+ skill so they can get the best defense and the best offence without consequence.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
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