Some specific things that would have made this Kyoto quest more enjoyable for me

  1. For the mob kills, make it less overall kills, but increase the number of difficult monsters that need to be killed. Making us farm so many low level mobs feels disrespectful of my time and makes me feel like the developers don't put any thought into how a quest is designed.I'd rather kill 10 yamadon than 40 kappa. 40 kappa is just boring, no-risk time-killing BS where you search for things to spawn. Killing the yamadon is more fun and can be rewarding on its own. The playerbase is 20+ years old, we can deal with stuff more powerful than kappas. People who can't solo them can experience the magic of an MMO and kill them with nearby players that are also  
  2. Having an uninteresting item display a  fancy picture when you double click it is only marginally better than an uninteresting item reward that does nothing. I mean its better than nothing, but the novelty lasts exactly 10 seconds. It doesn't make me excited to do such a grindy, boring, sit-around-and-wait-for-low-level-mobs-to-double-click quest more than once. The lack of useful rewards coupled with the extremely boring and time consuming quest objectives makes me doubt I'll ever do it again. If a quest is basically just me trading away time for a chance at 1 rare item, I'll just go do spawns and buy that item instead.
  3. Have a system in place to give value to the decoration items that we will eventually end up having no need for. Even if it's just cleanup points (which should be standard for all farmable event rewards going forward) Seriously, even if it's just cleanup points. Please take the time to make it somewhat rewarding to do the quest even if I'm receiving my 20th bonsai tree. I feel like this is an especially easy thing to implement that would help quest fatigue greatly.
  4. I want quests to be interesting and somewhat challenging, not a direct trade of x # mins of my life for a chance at some reward. I'm ok with making quests newb friendly, but do that using something like a point system for enemies or a bonus to people who do it in a party. You can still cater to weaker players by allowing them to kill 40 kappas or whatever, but give more powerful players a chance to fight more powerful enemies for faster quest completion.
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather quests have less fancy settings and special double click deco items with pictures and more unique monsters and useful items. Treasures events are cool, but I'd rather less deco items and more time spent changing up the paragons to have different abilities or whatnot or creating a few unique mobs (like the EM's do) that spawn for that event and drop something useful.  Cool consumable items, like things that would effect crafting (say an item that lets you remove a random affix from a weapon or armor piece), would be much better to me than a map that has a paragraph of lore when I double click it and a picture of some generic monster.,

Ok that's a lot haha. Just wanted to give some feedback on changes that I would personally find to make the quests better. I'm curious what other people's opinions of these are.


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    Pretty much agree.  Last Tokuno quest allowed players to farm different areas.  I endlessly farmed the undead area and got what I wanted.  Would have been nice if this quest spawned a few more useful rewards. And, it’s getting a little old doing the same quest over and over again especially the no skill required kappas and beetle part.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited April 2021
    Treasures of Tokuno, the best item is the Leurocian Mempo and the drop rate was atrocious. I only got one for entire event after grinding for weeks. 

    Yeah, there are more usable rewards like dyes etc. But the chances of getting that one specific item is far worse than 1/8 because there are too many possibilities.

    If you put the earring as a minor arty drop in TOT, i am going to cry.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    You have to work for it just like you did for kasa that increased you spell damage and the tome with 15% magery.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    Arnold7 said:
    You have to work for it just like you did for kasa that increased you spell damage and the tome with 15% magery.

    I think I got the losing "streak" for the Mempo, as what @Aragorn mentioned. I didn't dispute that possibility. Or maybe the Dev or GM blacklisted my account... :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    Did this event a lot and only got one playing almost every day for several hours.  But got enough artifacts to get one of everything offered and a few kasa’s and tomes.  Maybe, not as much as other players but enough for me.  Agree drop rate on the memo was quite low.  To. Be honest did not think I would get one.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    edited April 2021
    hmmm strange, I only got one luck mempo too, and about 400 of the dyes so surely I invested the time. I spent days there still got just 1.

    anyway, lets talk about the Kyoto quest.
    I dont know who decided that adding deco as 7 rewards was a good idea, ontop of this
    *Some is shard bound
    *They have 0 cleanup points
    *It dont sell
    *Some are just ewwww.. I mean dissected small animal corpse, dissection kit, its like getting your grandmas old night dress, even if you get it for free you surely dont want it.  Thats how I feel over some of the rewards.

    As for the Deco part, at some point it turns from deco to madness, Im not sure how to use this deco for the purposo of nice decorative deco in my house, its kinda alot of it. I still do the quest but have to put it in a bag because its no room for it and it blocks movement.

    I could sell it to another player, but its not wanted.
    I could xfer to another shard to my other house but no its shard bound
    I could put it in a cleanup bin, wow 10k points? nope 0.
    I could collect all 8 and collect a set, wait I have probably 20 sets by now, or 30.

    And the only reason I keep doing this quest is because of the one reward, the Yukio earings.

    Devs please consider this when adding new quests, I believe the new shard will be full of quests, but theres alot of lessons to learn here. Its alot of clicking to kill all in quest and for the purpose of one reward is meowwww......

    I should add that I was stuck a few times doing the quest,
    I did 22 rounds to get the next earings.
    The other time It got stuck I had to do 13 rounds to get one earing.
    grinding through that takes alot of dedication, its not for all, Im hardcore.

    You guys should add a Yukio trade minister, trade any reward from the quest for 1x earings, ration 10:1 Id do it in an instant. Add more choise to different type of earings to the Yukio trade minister, one for warrior, mage, necro, myst, crafter etc.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    Yomotsu warriors and elders. They reflect some of the damage from magic attacks.  The only time I died doing the quest was from the reflected damage. So now I just cast EV, go invisible, and wait for the EVs to kill them. Boring as heck.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    Works for me to.  You can finish them with an energy bolt when they are near the end.  Also, if you are 10 units away fire off an energy bolt and immediately retreat they won’t know you hit them.  Just don’t run into another one. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited April 2021
    I like the idea to allow exchange of decors for earrings.

    But assuming 1 decor equals one minor arty in TO Deceit event, we will need 100 decor for 1 earring.

    I happen to have done 100 quests so far, killed 100x181 (18,100) monsters. I also won 10 earrings. Actual drop rate based on this data is 1/10, slightly worse than 1/8.

    Based on the above, the results for current quest is actually better than points for exchange. It's not apple for apple comparison but hey, TO Deceit has paragons all over the place which is tough to all character type.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    edited April 2021
    1. For the mob kills, make it less overall kills, but increase the number of difficult monsters that need to be killed. Making us farm so many low level mobs feels disrespectful of my time and makes me feel like the developers don't put any thought into how a quest is designed.I'd rather kill 10 yamadon than 40 kappa. 40 kappa is just boring, no-risk time-killing BS where you search for things to spawn. Killing the yamadon is more fun and can be rewarding on its own. The playerbase is 20+ years old, we can deal with stuff more powerful than kappas. People who can't solo them can experience the magic of an MMO and kill them with nearby players that are also  
    I'd normally agree, but if we take into account that you have to do God knows how many quests before getting the earrings, I am not sure it's such a good idea. Thanks to the Grind-equals-content philosophy, no matter what they do with the quest, people will be sick of it rather quickly. At least with the current iteration, I can let my brain slip into a vegetative state instead of thinking how I'd rather kill myself than see another kappa. If you make me actually pay attention, this questline will turn from being annoying and uncomfortable to outright painful.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    Sliss said:
    1. For the mob kills, make it less overall kills, but increase the number of difficult monsters that need to be killed. Making us farm so many low level mobs feels disrespectful of my time and makes me feel like the developers don't put any thought into how a quest is designed.I'd rather kill 10 yamadon than 40 kappa. 40 kappa is just boring, no-risk time-killing BS where you search for things to spawn. Killing the yamadon is more fun and can be rewarding on its own. The playerbase is 20+ years old, we can deal with stuff more powerful than kappas. People who can't solo them can experience the magic of an MMO and kill them with nearby players that are also  
    I'd normally agree, but if we take into account that you have to do God knows how many quests before getting the earrings, I am not sure it's such a good idea. Thanks to the Grind-equals-content philosophy, no matter what they do with the quest, people will be sick of it rather quickly. At least with the current iteration, I can let my brain slip into a vegetative state instead of thinking how I'd rather kill myself than see another kappa. If you make me actually pay attention, this questline will turn from being annoying and uncomfortable to outright painful.
    We should be getting the tougher champ and paragons in the next 2 events. 

    Yukio's quest is becoming sleepy, and excitement comes when we see a pair of earrings pop in the bag.

    The champ and paragons will become tedious, and the excitement comes when we get killed... lol... 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    edited April 2021
    I DID IT,  15 Yukio quests in one day.

    Devs, this is completely and utterly BS.  I just did 15 quests and not a single Yukios earing. How much time do you guys think I spendt on this?  I tell you over 10 hours. I challenge any dev team member to do this quest 15 times in one day and tell me the result.

    On my shard people are dropping the rewards on ground after completion, its that bad.
    If this were old content, I understand not all content is worth doing, but this is new content.

    Im not saying give away the Yukio earings for free to anyone, but the other rewards has to be reasonable, the Yukio earings cant be the only reason for doing this quest.

    The way I understand it the new Legacy shard will have alot of quests, I tell you if those quests are build like this one its a complete failure.  so much time, so litle reward.

    Not impressed, its not a rant, its a heads up that you cant add quests like this in the future its just not good enough. Just for the record ive gotten multiple Yukio earings in the past, well ofcourse since ive done 200quests or something.

    Im Hardcore.

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