Silver Sterling Ring : any suggestion on what build could really make good use of it ?
Clearly, with the +75 Damage Increase and the +20 Fighting skill, they are meant for Warriors and not for Spellcasters.
I do not understand the choice to have +20 Meditation on it, rather then some other much more needed property for a Warrior (it does not provide much MR and usually, Warriors tend to use LMC and Mana Leech for that). Warriors, of course, prefer Strength and Dexterity over Intelligence so, with low intelligence, 20 Meditation does not get much anywhere, in terms of mana regeneration...
For example, according to , 20 meditation with 20 intelligence, provide a mere 0.2 mana points per second if wearing non-medable armor which is usually what Warriors do.
That is, those +20 Meditation points on the ring, on average for most Warriors with 20 intelligence, provide a "whopping" 1 point of mana in 5 seconds time....
Perhaps, another skill/property would have been more usefull to Warriors then these +20 Meditation ?
Also, Archers and Throwers need, sometimes, very high SSI which is mostly on Jewellery, having to give up SSI on a ring, is quite a heavy toll for Ranged Warriors who need all the SSI that they can get.
Yes, the +75 Damage Increase is quite high, and it "frees" up Damage increase on other items but, one would already use Feudal Grip gloves that come with +30 Damage Increase, or the Cameo which has +20 Damage Increase, or the Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker that has +10 DI or other items which also have the DI property on.
What I am trying to say is, that while having a ring with +75 DI "looks" good, the question is, with what other items does it "fit" in a suit so as to not end up with "wasting" Damage Increase, because exceeding the 100 CAP ?
Not to mention, that "also" the +20 fighting skill seems odd since it "hurts" the use of a Fighting Mastery which relies on "real" skill points, to my understanding, and not on skill points on items....
Bottom line is, given how this Sterling Silver Ring has been Designed by the Developers, with what type of Warrior does it really "fit in" and give its best, making sense to use it ?
Anyone has figured out with what Template and for what gameplay this ring "fits in" ?
I do not understand the choice to have +20 Meditation on it, rather then some other much more needed property for a Warrior (it does not provide much MR and usually, Warriors tend to use LMC and Mana Leech for that). Warriors, of course, prefer Strength and Dexterity over Intelligence so, with low intelligence, 20 Meditation does not get much anywhere, in terms of mana regeneration...
For example, according to , 20 meditation with 20 intelligence, provide a mere 0.2 mana points per second if wearing non-medable armor which is usually what Warriors do.
That is, those +20 Meditation points on the ring, on average for most Warriors with 20 intelligence, provide a "whopping" 1 point of mana in 5 seconds time....
Perhaps, another skill/property would have been more usefull to Warriors then these +20 Meditation ?
Also, Archers and Throwers need, sometimes, very high SSI which is mostly on Jewellery, having to give up SSI on a ring, is quite a heavy toll for Ranged Warriors who need all the SSI that they can get.
Yes, the +75 Damage Increase is quite high, and it "frees" up Damage increase on other items but, one would already use Feudal Grip gloves that come with +30 Damage Increase, or the Cameo which has +20 Damage Increase, or the Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker that has +10 DI or other items which also have the DI property on.
What I am trying to say is, that while having a ring with +75 DI "looks" good, the question is, with what other items does it "fit" in a suit so as to not end up with "wasting" Damage Increase, because exceeding the 100 CAP ?
Not to mention, that "also" the +20 fighting skill seems odd since it "hurts" the use of a Fighting Mastery which relies on "real" skill points, to my understanding, and not on skill points on items....
Bottom line is, given how this Sterling Silver Ring has been Designed by the Developers, with what type of Warrior does it really "fit in" and give its best, making sense to use it ?
Anyone has figured out with what Template and for what gameplay this ring "fits in" ?
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To me, it really looks a very "odd" Design, and I can't seem to find out on what Template it would really work well.
Are you using it ? With what type of Template and towards what type of gameplay ?
Is the trade off for a less functional Mastery really "worth it" ?
Also, the Ring comes with the ability to set +20 skill also in melee skills (Swordsmanship, Fencing, Macing, Wrestling besides Archery and Throwing) but, for a Bard, wouldn't that risk seeing their Bard songs be interrupted when hit which is more likely for melee as for ranged ?
So, if this Ring was Designed that way, I need to imagine that it was conceived with some particular Template in mind, but what is it ?
For an entry level Warrior ?
That is, the Sterling Silver Ring has no use for a more advanced Template and build ?
Its reason to exist, is as an entry level Warrior ?
I myself have struggled to find any purpose for this ring.
I'm in the same boat as Popps
since I consider you a very knowledged and skilled player, may I ask you whether you have envisioned a usefull and advantageous use for this Ring, out of curiosity ?
I am really puzzled, I mean, it could very likely be that it is as Pawain mentioned, that is, that this RIng was Designed by Developers merely as an entry level item for wannabe Warriors, but then, if so, the 50 points seem to me a bit too high, if one compares them, for example, with the An Bal Xen Talisman, Pendant and Mask of Khal Ankur, Talons and Boots of Escaping which can, instead, be used by a more "thought out" Template at the same 50 points cost....
There really is no use for this ring on a more advanced Warrior Template ?
So, having 20 fencing points on an item, might cause the Pierce Mastery to be not so effective as one might want?
Not to mention, the need for 211 stamina on the suit to account in for stamina drops with a Soul Glaive....
ALso could use Wardens wing armor for 5 SSI.
Difference between 20SSI on weapon and 30SSI is 3 Mana leech.
Do you just make up numbers?
That's the only weapon I use that is not imbued. He can use the Dragons end to do quests for Virtue stone.
My fault on the 60 to be fair, I made a mistake, quoted the wrong thing.
But it is easier to just complain and say how hard things are for him.
Or let me rephrase. it is easier to post about perceived problems than go take a step or two to try to solve them.
I already told him, the Wildfire lantern is the item he should ask about. It is just deco for a Wildfire suit mannequin. Very expensive deco.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Mariah lock this one as well. Going nowhere and it just pointless
It is a legit Thread to discuss a relatively new item which many players see of a difficult fit in the game.
Therefore, the longer the Thread stays up, the more players might be able to see it and contribute posting their experience and findings with this particular item as to what suit and Template it might best be used for.
And many UO players, who cannot see how to "best fit" this ring in a suit and Template, might benefit from reading fellow players uses with this Ring.
It is a perfectly legittimate topic of discussion.
What the Moderators could instead do, is purge those posts from the Thread which do not actually bring any tangible contribution to the topic at hand (what suit/template would benefit the most from this ring...) but, rather, might be more or less clearly, ad personam posts against fellow Forum users....
These Forums are here to discuss topics about the game and this Thread aims to precisely discuss this.
How the Sterling Silver Ring could be best used, with what Template and what suit in order to get the most out of it.
Many UO players could benefit, now, as well in the future, from reading within this Thread, how fellow UO players best used this particular item in the game.