Salvage Bag Bug Fix

The salvage bag blindly applies the smelt or cut function for every item in the bag.  Works fine for metal.  No good for tailor - no tailor wants their pile of cloth cut up.  The salvage cloth should not cut cloth into bandies.  It should skip all stacks of cloth. 

Most crafters doing bods and such craft in their salvage bag then recycle non ex items.  When you have a stack of cloth in here you end up with bandies.  No one wants cloth from a salvage bag they want ingots, cloth, leather.  

Please fix. 


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    edited April 2024
    But is that really a bug?  or should the player take responsibility for moving cloth out of the bag before using the recycle process?  I usually think 'my bad' if I forget, I blame me, not the game.  I don't expect the game to do my thinking for me.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    The salvage bag did exactly what it was designed to do, SALVAGE what ever you put in to it.  If you do not want it salvaged then do NOT put it in the bag, stop using it as a storage bag.  It is NOT a bug.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    This reminds me of people who use their computer's recycle bin as file storage and then get upset when their files get permanently deleted.  Or when people use the trash bin next to their desk as storage and get upset when the cleaning crew empties out the bin.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2024
    TimSt said:
    This reminds me of people who use their computer's recycle bin as file storage and then get upset when their files get permanently deleted.  Or when people use the trash bin next to their desk as storage and get upset when the cleaning crew empties out the bin.

    When you're crafting you put the raw material in the bag and then craft so all the crafted items proc into the bag.  This is great for metal because you can't smelt ingots down into something.

    It doesn't work great for cloth because you end up with bandages.

    People aren't using Salvage bags for storage.  That's the flaw in your comparison. 

    People are crafting into the salvage bag to get the most out of raw materials while crafting.  Which is the purpose of the salvage bag.

    People who argue against fixing this are just being purposefully slow to understand.

    Ingots/Cloth in Salvage Bag + Crafting = Crafted Items in Salvage Bag.
    Crafted Items in Salvage Bag and Ingots + Using the Salvage Bag = More ingots.
    Crafted Items in Salvage Bag and Cloth + Using the Salvage Bag = Less cloth and more bandages.

    It's not hard to understand and it's a common mistake to make when training.  I doubt the intention of the salvage bag was to make crafting bandages easier.  Scissors already do the function.
  • TimTim Posts: 841

    It's not hard to understand and it's a common mistake to make when training.  
    Common to do once,
    Beyond that, should you really be allowed to use sharp scissors?  >:) 
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I don't think the intention of the salvage bag was to make bandages, so, bug IMO.

    Even if you can explain why it happens and take steps to prevent it... it doesn't mean it was intended.

    Not that it's a big bug or anything... I'm not trying to give it more importance than it deserves.
    Tim said:

    It's not hard to understand and it's a common mistake to make when training.  
    Common to do once,
    Beyond that, should you really be allowed to use sharp scissors?  >:) 

    People who don't do it more than once while grinding to Legendary are probably using applications they shouldn't.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    The point is not worth the time to even discuss 
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Tim said:
    The point is not worth the time to even discuss 

    Agreed. You've posted three times without anything constructive.  The first time was a terrible comparison.  The 2nd time was to insult people or to awkwardly admit you use third party applications.  And the third time is to say you don't want to talk about it.

    That's a really weird way to discuss it.

    Unless someone wants to claim the salvage bag was intended to make bandages, it's a bug.  Minor or not.  Mildly irritating.

    To me the intention with the bag was to put a material in it and craft so all the items go into the bag.  Then you could smelt/cut them all up at once to get a portion of your material back. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I’ve cut up cloth a few times into bandages as well
    it would be nice if they’d fix this 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,695
    I stuck my 190 luck sword in one and it ate it.  Whew, I thought I committed operator error, but thankfully, it's a bug.  :D
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2024
    Pawain said:
    I stuck my 190 luck sword in one and it ate it.  Whew, I thought I committed operator error, but thankfully, it's a bug.  :D

    Difference there is that you wouldn't expect a character to put a sword they wanted into a salvage bag.  Cloth in a salvage bag, however, is common.  Which, should be obvious to anyone arguing in good faith.

    Also, I'd say tossing a bunch of items into a Salvage bag as you loot may actually have a use if you just wanted the ingots.  Like for repairing cannons after taking a pirate ship.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,695
    This thread a perfect example of the sugar trolling that has been allowed here for far too long anyone that post any issues attacked and shut down 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Not to derail but this thread gave me the idea to see if the salvage bag would turn bolts into straight bandages. It does not. It will turn bolts into cloth then into bandages. 

    Having just shy of 300 fountains of life, i really would like to have an easier way to make bandages. 

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Feigr said:
    Tim said:
    The point is not worth the time to even discuss 

    Agreed. You've posted three times without anything constructive.  The first time was a terrible comparison.  The 2nd time was to insult people or to awkwardly admit you use third party applications.  And the third time is to say you don't want to talk about it.

    That's a really weird way to discuss it.

    Unless someone wants to claim the salvage bag was intended to make bandages, it's a bug.  Minor or not.  Mildly irritating.

    To me the intention with the bag was to put a material in it and craft so all the items go into the bag.  Then you could smelt/cut them all up at once to get a portion of your material back. 
    You can not smelt ingots to anything less, if you smelt ingots you will still have ingots.
    If you cut up cloth you will get bandages, it you cut up bandages you will still have bandages.
    The salvage bag was introduced to make recycling mass crafting items as a quality of life upgrade, understanding how items are recycled/salvaged/made is a basic understanding of the craft you are training.  Everyone knows how to make bandages, you cut up cloth, well guess what that is exactly what the salvage bag did, what you told it to do so how is that a bug.  If you do not want cloth cut into bandages then remove any unused cloth before salvaging crafted items.  People need to take a little responsibility for their own actions and understanding basic game mechanics
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Pay attention I am NOT TimSt.

    He is is good at programming and always willing to help people
    I'm the lazy one. Much too lazy to use a cheat program. I just pay attention to the game I'm playing. 

    The salvage bag is working as it should. As has been pointed out the salvage product of cloth is bandages. 

    PS I was Tim first.
  • Tim said:
    Pay attention I am NOT TimSt.

    He is is good at programming and always willing to help people
    I'm the lazy one. Much too lazy to use a cheat program. I just pay attention to the game I'm playing. 

    The salvage bag is working as it should. As has been pointed out the salvage product of cloth is bandages. 

    PS I was Tim first.
    There are some who call me
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2024
    Tim said:
    Pay attention I am NOT TimSt.

    He is is good at programming and always willing to help people
    I'm the lazy one. Much too lazy to use a cheat program. I just pay attention to the game I'm playing. 

    The salvage bag is working as it should. As has been pointed out the salvage product of cloth is bandages. 

    PS I was Tim first.
    It's not working as it should.  A salvage bag was not created to make bandages.  And you're now Steve.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    No it isn't 
    It should work like a trash barrel after 5 minutes salvage resources from anything put in it.
    I'm guessing but I don't think it was intended as a crafting bag.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,695
    Tim said:
    No it isn't 
    It should work like a trash barrel after 5 minutes salvage resources from anything put in it.
    I'm guessing but I don't think it was intended as a crafting bag.
    So craft 125 daggers then put them in recycling bag? Seems kinda user unfriendly painful and if it takes cloth to bandages shouldn't it take metal back to ore?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Which takes longest? The player removing cloth from the bag before using the recycle function, or the dev re-doing the coding to make it work differently? 

    Yes, I've accidentally cut cloth into bandages, but I never considered it a bug. I considered it my responsibility to remember to remove items I didn't want to recycle.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    cut to bandages= true 0/  false 1 ill vote for the devs

    (I made that up)
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2024
    Which takes longest? The player removing cloth from the bag before using the recycle function, or the dev re-doing the coding to make it work differently? 

    Yes, I've accidentally cut cloth into bandages, but I never considered it a bug. I considered it my responsibility to remember to remove items I didn't want to recycle.

    This shouldn't matter to us.  If it's intended or not is what matters.  I'm not going to prioritize the work of the Devs.  I'm not raising the importance of this by saying it is what it is.

    Getting something to 99% is not something I do professionally and it's not something I just accept as how it is.  Not that I'm saying Broadsword even did this bag.  But it is a bug that exists.

    EDIT: Also, it very well could end up being that the player removing the cloth from the bag time exceeds Dev time.  Thousands of players encounter this.  Plus accounting for time from when you're crafting to when you're able to craft again because of going to get more cloth... It could very well easily exceed Dev time.

    If you want to go the efficiency argument...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,695
    I'd rather have bandages.  They fit well in my fountain of life.

    Take the cloth out  if you don't want bandages.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited April 2024
    Feigr said:
    Tim said:
    Pay attention I am NOT TimSt.

    He is is good at programming and always willing to help people
    I'm the lazy one. Much too lazy to use a cheat program. I just pay attention to the game I'm playing. 

    The salvage bag is working as it should. As has been pointed out the salvage product of cloth is bandages. 

    PS I was Tim first.
    It's not working as it should.  A salvage bag was not created to make bandages.  And you're now Steve.
    Please show us your proof that salvage bags were never intended to make bandages.  You have shown us zero proof that it was NOT intended.  I remember when they first came out and everybody knew/learned that they would make bandages.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Which takes longest? The player removing cloth from the bag before using the recycle function, or the dev re-doing the coding to make it work differently? 

    Yes, I've accidentally cut cloth into bandages, but I never considered it a bug. I considered it my responsibility to remember to remove items I didn't want to recycle.
    Quit using your brain and common sense.  More and more people want UO to play itself.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Feigr said:
    EDIT: Also, it very well could end up being that the player removing the cloth from the bag time exceeds Dev time.  Thousands of players encounter this.  Plus accounting for time from when you're crafting to when you're able to craft again because of going to get more cloth... It could very well easily exceed Dev time.

    If you want to go the efficiency argument...
    No they do not because we are smart enough to remove the cloth from the bag or only put in enough cloth to make the quantities we want.  And most crafters have tons of resources on hand while they are crafting so they do not have to run to the store to get more material.  Do you start cooking and then realize half way through the process you need to run to the store and get more stuff, it is called being prepared for the project you want to do before you start.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,303
    edited April 2024
    My thoughts are this, it is designed to recycle what is in it and you have to have the correct tool to use it (scissors/smithing tool and it has a failure message if you don't have the corect tool) which means that the bag uses said tool to process what is in the bag. Scissors turn cloth/leather items into cloth/Leather, Smithing tools turn metal smithed items into ingots. Scissors also turn cloth into bandages, so it appears it is working as intended. they would need to reprogram scissors not to cut bulk cloth into Bandages to avoid this, which would neccesitate them making a different tool for making bandages out of cloth. I may be wrong but that is how I see it.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    they would need to reprogram scissors not to cut bulk cloth into Bandages to

    I was with you until you said this.  There are other solutions.
  • Feigr said:
    they would need to reprogram scissors not to cut bulk cloth into Bandages to

    I was with you until you said this.  There are other solutions.
    there are, but I stand by my statement the bag uses the tools to recycle so it will only do what the tools do and one of the tools turns bulk cloth into bandages.. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I have no doubt that the salvage bag was coded to just use the tools on everything in the bag. 

    However, they did include exceptions and new functions to the tools when combined with the bag.

    Normal scissors can't cut everything at once.  That's new.

    Just because something can be explained doesn't mean that it was intended.  And just because something was coded poorly, it doesn't mean it has to remain coded poorly.

    Why would they intend for the bag to make bandages? You can already make bandages with everything except the bag just as easily.

    Also, every argument so far seems to just be an argument to continue a contention or it's stemming from a position of trying to save developer time.  Both are nonsense arguments from a consumer and gamer perspective.

    Many games, even with limited teams, make huge lists of patches and fixes in games. 

    Vampire Survivors, for example, has one developer.  And it had a weekly patch cycle that puts almost all the UO patches to shame.

    Rimworld, one developer.
    Dwarf Fortress, one developer.
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