Balron Bone Armor : why bother ?
I have heard players talking about getting the Balron Bone Armor but, at 150 points, I honestly do not understand what could be interesting about it.
I have seen quite a number of Warriors wearing, for their Chest piece, Legendaries, better items with better properties and resists....
Yes, I can understand the fact that it would last for longer, since Powder of Fortification can be applied to it contrary to Brittle Legendaries yet, being its properties/resists "sub-par" to many Legendary Brittle Chest pieces, is this really worth the 150 points it cost to get ?
I have seen quite a number of Warriors wearing, for their Chest piece, Legendaries, better items with better properties and resists....
Yes, I can understand the fact that it would last for longer, since Powder of Fortification can be applied to it contrary to Brittle Legendaries yet, being its properties/resists "sub-par" to many Legendary Brittle Chest pieces, is this really worth the 150 points it cost to get ?
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It's the whole topic of whether something should be brittle or not.
I love this item, I think it is worth it. It's not just about lasting longer - it's about being able to take that item out of your mind, and just being able to play the game.
It is 7 properties, tailored towards a warrior, even in an 8 property Legendary, you don't always get the matching properties in sync you want, not by a long way, the pain of finding and matching items is never-ending. Here you have a fixed item - 7 properties - see how many other 7 matching property artifacts you can find.
It is better than anything that can be Crafted. It is Clean.
Kyronix does not like Clean Items, he thinks they break his game, so anytime he gives us one, he makes them really expensive, and to be honest, I'm ok with that. I'm prepared to work harder, for a nice clean item, I just prefer them, it's how I like to play my game.
I mean, over the course of Ultima Online, we have seen "power creep" in items and, to my viewing, once it started with Age of Shadows, I do not think it is possible to stop it...
It is always necessary to have to release more powerful items to keep players interested, but then, it is also necessary to "beef up" Mosters in a never ending cycle....
So, eventually, time will come for this Balron Bone Armor which is already now "sub-par" to several Legendaries out there, to be actually no longer usable because not competitive with how powerful items to come will be and, also, with how more "beefed up" Monsters will be scaled up to catch up with the power creep of items.
So, sure, this Balron Bone Armor can last indefinitively thanking to it being possible to be applied Powder of Fortification but the question here is, will it ?
Give time, when more powerful items will need to be released to keep players interested to play, and Monsters will be made tougher thus meaning that those more powerful items WILL be needed to play the game, this Balron Bone Armor will get into some container and remain unused....
Yet, how many hours it costs today to farm for 150 drops ?
So, I wonder, is it really worth it the time it cost to get it ?
We need to never forget that, time is the most expensive commodity that there is.... most can be replaced but time.... the time gone, will never ever come back......
It's a personal question for each person, is it worth the time, is it the type of item I'm after.
I did 60 Yukio quests, and got absolutely nothing - that was certainly not worth my time, that's at least 60 hours. I have done at least 1,000 Roof's in my time, and never got a Cameo. I have done at least 1,000 Medusas in my time, and never got a Slither. I burned myself out in Khaldun on a rouge looking for Titan Statues that never appeared. By now, I distinctly hate RNG, and am not willing to do that content.
150 drops at 10 drops an hour = 15 hours. I actually like farming to a degree, and I'm happy to go for this, and it certainly looks like a bargain to the other timesinks where I have completely failed to get anything. And I like the Item.
Regarding power-creep - I don't know if you have noticed, everything the Devs have done for the last couple of years, they really are reining the power-creep back in. No more 14 property Legendaries - all 8, or Max 9 Properties now. They've got better at understanding what the playerbase wants, and been able to give rewards that have better balance, but still maintain less properties, it's a fine line for sure. But there are still plenty of items left to go - where we could request balanced items, that don't need to break the bank re properties.
Ps also takes no storage space if you don't get it
Sure, it is a valid reason yet, it can also be done with looted (and better) Legendary Brittle pieces which, even though they will not last as long as this Balron Bone Armor, will still keep going for quite a while and, in the meantime, one can get more Brittle Legendary pieces to replace that Chest piece which has had its durability been reduced too much....
Even for a Warrior that fights a lot, a Brittle Legendary piece can last like a month if not two before its durability gets too low.
Now, over the course of that time, how many more Brittle Legendary pieces to replace that Brittle Legendary Chest piece a player can get, even if they will need to have their properties be matching what wanted ?
But I can understand this argument.... it can make a suit be more "stable" and less flexible to loosing pieces here and there that would therefore need to bereplaced because their durability got too low from repairing them over and over...
go ahead, i'll wait
The HP and Str are important parts when trying to make a max strength and high HP suit. And it also has dex and stamina. Also bone is a bonus.
It is a melee warrior item. You dont have one so you do not understand.
You could build a suit around that chest.
She does wear bone arms but you can't see those is a very nice piece and I hope they add more pieces to future Treasures Of Events. What she wears currently is decent.
Maharia doesn't care...she's still a bit loopy from blowing herself up with blackrock and hearing voices....she's gone off her rocker so she'd wear anything...but she's a tamer so no need for this piece.
Larisa? While it does almost match her color scheme, she would be appalled to wear such a horrible piece of armor. She's already up in arms about the bulky epaulettes, she swears they make her look like a man...such a diva!
if we didnt have the new bone armor, a studded / bone piece with 3 imbue menues (stam/mana/health) i could see going for upwards of 1 platinum.
its a very good answer to pre-patch legendaries no longer spawning. the 400-500m pricetag seems about right considering the rarity of the stat combo.
if to had a Sampires you wold understand
but, oh wait, you refuse to make one
thats why you don't understand how good the piece is
This is going to be a top-end chest piece for anyone running bone/studded to get the 55 LMC bonus. Yeah sure, maybe there are some no-name legendaries out there that will have more mods or higher intensity mods, but you're going to spend alot of gold on those. This new item is currently available to everyone to farm turn-in's. For that reason, it's worth going after if you want to have high end characters in the future, and so that you don't have to mortgage your UO life to get them after the event ends and they're no longer freely obtainable.
I almost built a suit around it to show how awesome it is. But that will have to wait.
@popps you should seriously consider making a warrior yourself to understand what it needs.
Also try not to tell others what they don't need when you don't use such template.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Thank you for that clarification, I had no idea that the combination of +HPI/+Stam/+LMC is impossible to find on "modern" looted Legendary Artifacts....
By the way, is there a "read" somewhere (Link ?) where one can learn all of the Properties combinations that are not allowed by the Loot Table code to be generated ?
You say that the combination of those properties here discussed, is not possible because you never found such a piece, or because it is actually said in some Developers' Post ?
The reason that I am asking, is that such a combination might still be possible from the Loot Generation Table only, it has low odds ?
Otherwise, if you know it because some Developer discussed officially about it, then, of course, it is an entirely other story and it simply is NOT in the code as a possible combination of properties...
Just trying to understand and learn so, please, bear with me.
@Mariah @Rorschach Please lock this thread as the question asked was answered.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Well, after some thoughts, you are right that this is overpriced at 150 points. My reason is based on comparison to the Epaulette, which is 100 points.
Between the two, the Epaulette has much greater impact for both melee and archer. It changes a major artifact in my template because of +10 ssi is harder to come by and it is on the robe slot.
The Balron chest doesn't affect as much.
Less excited about it than the Epaulette and at 150 points it's overpriced. I can just stick with my imbued armor until it's worn out before I use the Balron, lol
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
It wont dye with Tokuno Haochis or reward dyes. But Plant dyes work.