Ship's Hold Large Container Gump CC?
At the risk of asking something that's been asked and answered a million times already. I'm sorry, but is there any reason why the ship's hold can't be made to show as a large container in CC? Has this been discussed and we're told it's too difficult to code perhaps?
Because a large container gump on ship's hold would go a long ways to solving the mess of trying to stay organized with a lot of high weight items that you can't put in sub-containers. It's such a simple solution I can't imagine it not being discussed and already applied unless there's some impediment to making it happen.
I need this for my ship...

Not this...

Thanks in advance for any info offered.

Because a large container gump on ship's hold would go a long ways to solving the mess of trying to stay organized with a lot of high weight items that you can't put in sub-containers. It's such a simple solution I can't imagine it not being discussed and already applied unless there's some impediment to making it happen.
I need this for my ship...

Not this...

Thanks in advance for any info offered.
I wish the gold chests from fishing were large Gump.
* Figure out how to code large container gump into commodity deed box / ship's hold for CC.
* This doesn't address the problem on a ship but who wouldn't want to have new and improved commodity deed boxes to lock down in a house? Call it a Packing Crate or some such. Create a new piece of artwork we can buy in the store. Or offer it as an anniversary gift. Or let us claim it as a vet gift. Or give it to us as a prize for an in-game quest.
*Create a new large container gump item that's specifically to be placed in a ship's hold.
- A sub-container, if you will, that offers the commodity deed box function of ignoring container weight limit. I'm trying to think if there's anything about an item like this that could be exploitive. Nothing springs to mind.
- Or let us lock it down on the deck. We can already lock a couple items down on the decks of those Britannia monstrosities. No? Let us lock some kind of shipping crate down on all large ship decks.
Not that I don't appreciate the new Hunter's Challenge item that'll reduce the weight of the fish when you want to offload. I do. And I'm excited to go after that prize. But the difficulty in organizing is in my mind what makes being out on the high seas a clumsy unnecessarily time consuming pita system.
Yeah, Yoshi, the randomness is kinda funny. I agree, Tyrath, it would be nice to get some feedback. :-)
First off they are not OUR Employees anymore than I was my customers employee or my employees were the customers employees. A business produces a product or service and usually welcomes customer suggestions to improve, evolve or expand the product. Just because a customer suggest something does not mean it will happen for whatever reason. When I had to deal with arrogant customers that went totally offensive with the YOU ARE MY EMPLOYEE comments....... I would just say great, Your Employee just quit now GTFO out of my house.
You're basically required to have fish and other items outside bags directly in the ships hold because of the weight limit of bags, but with the Fish Monger crates being unmovable you have to move everything else around them to access them. A large container gump would help tremendously with this! There's so little room in the ships hold to actually see anything, it's annoying -.- Even if you change something where the Fish Monger crates can be moved around inside the hold it still doesn't really change anything, because everything will still have to be in piles and you'll still have to keep moving things around just to get to the item at the bottom of the pile. Making a large container gump is the best solution all around. At least then you'd only have to move one or two piles to see a fish monger crate, not a whole mess of piles like now.
Have the hold work like a secured container does in your house. Secured containers don't have weight limits on sub-containers inside them.
In a hot minute the crate, that would help greatly to stay organized, is at the weight limit. Can't put another thing in it. I could juggle a bunch of commodity deeds. But that's not fun. Isn't fun to look at. And doesn't let you see what you've collected without shuffling through deeds. Booo!
that looks like the "Better Late than Never" flag
comes in deed form & is placeable at front or back of ship
clicking brings up a list of facets
or clicking places a pillar in the water
(if pillar, you say the facet you want to go to)
I love to do the pirates in Tokunese waters
but if needing to do the Zipy prep, need to move ship to Jhelom in Trammel waters
would love a quicker way to do that
I would love if they made the cargo hold much bigger
I also wish that we could use the bushels in the bank, without having a weight limit
would be easier at a glance, to see what container they are in