Veterinary, why not make it again a skill to have ?
With Templates craving for skill points, and the more the better, considering all of the downsides of vetting a pet close by, like, with MoBs using AoEs a go-go, retargeting on the Tamer all the time, landing blows on the Tamer that kill them in 1 or 2 hits or close to that etc. etc. it is no surprise that Veterinary, other then to resurrect a pet, is not much used for healing the pet....
Most Tamers, be it to use those 120 skill points in some other skill which they can put to better use, or being it because they find it way safer to use Greater Heal from a distance, prefer not to use Veterinary.
Why don't the Developers do something to the skill so as to make it more viable ?
Like, offer to Tamers vetting their pet a better chance not to be targeted by MoBs close by ?
I mean, after all, it is 120 skills points.... they should give something back.... yet, with Monsters using AoEs and retargeting all the time, and usually being able to kill a Tamer in just a few hits (most Tamers are spellcasters for ranged approach to Monsters, therefore, close range Defence Chance Increase can be a bonus, but other properties are seen as better priorities, usually...also, usually holding spellbooks is preferred to holding Mage Weapons for better defense).
Anyways, I think it would be nice to see Tamers get back to heal their pets through Veterinary, rather then being forced to used ranged Greater Heals....
Most Tamers, be it to use those 120 skill points in some other skill which they can put to better use, or being it because they find it way safer to use Greater Heal from a distance, prefer not to use Veterinary.
Why don't the Developers do something to the skill so as to make it more viable ?
Like, offer to Tamers vetting their pet a better chance not to be targeted by MoBs close by ?
I mean, after all, it is 120 skills points.... they should give something back.... yet, with Monsters using AoEs and retargeting all the time, and usually being able to kill a Tamer in just a few hits (most Tamers are spellcasters for ranged approach to Monsters, therefore, close range Defence Chance Increase can be a bonus, but other properties are seen as better priorities, usually...also, usually holding spellbooks is preferred to holding Mage Weapons for better defense).
Anyways, I think it would be nice to see Tamers get back to heal their pets through Veterinary, rather then being forced to used ranged Greater Heals....
I mean, most MoBs you simply cannot get close to vet the pet....
Be it because AoEs that the MoBs pull off, be it because they pretty much retarget the Tamer thus forcing him/her to leave (hiding often does not work as they stay aggroed on the Tamer and as soon as the Tamer resumes vetting, they pound their heavy blows onto the Tamer's head...), or be it because higher end MoBs are too hard hitter who can kill a Tamer in just a few blows, using Veterinary to heal a pet, usually means for the Tamer ending up dead....
And when the Tamer dies, the pet usually dies too....
Popps should not post about any Template unless he has that template.
I have yet to see him have a Built pet with max skills. Pet Revamp is 4 years old. He could have hundreds of pets and know how to play a tamer
One use case for vet is a rare usage of pet rez. For this, you can get away with about 40 vet skill, and use jewels/items to bring your vet up to 80 for the rez.
There may be rare cases where having high vet in use throughout a fight is good. Vetting a pet on cora comes to mind, or other pet traning. But these cases seem rare.
Personally, I don't think vet is good to invest 120 points in. You can invest the points in something else that allows the tamer to deal more damage themselves, which is a case of good offense improving your defense (survivability of tamer and pet)...
Pure mages are usually better off holding a mage weapon item than a spellbook, in defense/run stance. take the balakai staff as an example.
Additionally, "bonus" stabling slots are added for each of the three taming skills that reach 100.0, 110.0, and 120.0. These "bonus slots" are cumulative.
For example, a person that has all three skills at 80.0 would have 5 stable slots. A person that had 100.0 Animal Lore and Animal Taming and Veterinary at 70.0 would have a total of six stable slots (five for having 240.0+ skill and one bonus slot for having Animal Lore at 100.00)
Beyond that, 2 additional stabling slots are granted characters on an account upgraded with the Stygian Abyss Expansion.
The maximum amount of stable slots any one character can have is 21:
Five slots for having 240.0+ taming skills, nine bonus slots for the three taming skills at levels 100.0, 110.0, and 120.0 plus 2 bonus slots for being SA upgraded.
plus 2 additional slots are available through Time of Legends.
plus 1 additonal slot per tier using Taming mastery.
Stable slots are based on current skill level including jewelry. A character with 99.0 skill in one of the three skills can get an additional bonus slot by wearing a piece of +1.0 skill jewelry in that skill. When the jewelery is removed, the creature will remain in the stable.
You can check your number of filled/total stabling slots by the command "stablecount".
Buying the Stable Slot Increase from the Shop will bring you more slots - 1 Token give 3 more. You can buy up to 7 - so that you can get another 21. So with all this you have a whole number of 42 stable slots on a fully trained Tamer Char!
So don't throw Vet away
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
Truth is, that, as it is, Veterinary is a waste of skill points....
The only way that Veterinary would once again be a skill appealing to want to have, even at 120, on a Template, was if the Developers were to make MoBs NOT retarget on a Tamer who is vetting their pet. It is OK to handle AOEs, depending on how damaging they are, usually a Tamer can through a self heal here or there to handle AOEs, but the real issue if MoBs retargeting on the Tamer at close distance, especially since, often, the Tamer is on foot when using a 5 slots pet and, thus, incapable of running away fat enough.
Not to mention, in those instances where the Tamer is vetting a Pet fighting multiple higher end MoBs at once... if more then one Creature retargets on the Tamer that is vetting, the Tamer is dead before they can even realize it...
If the Developers want tamers to invest 120 skill points on a Template to actually actively vet a pet, then, while vetting the ability of Monsters to retarget on the Tamer has to be toned down a WHOLE LOT, me thinks.