Treasures of Feudal Lands (Shogun) Event - Recap
Now that the event is officially over I wanted to provide some feedback based on my experience.
- There were several very appealing rewards this go round. Honestly it's probably easier to list what I didn't want / get. The items I didn't get were primarily decoration / titles and the things I already had (like conjurer trinket / paroxy mount).
- Given how many new & different items there were this time around that I wanted, I felt like the 8 week time frame was the perfect amount of time. I went away for 2 of the weekends the event was live and could only play a handful of hours during Thanksgiving week so I did end up doing the event the last couple days for a couple more drops (mainly for a few extra drops on my non-home shards). Personally, I do not think we needed any additional time but also am glad they gave us the initial extra 2 weeks.
- The daily switching up of some of the mobs worked very well this event. I feel like they say they do this every ToT but usually outside of maybe 1 or 2 days of previous events I can never tell. I also think the mobs weren't too bad (outside of the paragon skele drags / frost beetles etc).
- I think having it in most places around Tokuno was a good thing for lower level players and casual hunters, but I'm glad they had Winter Spur give heavy spawn for more experienced players.
- The drop rate when hunting (in Winter Spur) without a luck potion (but hitting the luck statue) seemed a bit low but perhaps that's due to how much of a difference using a luck potion makes.
- This was another heavily botted event due to very little change in how things worked. I can see both sides of the coin here. Obviously there is the annoyance factor where I'm playing by the rules and some other person is running around with 5+ other gargs chain AI'ing everything on screen; that certainly makes it harder to get kills. That said, on ATL where I assume it was the most prevalent, there were so many ppl that the spawn was also increased to keep up so having those bot trains actually helped to drag the paragon skele dragons etc over to them.
- Another event where gargoyles don't really get the same love as non-garg toons. I've said this several times but it bears repeating. These events should have at least 1 item that is specifically designed for gargoyles which means it might not even have a human equivalent. The paroxy bird cannot be used by gargs so it's not like it's not already happening. Even for the items that are made into a garg item (based on humans) let's make sure it makes sense... the hammer pick for a garg isn't useful because gargs aren't hand to hand fighters (they don't get a damage reducing mount).
@Kyronix ; & @Community Manager - I think the team knocked it out of the park with the rewards this year and overall the event was something I enjoyed. I know NL is still the top priority but if we are going to get another year (2024) of the same cookie cutter ToT event, can we 1) build on the past events by improving some things 2) get them a few times a year so we have new things to do/work toward?
Also yes lag is annoying due to a lot of "bots".
Rewards were awesome, especially I was looking to get a nice mempo for my ninja warrior!
Oh and this events rewards made me consider making a melee gargoyle. Although I had only points to get kilt only, wish I'd have more points for the weapon and necklace too but oh well. I hope there'll be something similar or the same next time!
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
rewards were really too powerful. everyone likes having nice stuff, but you need a reason to play the game too. not much reason to actually loot legendaries in normal gameplay anymore.
bot fest. between being difficult to compete with the bots, and the prices being sooooo cheap because of bot farmers, it didnt really make sense to do the event yourself if playing 1 character. i farmed 65 items for fun, and then bought the rest for dirt cheap from bot farmers. i bought about 3,000 points worth of stuff for this event. was pretty common for a farmer to get 20k points pretty easily and highest ive heard of was 75,000 turn in points.
people like cheap stuff, but it doesnt make for good gameplay for the content to not even be worth doing yourself.
"Anti-AFK" system was a joke. easy work arounds from bots on constant moving rails. mostly flagged legitimate players.
omg friend. im flattered but i have 3 accounts.. i apologize for making some golds happens when youve been playing a long time. ive conquested against multiboxing, for the above reasons, for years. if anyone has video of the 25th when i asked about the problem please post it. its a shame that Mesanna said then a hard stance would be taken against multibox abuse but its been given a blind eye. no real action has ever been taken. so we live with it. that doesnt mean the devs have to put out events that specifically feed 20 plus account bots and not bother to address the problem at all.
The non-Paragon MoBs have their decay very short in order to reduce LAG, I imagine, and this might create the problem that, if a player's character dies with artifact drops not insured, some MoB might loot them, get then killed by some other player's character and the MOBs' corpse decay taking away the looted artifact drops...
If this looting was only permitted to Paragons, since their corpses take longer to decay, this gives some time to the player's character that was looted, to get back to the Paragon's corpse and take the looted item(s) back, included the artifact drop(s) that might have been looted.
I would like @Kyronix to talk to me, re Rewards for pure mages, and making Pure Mages viable again for the next round of events. Mage rewards always follow the same tired pattern, when there is a specific set of properties we are after also. You cater very well for warriors.
Ahh of course - only being in Trammel, killed off Felucca pvp action again, for an unknown period. It takes a long time for Felucca to recover. Back to the whole Trammel vs Felucca debate - people go where the rewards are. If you stuff Trammel full constantly of Risk Free rewards, that is where the players will be, until they get bored.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
What if a player, perhaps during the weekend or whatever, can spend more then 2 hours in a day at the Spawn ?
They would only be protected for 2 hours, throughout the rest of gameplay in that 24 hours, they would not be protected against looting.
What I fail to understand, is why the non-Paragon monsters' looting cannot just be simply "turned off" and be done with it.
I find fast decay corpses Monsters' looting only annoying, and it only gives yet another advantage to those players who use some Third Party utilities which offer "auto-insurance" of items which drop in their main backpack as reward...
Really how hard is it to insure items and go to the turn in guy? How much crap you have in your backpack?
More players = more mobs in these events. You could tell that mechanic was working. We had great teamwork on LS.
I wish the Tsuki Wolf Spawn was part of it.
First event where an ABC healing archer rocked!!
A team of them was unstoppable!Legal disclosure:
Since every thread is about what Client you use @Mariah @Rorschach.
I played with CC and nothing else. Am I allowed to do that still? It's really getting hard to tell.
I played sometimes up to 3 toons at a time. 1 Banksitter, 1 Resser\Tamer or Bard, 1 Warrior Archer mostly, some macing.
Think in events a few years ago only small stuff like bandages and reagents were looted when I died. Now looters go more for the good stuff, and a lot of times I usually can’t find them after I rez. Personally, don’t agree with UO’s philosophy of (you can insert a three word phase here that ends with the word player) but if I am worried about it I just recall out when I get a drop, put the drop away, and recall back in.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
First, like with this Event, depending on the coloring of the artifact drops, this can make them not readily visible in the darkness of the Classic Client backpack... not to mention, that some of the drops can be of a very small size making it even more difficult to be seen in the backpack, among all of the other items.
Yes, it is possible to use the insurance Menu interface which presents all items that are insurable in one's own backpack, rather then the individual item insurance but, even if transparent, it can clutter the screen and also create some problems in controlling the character in a heavy spawn area thus making it more advisable to do it in a safer place rather then where there is spawn that can possibly attack the character while taking care of insuring new drops....
All this, takes time and slows down the progress of working the spawn thus reducing the drop rate because, even if there are no new drops, one still has to reach a safer place, go through the various pages of the insurance Menu gump and do this every few minutes or so.... it all adds up and delays the working of the spawn and, consequentially, of the drop rate.
Frankly, I do not see the point of having fast decay corpses monsters' be permitted to loot players' characters corpses... this should be limited to only Paragons whose corpses take longer to decay thus making it possible for players to retrieve the looted artifact drops and items.
Yet the rest of us seem to have no issue with it. Personally, I use the EC to make lif easier. if you refuse tio use that, use the remedy that you yourself suggested.
it doesn't clutter your screen bad enough to disrupt your gameplay or get you killed, especially if you drag it over into the black area and close it there. it will open up there each time you choose to insure things.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I don't say something is OP unless I can put it on and remove 2 properties from other things. The armor pieces did not have luck and eaters. But since yall are used to playing with 80 stamina, ya these are OP to your simplistic swords Sampires.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Using 2 of them help you build a decent suit without having to buy expensive pieces.