The blue dots are like a teleporter barrier - if you step on them, you will be teleported back to the stone altar at the beginning of the hallway. If you go around them, or simply teleport over them, you will reach the end in no time.
"people in fel normally drag an object from their backpack to prevent teleportation"
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I heard if you eat something before going in the room, you won't get teleported.
Or just run through it so many times that the pattern is so burned in your passive memory that you don't even think about it anymore. Enter go forward, go right, forward, go left forward to the corner , go right forward to the next corner go left and done . One of my favorite mining dungeons and if you want a large supply of Chaga Mushrooms it beats picking them up in termur/abyss entrance . And occasionally you can catch a Bot on the bridge picking them and taking theirs really speeds the collection process up
I don't know what your picture is showing.
I was hoping Popps would write a novel about it. He probably still will.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Or just run through it so many times that the pattern is so burned in your passive memory that you don't even think about it anymore. Enter go forward, go right, forward, go left forward to the corner , go right forward to the next corner go left and done . One of my favorite mining dungeons and if you want a large supply of Chaga Mushrooms it beats picking them up in termur/abyss entrance . And occasionally you can catch a Bot on the bridge picking them and taking theirs really speeds the collection process up