Major reforging - Durability bug ?

GarretGarret Posts: 200
When u pick both options to reforge, no matter what base durability item have it will be always 135/135 ,after reforging even if you POF it to 255/255 base will be scaled down to 135/135, is it supposed to work like that ? Every note in help chart say it increase and not decrease durability.
And one more time, it is no matter what base dura u have 23 or 37 or 50 u will get 135/135 after reforging. @Kyronix @Bleak



  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    "I think it is working as intended, or else you could reforge brittle pieces of exceptional quality that have 255 durability, not being able to use PoF on an item is compromise of making the item have more magical power but be brittle, bearing in mind that most reforged pieces will then go on to be imbued anyway so will not be PoFable post imbue. What you're trying to do is to have your cake and eat it. "
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Ther is no info about that ur item can't go farther then 135 dura.
    I used all options with 1 open suf/pref to get item i want with one locked name.
    I upgrade base item with POF to 255/255 durability and still get 135/135 dura, and i know, i can't repair it and POF after coz brittle, but still ther is 0 info the dura will be decresed or not scaled with base durability.
    It is just increase - increase - increase, for example each step have 50% durability buff, every base have different base durability 23 or 40 or 50 so result shuld be different each time - but it not.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    "when you're reforging, you're creating a new piece of armor, i don't think it's necessary for this to be stipulated in the help menu.

    Dictionary definition of reforge:
    forge or create again or differently"

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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Well,do u know u can reforg POFed item ? This item is plain with POF applied, but after reforging durability is scaled down.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "that would be the predicted behaviour"
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Yoshi said:
    "that would be the predicted behaviour"
    Well u just answering for sake of answer, i need more dedicated answer from devs plz.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    POFed plain item to 255 -> reforged just with 1 name -> durability on item is not changed - 255/255.
    If u use increase durability mods it instead decrease, if it higher then 135..
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Garret said:
    POFed plain item to 255 -> reforged just with 1 name -> durability on item is not changed - 255/255.
    If u use increase durability mods it instead decrease, if it higher then 135..
    Make Item
    Reforge Item
    PoF Item
    Imbue Item
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    Garret said:
    POFed plain item to 255 -> reforged just with 1 name -> durability on item is not changed - 255/255.
    If u use increase durability mods it instead decrease, if it higher then 135..
    Make Item
    Reforge Item
    PoF Item
    Imbue Item
    im no need for reforge lesson... plz... i report bug ... durability even on basic item after adding FORTIFIED mod make ur base item lose durability NOT GAIN.

  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    P.S. Idea was POF before reforge bcz i wish to play with high runnics and max mods, which make item brittle and u can't POF after, but every mod that shuld increase dura is decreasing it.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "like i said, you're trying to have your cake and eat it, not sure how that translates into other languages"
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Yoshi said:
    "like i said, you're trying to have your cake and eat it, not sure how that translates into other languages"
    If u mean, kinda, that i see what i want to see, or bealive that is my side is right, then u wrong. I put that example but will do it again for u one more time - u craft shield with 100 dura (that is base dura for shield - example) - then u add fortified mod that tell u " causes item to have higher durability" but after u reforge u lose half durability, what the kind of cake is it ? i call that "сake" - bug.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "that does not happen, in your original post, you modified the crafted item by using PoF to boost the durability"
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    Yoshi said:
    "that does not happen, in your original post, you modified the crafted item by using PoF to boost the durability"
    u kinda troll... in both versions durability will drop if u use fortified reforging, if u reforge WITHOUT fortified mods it will stay even 255. But fortified mods created to increase dura not decrease right?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Basic Reforging 101 that any skilled craftperson understands.  Sorry UO is not going to cater to you and what you think should happen.  This is the way reforging has always been.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    what way ? it said INCREASE DURABILITY but it decrease, and here we have bug section in forum shuld we just remove it and call all bugs the new thing in game lol ?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    “It’s an increase (from the base durability)
    the phrase having your cake and eating it means you’re trying to have the positives of 2 choices without the negatives of choosing one over the other”
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Yoshi said:
    “It’s an increase (from the base durability)
    the phrase having your cake and eating it means you’re trying to have the positives of 2 choices without the negatives of choosing one over the other”
    i will tell u example 1 more time, that is real stats i got shield (BASE - JUST CRAFTED) with 62 dura or 111 and after u use FORTIFIED mode u lose durability. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Garret said:
    what way ? it said INCREASE DURABILITY but it decrease, and here we have bug section in forum shuld we just remove it and call all bugs the new thing in game lol ?
    MAX durability is 255/255 why would you try to increase the durability and we are sorry that all other crafters that use reforging know that you reforge before PoF so you do not use PoF on a piece you are going to throw away.  You are either new to crafting/reforging or just like one other person on here you think UO should work the way you want it to and not the way it does work.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    Guys u boring u won't listen... i don't care how u craft, i have options that says if i use them they will increase durability lol and they are not.... why u trying to discuss obvius bug .... ill w8 devs answer
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    We are listening.  You use increase durability on items before you use PoF and it will increase Durability to 135/135 and after you have used reforge on the item you decide whether you want to keep it or not, if you keep it then you use PoF on it to take it to 255/255 and then you imbue it.  If you reforge Increase Durability on something that is greater than 135/135 it will drop it to 135/135 and then you will need to PoF it back to 255/255 if the item is PoFable.  Sorry you had to find this out the hard way.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    3 different situation : 1.) Craft base - reforge with fortified mod ( that should increase dura) - u lose dura. 2.) Craft base - pof it to max - reforge with fortifed mods - u lose dura 3.) Craft base - pof it to max - do not use fortified mod  - dura no changing. Do not tell me that i doing it wrong way. I have my own reasons to do it like this. So reforge do not revert dura items by himself, but mods that should increase dura - decrease it. Im not asking to go farther 255, im asking to go farther then 135 when u make max mod reforging lol, u got brittle, can not repair and additional u lose dura.... One more time! Not asking higher then 255, in any situation, with any base dura, using 3 MODS that increase dura u can't go farther then 135, i think that is totally wrong for investment u put and that looks like bug.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    1) You’re somehow crafting pieces with more than 135 durability base without PoF?”
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Yoshi said:
    1) You’re somehow crafting pieces with more than 135 durability base without PoF?”
    well that is no matter, but no, i didn't saw higher then 120, after u reforge such item with fortified reforging mod u lose durability (i got example with 111 dura on shield after reforge it become 45).
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    "okay i understand, let me take a look into this, but this is a potential issue with the wording in the help on fortified reforging (it perhaps should state has a higher chance), i see no issue with the behaviour of structural reforging"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "you cannot choose fortified re-forging without structural re-forging...."
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    Yoshi said:
    "you cannot choose fortified re-forging without structural re-forging...."
    dude if u not troll.... i dunno let me show with my incredible paint skills.
  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    in what world droping dura more then half might be called "to have higher durability" ???..... any of selected mods not say u will lose durability.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    "okay, if you did not choose fortified, it would result in 35 durability, 45 is higher than 35.

    If you're RE-FORGING and creating a brittle item, the previous durability is not taken into account, because the resulting item is brittle, that is one of the compromises of having a more powerful item"
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  • GarretGarret Posts: 200
    edited August 2021
    Ther is 0 info that brittle reduce ur durability or make it some kind less, also we have this "Brittle is an item property found on some items. Items with this property cannot be fortified and so can never have their durability increased." Lets follow this logic and remove any durability increase from reforging mods bcz brittle items can't be fortified.

    P.S. can't be fortified FARTHER absolutly shuldn't mean "reduce to lowest mark" - LOL
    P.P.S  brittle is about not going farther but not mean "go back".
    P.P.S - Wonna see all this legendary items with brittle mod and dropped durability for base amount.

    Result - Brittle on crafted items is broken.
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