I don’t report bugs as much as I’d like to because there is never any confirmation that the bug reports are understood and accepted. Just typing and posting into the void. Supposedly the devs do read and accept bug reports but it’s hard to believe when there’s really no way to be sure. A simple reply to a bug report “accepted as a bug” would be at least a little helpful.
I don’t report bugs as much as I’d like to because there is never any confirmation that the bug reports are understood and accepted. Just typing and posting into the void. Supposedly the devs do read and accept bug reports but it’s hard to believe when there’s really no way to be sure. A simple reply to a bug report “accepted as a bug” would be at least a little helpful.
Exactly! maybe monthly status updates..with a top ten list..
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
A simple system acknowledgment that the post was read would be nice. Nothing about agree/disagree blah blah blah just saying we saw it would go a long long way.
“When the roof exploit in the orchard was reported, misk eventually commented accepting this as a bug after a lot of exploiters tried to comment saying working as intended, still not fixed..
not sure why you want words over action”
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
“When the roof exploit in the orchard was reported, misk eventually commented accepting this as a bug after a lot of exploiters tried to comment saying working as intended, still not fixed..
not sure why you want words over action”
Well I'm sure no action has taken place at least with 2 bugs i reported .....
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
“When the roof exploit in the orchard was reported, misk eventually commented accepting this as a bug after a lot of exploiters tried to comment saying working as intended, still not fixed..
not sure why you want words over action”
Reading comprehension is not one of your strong suit is it. A SIMPLE system acknowledgement that the post has been read would be nice.
There are some bugs to which they responded, especially isolated cases. Those that can be solved by GM are easiest, e.g. the satchel bugs that I reported.
The system-wide bugs that require Dev's intervention, or have questions on the design intent, morality, whatever - they may or may not reply.
I am quite sure they read my screaming around for the loss of a bonded pet which I paid for 1000 Sov real cash, which I believe they can track if we lied or really purchased. There were zero responses from multiple forum posts and multiple emails to bugs and even to Mesanna.
And yet, they did respond to several of our requests that are not related to bugs, but other issues such as accounting questions, raffles for Abyss houses that have IDOCed, and replacing the bugged Arcane circles. For the last one, there was no response but "actions" were taken.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
Oh wrong kind of bug
One would assume that if you post the bug on the bug forums it has been seen by the team and put on their never ending list of things to look at.
I would hate to see that list.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
misk eventually commented accepting this as a bug after a lot of exploiters tried to comment saying working as intended, still not fixed..
not sure why you want words over action”
Bugs should go to the bugs forum.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs