Day 1 of my Return! Dun dun dun. A semi-comedic journal.



  • Pameleigha has a public repair bench at the house right next to the Trammel Yew Moon Gate.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 8 Today was a sad day for me.  It began very well and I had aspirations of getting the remainder of my skills over 80 while gathering some seeds for my favorite mechanic in this game.  Plants.  Things were going very smoothly and I even swapped to a bokuto because Lumberjacking was shooting way up.  I wanted the bokuto to try to get some tactics gains and catch that skill up.  Healing has fallen behind, which I originally expected.  It's just the nature of the skill with the fewer skill checks in my opinion.  Anatomy has shot up to 90.

    Eight Ball helped me out with some poppies dust to ID the seeds.  I was really after some campions and ferns of the 4 colors the boglings dropped.  I even got a blue Tribarrel seed, which I was super hyped about since they're bugged.  Thank you Eight Ball.

    Growing bored, I decided to go for some Efreets in Ilsh.  On the way to the efreets I found a Paragon Earth Elemental and a Paragon Imp.  A Lich wandered close and I, much to my surprise, quickly killed that as well with no trouble.

    The Efreet spawn I enjoy had a paragon.  I could not defeat this one.  I even tried chugging strength and dexterity potions.  It's health dropped, but not a lot and the time was passing a lot.  The paragon was unable to kill me, but I did not foresee me killing it anytime soon.  I'd probably still be fighting it and bandages were dropping quick. 

    I decided to go to an old favorite to play since I could kill liches and I could kill earth elementals.  I decided to go to Blackthorn's Dungeon.  In the past, this was one of my favorite places.  It is up there with memories similar to Despise and Fire Isle.  I spent a lot of time killing gold elementals, liches, evil mages, balrons, and it was even my favorite place for taming greater dragons because of the nearby hitching post.

    The dungeon is EMPTY.  I'm not usually prone to emotional outbursts, but this really brought a tear to my eye.  So much enjoyment and this place is just empty? How are people getting Blackthorn artifacts? This was a great dungeon.  I just had to log off.  That was too much.  I'll try to figure out a new adventuring spot tonight, but I'm very disappointed.  How can ya'll just empty out a whole dungeon with so much good content?


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Scarlett: if paid means getting death robes i get paid a lot

    Biggest Bug Encountered: An empty dungeon and a broken heart.

    Today's Question: Where would you all recommend adventuring at around 80 skill? Full 70s suit.  My template is listed in a previous post.

    Today’s Recommendation: Make Blackthorn's Dungeon monstrous again.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Going toe to toe with a paragon efreet.

    Favorite Player Seen: My hero Eight Ball.

    What I Watched While Playing: Big Brother Season 6

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    The captain's are there. Call out in chat and maybe a group will help you. You get 1 to 3 drops per captain when with a group.  Much better than the spawn. 
    1 city  will get you 40 to 50 artifacts if they don't kill the lighthouse until all captains are dead.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I just tried one of those invasions.  I couldn't get many to pull solo, but managed to kill a chaos demon.  I had a bone demon low but apparently I drug it too far away because it popped back.  When I went to go pull another one they just seem to pull as a group.

    I'm not quite ready for those, yet.  I'll poke around the players in chat to see if anyone wants to do some if I see some activity in the future.

    I went to Tokuno to adventure and tried the evil mages, but I'm terrified of the Rune Beetles Deadly poison around there.  The evil mages weren't hard at all though.  I was headed for Fan Dancer Dojo. I'm sure I could do well in there, but I probably need a demon slayer.  I'll try to hunt one up first.  There wasn't one on Vendor Search.

    On the way back I killed a Tsuki Wolf which was pretty good because they had a larger HP pool so not too bad for training.  I got a lot of healing in too for those gains.  
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited February 2021
    Day 9  I'm taking a break today.  I may log in occasionally to see if something catches my attention or someone is doing something, but other than that I'm just going to relax.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 10, I began the day fighting Liches north of the Hag and that went well.  I may end up there again tomorrow.  After saying g'luck to the Pax Lair group going White Net tossing I went for Daemons in the Hedge Maze.  It was pretty safe for me there, but the Imps are sooooooo annoying and well, impish.  

       I went back to Ilsh to try my Efreet spawn and was doing alright, but then another Paragon spawned.  I'm not sure what it is about them, but they are so beefy.  I got a lot of gains off it and that's great, but I just cannot kill them fast enough.  Their physical resist must go through the roof as paragons.  I'm really missing Chivalry for the hitting best damage type.

      I managed to get over 80 in all skills.  If you see me wandering around and need a resurrection, just call me wandering healer Feigr.  I'll resurrect you.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Bean: my mom always said i was a whiner

    Bean: winnerr !!!!!

    Biggest Bug Encountered: None, good job.

    Today's Question: Below.

    Would like more answers for these... Where would you all recommend adventuring at around 80 skill? Full 70s suit.  My template is listed in a previous post.

    What are some EC macros you all think are useful?

    Today’s Recommendation: A stat stone that works like Mythic Token's stat function.  Useable once a day.  Stats are easy to manipulate and it would just save time.  Maybe a good store item.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Seeing everyone gathered to go adventuring for White Net toss.

    Favorite Player Seen: Zoogi, goblins are awesome.

    What I Watched While Playing: Big Brother Season 7, All Stars.  

    Today’s Funny Picture:

    Wut.jpg 45.8K
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,381Moderator
    For macros the wiki has the main page
    and a few further examples here

    I would be happy to add more examples if players would send them to me

    For Efreets without paragons, try their original spawning area, the furthest end of Delucia Passage, behind Undead City in Lost Lands.
    You have already discovered Tsuki wolves, I find them really good for training.

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 11 I went back to Liches today and saw a pre-AOS returning player in the chat.  Welcome back Nix!!! I even got a shoutout. I'm internet famous now...

    Those liches almost killed me today.  I was about to pull out what little bit of hair they had left for it.  They just have a great spawn that's tough to get 1v1 fights consistently.  The resist spells is really coming in handy to shake off the poison they do.  The gains are great there too.  Still no death robes for me.  *Knocking on every tree in the woods.*

    Liches still have a laugh that is creepy.  That is 10/10 evil laugh in video games for sure.  

    I'm getting some better magic items so I dropped a vendor at my house.  I don't really expect to sell a lot, but I am disheartened to search Vendor Search and not see items I thought would be common.  I'll probably put up some slayers for non-axes/swords and other loot that I think looks "clean" or good for training.  The shop is off to a great start currently.  The fee is near zero because there's zero items on it.  

    I've reached Seeker of Honor.  I had stopped getting gains on Earth Elementals, but Liches are working.  It's the only virtue I've started working though.

    I'll probably play some more tonight.  Things are getting lonely in game so if any guilds are recruiting let me know.  Maybe Nix will stick around and we can group up a lot.

    Thank you very much Marge for the articles.  There isn't a lot there in the macro section though and I'd love to hear more from people.  


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Nix: A mud elemental taught me that.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: Small one, very small.  Running left from this position just a single spot consistently rubber bands me.  This is just outside of New Haven on the way to the Moongate.  I seem to naturally hit this same dang spot EVERY TIME.  I wouldn't bother with it, but it's my mountain to make out of a mole hill. LOL

    90.31'S 151.14'E

    3474, 2654, 8

    Today's Question: What are the common UO Discords? A general one and a specific Chesapeake one?

    Would like more answers for this one..

    What are some EC macros you all think are useful?

    Today’s Recommendation: Give Resist Spells the same level of poison resist as orange petals at GM, if not better.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Chatting with Nix about the old dungeons and changes.

    Favorite Player Seen: Nix

    What I Watched While Playing: Big Brother Season 7, All Stars.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • NixNix Posts: 4
    Back in my day, we had Halberds of Vanquishing and terrible packet loss and WE LIKED IT!

    Hey again, Feigr.  Thanks again for the kind welcome back.  Look forward to continuing to read your journal and crossing paths with you on Chessy.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    It wasn't me with the articles - that was Mariah. I know absolutely nothing about EC and its macros. But if Moderators get paid, then yes yes that was me. lol

    If you are on around 9est, we have the Pax meeting tonight. Come by and visit and we can help with finding a guild for you. :)
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I'll be there! 

    Sorry Mariah.  These eyes are getting old and I had bad Lasik.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    You can go to Atlantic on weekends and a Guild will make you slayer weapons and someone can take them to your shard. There are 2 that do Crafting for NOOBs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited February 2021
    I played quite a bit tonight and did end up joining DWxC.  Thank you and Pax Lair for having me.  

    I also took Pawain's earlier advice and went with Chivalry.  I bought some 5000 sovereigns and used em on two Soulstones so far.  I moved off Alchemy.

    I'm debating the new player pack, Holy Sword, Mythic Token, or some garden beds right now, but I'm also okay with just sitting on the remaining 3000 sovereigns.

    I sold all my treasure maps gathered so far.  Thank you Scarlett! If I cheated you in the price it was unintentional.  I wasn't sure how to tell the levels and when I vendor searched to get a price I thought 10k each was good.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    Feigr said:
    I played quite a bit tonight and did end up joining DWxC.  Thank you and Pax Lair for having me.  

    I also took Pawain's earlier advice and went with Chivalry.  I bought some 5000 sovereigns and used em on two Soulstones so far.  I moved off Alchemy.

    I'm debating the new player pack, Holy Sword, Mythic Token, or some garden beds right now, but I'm also okay with just sitting on the remaining 3000 sovereigns.

    I sold all my treasure maps gathered so far.  Thank you Scarlett! If I cheated you in the price it was unintentional.  I wasn't sure how to tell the levels and when I vendor searched to get a price I thought 10k each was good.
    The new player pack will give points for Blackthorns dungeon and give you a week of increased skill gains via a token.  Rest of the stuff is not so great.

    Save the mythic token for a Mage/weaver/tamer.  

    Most T maps give out more than 10K gold. So, the buyer was not shorted.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • You could try Pinco's UI for the EC.  It adds a lot of functionality to the EC and has a number of pre-made macros that you can import.  The Discord for Pinco's is is another UO Discord.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    A ton of us Chesapeake people here, too:
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 12  Someone marked a rune for me to my house.  I'm ashamed to say I didn't catch their name.  I bought a runic atlas and with the rune to my house and the Luna house with a small library I can pretty much get anywhere.  There's still some danger of me dying where the runes send me and not being able to get back, but I'm pretty confident in the Daemon spawn in Hythloth.

    I spent a while in there and it's not too bad.  I lured one Daemon out of the room and just fight the other one at a time.  

    Chivalry isn't growing fast and I do regret skipping it earlier against Pawain's advice.  It would have been nice to level it with the others.  Once swordsmanship is GM I'm going to swap to archery.  I'll also drop Lumberjacking maybe for Bushido.  That's the plan right now, but it's pretty far off.  

    I need a mage as well so that'll be an immediate goal soon.  

    Tonight was the EM event...  I'm not sure if the story is spoiler territory.  Do all shards get the story  or is it spoiler to talk about?  Well anyways, when I first got into the part where we fought stuff it was pretty fun.  I was getting poisoned, but I wasn't dying.  Fast Forward 10 minutes and it's death robe city.  I went from 0 death Feigr to not even being able to walk a couple feet after getting resurrected.  It was hard to find my corpse.  I was parasiting off the corpses people weren't picking clean and getting in some attacks where I could.  The final boss, I couldn't even get looting rights on.  I'm not sure what more is expected of people or if not max players are allowed to play.  

    I'd have been fine without a Event drop, but to not even get looting rights on the corpse made me feel like I wasn't even in the rolling for an event drop.  It did not give me a good feeling.  I did enjoy seeing all the players.

    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Lilith: woohoo 5 items in bank agawin

    Biggest Bug Encountered: I'm going to change this one to another topic when one comes to mind.  Tongue in cheek bug for today is War Axes still being maces.  It's been decades.  Time to fix.

    Today's Question: What are the requirements to being eligible for an event drop?

    Today’s Recommendation: Make a percentage health damage event mob instead of mobs that kill everyone in one hit.  It's just not fun.  

    Favorite Moment This Session: The EM event and seeing everyone gathered at the EM house waiting for it to start.

    Favorite Player Seen: Bereg Strongbow, he got a drop and gave me some tips on what to look for regarding items to sell.

    What I Watched While Playing: Big Brother Season 7, All Stars. Getting into the final episodes.  Also watched some Modern Family.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • I was also going to recommend Pinco's UI. It makes UO life so much better and he's been doing a lot of updates lately.

    So yeah, that and mix it up if you get bored with maybe fishing, cooking, mibs and treasure hunting. It's a great way to get your clean up points and stuff to sell. I also enjoyed High Seas when I returned, but anyway good luck and thanks for sharing your adventures! B)

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Quite a few of us didn't get looting rights last night - even if we don't get a drop we usually have looting rights. Mass Death is pretty much all that is expected - and I agree - getting one shot is not fun. There is one 'drop night' a month and that's pretty much how they all are now. The rest of the Em Events for the month have more of a story and are a bit more fun. To be eligible for the drop, you need to have looting rights. It's random among those players who gets it. I believe there are usually about 20 drops given out.
    Oh also, each shard has their own EM that create their own stories and events. Each shard is different - so feel free to discuss. :)
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited February 2021
    Day 13 I didn't play much today.  I did make a run for Daemons in Hythloth again.  Loot from Daemons just isn't that great.  I'm getting more fame and karma, but I think Liches give better loot.  Loot seems to lose durability a lot faster than I remember.  I'm pretty close to needing to replace my helmet.  It's got some great resists though.
      I'm not playing as much today because I've got to review Loop Hero for some viewers.  I've actually been having a lot of fun with it.  There is a demo on Steam.  It's got unique mechanics.  I'm going to buy it when it's released later.
       Larisa on Stratics has been posting some new pics of the fountains and they look super great.  I like that you can dye them and the water in the container looks amazing.  I'm not going to buy it because I have other more important things in mind, but I think they look great.  
      I'm getting close to GM in most skills.  I'll be swapping out the skills mentioned before and going for an archer template.  I can't wait.  The EM event was disheartening and while I love making unique templates, I do want to be efficient as well.  I wish there was more balance, but understand the difficulty.

    Edit: Oh, I submitted a book to Jepeth's library.  "Taming the Walrus" I had a huge story in my head, but the books in game are tough to edit and it capped out at 20 pages.  It's very hard to edit the books though so after an hour I just submitted it.  If there's good feedback we might hear more from The Walrus and Blougi.

    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: None today.  Not much chatter.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: None today, good job.

    Today's Question: None today.

    Today’s Recommendation: Delay enemy NPCs from blessing themselves immediately so players have time to honor.

    Favorite Moment This Session: I saw a group of guildies gathered near Luna stables.  Today wasn't very exciting.  It's cool seeing things going on though.

    Favorite Player Seen: I didn't see names.

    What I Watched While Playing: Syfy put the first two episodes of their new show Resident Alien on Youtube.  Relative to having just two episodes, it's a slow build to appreciate.  But it's fun.  It hooked me by wanting to see the relationships develop.  Especially between the main protagonist and a child.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited February 2021
    Thank you for submitting the book! I've got it in my stack of books to read, red leaf seal, and then add into the collection. Look for it in the Player Tales 3 shelf.

    Also, you can get 100 and 200 page books with different art and which can be dyed! They are craftable by scribes now. Let me know if you'd like some and I'll throw a few on my vendor.

    I haven't officially announced the contest on the forum but that book will be an entry for you in the book drive contest.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Thanks man.  I did red leaf it.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 14 Boredom is setting in.  I'm gonna take the weekend off I think.  I did grind some daemons again today, but still getting junk for loot.  I think I was even getting stronger stuff off the earth elementals in New Haven mine.  I can't seem to find a replacement for the helm I got off them at the very least and it's durability is so low it is orange after every run.
      I got the Trump Cupid.  I had zero issues in Fel. I even ran back this afternoon just make sure I wasn't nuts.  Still no one there.  The graphic on it is pretty good.  I like it.  I liked the statue area as well.
       Chivalry is very slow to rise.  It's a bit annoying, but we'll get it there.  I checked in chat a couple times to see if anyone was up to anything and didn't get responses.  
       I checked Vendor Search for some slayers and they're all priced in the millions for the swordsmanship ones I was looking for.  

    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: None today.  Not much chatter.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: None today, good job.

    Today's Question: None today.

    Today’s Recommendation: None today.  I had fun.  I thought the event was alright for just a clicky thing.  I'm not sure it's worth $15 a month if the only content outside of the base game is getting killed by an EM repeatedly, not getting looting rights at the end, and then getting a small graphic for the holiday.  Not to be nitpicky, sorry.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Eight Ball chatting at Luna bank.  Always nice to see him around.

    Favorite Player Seen: Eight Ball

    What I Watched While Playing: I finished The Stand last night so I have the episodes going on my laptop while I play just to enjoy it again.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Sorry for earlier post.  Trying to stay positive as much as possible.  I did log back in tonight and killed a bunch of Trogs at guild's advice.  I then went back to Efreets since I have Chivalry now.  The efreets were good killing.  I managed to kill a bunch of them Paragon and got two chests.  I also managed to get Daemon Bone Armor Chest.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,381Moderator
    Feigr said:
     I can't seem to find a replacement for the helm I got off them at the very least and it's durability is so low it is orange after every run. a clicky thing. 
    Unless the helm is 'brittle' you should be able to improve it's durability by application of Powder of Fortification.

  • I have looked for you a few times.  We can certainly solve the helmet issue.  Jade/Troll/Frog Girl Meli/Succubus  Any of those are likely to be me.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    The return!!! I'm back.  I've been back for a week now.  I've been hanging out on Chesapeake still and enjoying everyone's company.  I've been having a great time again.  I still have the opinions I have shared, but this game is still fun.  The players are amazing.  I'm going to pick back up as if it's "Day 15", but realistically it's probably like Day 30 at this point.  

    Day 15, I've been gathering eggs diligently.  A few people have helped me complete my candle collection.  I'm working on butterflies now, but may swap to parrots before finishing the butterflies.  There are just so many rare colors of butterflies according to UO-cah.  That site is new to me.  Not sure if it were around before.  Is UO Guide no longer being updated?

    This is my collection so far.  The candles are complete.  I've also bought a mythic token and EJ token.  I used the mythic token for a tamer character.  I boosted taming, lock picking, magery, fishing, and imbuing.  These aren't all going to be on one character.  I'll soulstone them around.  In fact I put lockpicking on a character and dumped every other skill.  An alliance member made me a GM tinker box and I'm just gonna grind it with daily skill gains.

    I moved my house since the last one fell and someone now occupies that spot.  I moved it next to the PaxLair Tea House.  Still a great spot and very close to a moongate.  My current skills are below.  They're progressing nicely.

    My attitude from before was wrong.  I think I need to focus less on playing UO the way I did decades ago and focus on trying to get into content released later.  I'm going to aim for High Seas content first and that's why I'm grinding out the tamer.  I'll likely swap Feigr to a sampire.

    I truly wish the skill system were better utilized though and more templates were viable.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: I made this post before playing much today, so nothing so far.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: None, good job.

    Today's Question: None today.

    Unanswered Questions: None

    Today’s Recommendation: This one is probably a big ask, but, can log out just take you back to the character select screen or even the shard select? Or can UO store your password?

    Favorite Moment This Session: Making this post.

    Favorite Player Seen: Blue Martian, we've been bumping into each other a lot.

    What I Watched While Playing: Will Smith acting foolish.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

    31 Fresh Pics And Memes For The Exquisite Minds

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    It's funny reading back through this.  Scarlett still complains about death robes and I've seen Eight Ball a couple times. LOL
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,932
    edited March 2022
    "Biggest Bug Encountered: None today, good job."

    err. Uo has very deep game content and so if dive a bit deeper, its quite easy to fill up this part of your daily report. Or you can try this forum:
    Bugs - Ultima Online Forums ( 

    Edit: I see bugs every time i login, from bugged vet reward in my back pack, to ghosts in the latest event, journal logs that I can't see the latest line. The bugs are on my screen 24/7 the moment i login, I don't have to find them. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Yea, I don't deny bugs exist.  I just did not encounter them this day before I made the post.  
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