@Kyronix - Just wondering if this will be brought back for this wildfire event since I haven't seen it in the store yet (and haven't heard one way or the other about it).
@ kyronix we need more spawn on LS. There is nothing to kill. Thanks
Later this season after the dungeon ends will not help...
Every time you make a post like this I go and invariably find a cluster of mobs hanging out in some corner of the dungeon. You need to move around the dungeon to find the creatures. You won't be able to just camp one area and have all the monsters come to you. You've got fancy mounts anyhow, ride!
I am riding all over. The Balrons and Fire demons came on so that keeps us busy. There were none when I posted. I dont waste time on the little dog and mage spawns.
Keep those on and we will be busy. Thanks for checking. Let us try max until we complain!
@Kyronix This is the last day I can play till after July 5th. Put us on Max today please. Our killing crew is on and we will help the NOOBs. Test your systems. We have lichs and succubus. Add in the Fire Daemons and crank it up. Thanks Going to lunch right now.
I dont care about drops, I just like to kill stuff! Make us suffer!
@Kyronix@Bleak@Mesanna and the rest of the Dev Team, thank you for all the hard work you are putting into New Legacy. I among many others wish Ultima Online a glorious and successful future. Several people I know want to buy this potion yesterday. Might I recommend finding some overtime to earn more money for the game and hot patch this potion asap. I further recommend the potion be given a blanket title that will work for any ToT style event to prevent any further loss of income for the game. Call it Mesanna's Treasure Elixir, and the description can clarify it is only for these ToT style events. Thank you and good luck on your live broadcast tomorrow.
Later this season after the dungeon ends will not help...
Keep those on and we will be busy. Thanks for checking. Let us try max until we complain!
I dont care about drops, I just like to kill stuff! Make us suffer!