And Atlantic is a joke. I have been trying to get the belt on one char & just can't do it. I lost track of how many times I've tried. And I keep seeing the exact same people killing The Guide.
The scrubs are on Atlantic at night now. I got a belt with a Cu that just had AI. There was a crowd there but it took minutes for the boss to drop.
I think your anger is misguided. The spawn goes fast. The boss can spawn an inst-akill version that takes a small group forever to kill with 20 to 30 deaths per person. Less people doing the spawn means more chances for you to get a statue - because, well more spawn for you = more chances. Be glad people zerg the boss instead of killing the spawn and leaving only 4 people to deal with insta-kill version of the boss.
How much damage are you supposed to do to get looting rights? I did almost 700 damage on Sonoma (on hubbys char) and didn't get looting rights. It gets frustrating when you do damage, and people say all they did was heal.
And Atlantic is a joke. I have been trying to get the belt on one char & just can't do it. I lost track of how many times I've tried. And I keep seeing the exact same people killing The Guide.
When the boss dies, the spawn disappears. If you've already gotten the first aid belt, attack the spawn. Let the people who haven't gotten it be able to attack.
UO guide is down but i recall it’s very low. In shadowguard, our bard breaks party, throw a few attack spells at last boss to get looting rights.
I did at Atlantic and got a belt by just shooting a few Corp Por, no kidding but it was with a SDI mage and repond slayer book. I did not use a summon, and the boss took at least 2-3 mins to go down, definitely not 0.3 seconds. So there should be enough time to damage it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
How much damage are you supposed to do to get looting rights? I did almost 700 damage on Sonoma (on hubbys char) and didn't get looting rights. It gets frustrating when you do damage, and people say all they did was heal.
And Atlantic is a joke. I have been trying to get the belt on one char & just can't do it. I lost track of how many times I've tried. And I keep seeing the exact same people killing The Guide.
When the boss dies, the spawn disappears. If you've already gotten the first aid belt, attack the spawn. Let the people who haven't gotten it be able to attack.
Well, on a Shard where I only have a character with 83 Magery, and no Evaluate Intelligence because of the type of template (and no Meditation either...), I gave it a try at The Guide by throwing Energy Vortexes and guess what?
I got my First Aid Belt there....
So, I assume, the damage that needs be done to get looting rights is reasonable and feasible.
What template are you using? I've bounced around a few shards using different chars and I've gotten a belt every single time first try using several different templates. Use a repond slayer weapon (use armor ignore) or spellbook (I was energy bolting as FS didn't do much damage).
i read somewhere you'll get the final reward if you are the top 1x (12? 16?) damage maker. ( is down at the moment)
So depends how many ppl are there doing the spawn, if it's less than 12? 16? then you will get the belt by shooting a magic arrow or if you managed to hit the Guide with bare hands
Another player and I have been shard hopping and found a completely different experience.
We have found very helpful and kind players so far. I did not bring gold to a shard and someone gave me 3M for insurance. We have been offered armor and no one has told us we need to help with the spawn. We have called in chat when there were few at a spawn and players came to help us. All the players we met have been selfless and we have had a lot of fun visiting other shards to leech belts.
Another player and I have been shard hopping and found a completely different experience.
We have found very helpful and kind players so far. I did not bring gold to a shard and someone gave me 3M for insurance. We have been offered armor and no one has told us we need to help with the spawn. We have called in chat when there were few at a spawn and players came to help us. All the players we met have been selfless and we have had a lot of fun visiting other shards to leech belts.
Out of curiosity, on Shards where you had just brand new characters, that is, no developed Template already, what type of template did you make that you found was most effective to get enough looting rights from The Guide to get a First Aid Belt drop ?
So, we are given 30 days to get as many belt as possible from every shard - one per shard. It is worth it because the item is not shard bound.
One per account per shard is OK, it is worth our time to fly over to every shard to hunt for the belt.
Now that I have done 4 shards, my comment is that the life taint for the Guide has made my sampire less effective. Fortunately there are others to help kill the boss or it will be a long fight just to get one belt.
Conclusion is: More help is better, just make sure you do enough damage on your part which is not alot required. I think I hit around 500HP damage on the Guide to get a drop.
Now going to the 5th shard...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
So, we are given 30 days to get as many belt as possible from every shard - one per shard. It is worth it because the item is not shard bound.
One per account per shard is OK, it is worth our time to fly over to every shard to hunt for the belt.
Now that I have done 4 shards, my comment is that the life taint for the Guide has made my sampire less effective. Fortunately there are others to help kill the boss or it will be a long fight just to get one belt.
Conclusion is: More help is better, just make sure you do enough damage on your part which is not alot required. I think I hit around 500HP damage on the Guide to get a drop.
Now going to the 5th shard...
I thought I was doing well with 4 first aid belts - 3 on Europa, and 1 on Atlantic. And I'm happy with that, my characters that needed them are equipped.
Then I find out that one of my guildies has 19, and another has 55 so far... !
So, we are given 30 days to get as many belt as possible from every shard - one per shard. It is worth it because the item is not shard bound.
One per account per shard is OK, it is worth our time to fly over to every shard to hunt for the belt.
Now that I have done 4 shards, my comment is that the life taint for the Guide has made my sampire less effective. Fortunately there are others to help kill the boss or it will be a long fight just to get one belt.
Conclusion is: More help is better, just make sure you do enough damage on your part which is not alot required. I think I hit around 500HP damage on the Guide to get a drop.
Now going to the 5th shard...
I thought I was doing well with 4 first aid belts - 3 on Europa, and 1 on Atlantic. And I'm happy with that, my characters that needed them are equipped.
Then I find out that one of my guildies has 19, and another has 55 so far... !
I'm so far behind the curve
Wow! 55, your friend must have at least 3 or more accounts and done almost all the shards.
But it is good to have more of such functional, wearable (non-shard bound) artifacts available in the game. Who knows when there will be more returning players in future.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I just transferred to Asuka, equip up and arrived at the champ spawn a while ago.
The Guide was down to 40 HP and surrounded by EVs from 4 to 5 players, while I think they cast attack spells. I joined in the fight with my warrior and did some hits and received another belt. As my "sampire" cannot heal, the other players heal me even when I am a stranger just dropping by.
Flying to another shard tomorrow
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Another player and I have been shard hopping and found a completely different experience.
We have found very helpful and kind players so far. I did not bring gold to a shard and someone gave me 3M for insurance. We have been offered armor and no one has told us we need to help with the spawn. We have called in chat when there were few at a spawn and players came to help us. All the players we met have been selfless and we have had a lot of fun visiting other shards to leech belts.
@ Pawain
Out of curiosity, on Shards where you had just brand new characters, that is, no developed Template already, what type of template did you make that you found was most effective to get enough looting rights from The Guide to get a First Aid Belt drop ?
On one I took a 5 slot Cu with just AI and no scrolls with a mage tamer. (Im trying to sell the Cu so I didn't want to finish it.) The other guy is skilling toons to 80 or 90. He has used a mage with a basic book twice that just shoots fireballs. He also took an archer that he spent a few hours training. He used a scorpion slayer bow cause he found it on the ground. My main traveling toon is a mage tamer with a built AI/Chiv Cu.
I have not confirmed this but I have seen newbie mages casting blade spirit so I'd assume that you can probably literally start a new mage with 50 magery; get some blade scrolls (and greater heal); loot the reagent bags off the shaman and just cast blade/gheal. As long as it's not on ATL I think the guide stays up long enough to do damage
I have not confirmed this but I have seen newbie mages casting blade spirit so I'd assume that you can probably literally start a new mage with 50 magery; get some blade scrolls (and greater heal); loot the reagent bags off the shaman and just cast blade/gheal. As long as it's not on ATL I think the guide stays up long enough to do damage
Atlantic is lot tougher. I tried with blade spirits and using, lightning and energy bolts. I did 900 damage and still didn't get looting rights.
On my 10th try, I just pulled pets bars, before the boss popped. I might have used lightning once, but mainly healed the pets & finally got credit.
... This is better than the one-hit kill bosses, but has made the Warrior (not just sampire) totally useless
See lets not complain sampires or warriors are overpowered... it just happen that some contents need to be catered for them or they will be bored to death for investing so much $$ into melee armor and weapons that wear out super much faster than tamers and mages. @popps
Even with mages healing, I think such bosses are better off using multiple summons and pets.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
The Guide is different on the shards. Origin boss regens life from 0 to max a few times before it dies. Our boss only has the tainted life out of those choices. And one shard has a one hit kill spell.
They wont dismount if you are on an ethy. It knocks you over.
... This is better than the one-hit kill bosses, but has made the Warrior (not just sampire) totally useless
See lets not complain sampires or warriors are overpowered... it just happen that some contents need to be catered for them or they will be bored to death for investing so much $$ into melee armor and weapons that wear out super much faster than tamers and mages. @ popps
Even with mages healing, I think such bosses are better off using multiple summons and pets.
Want to compare, though, that the The Guide drop is once and only once while there is [(4 statues x 2 types) x 4 colors = 32] (if I remember correctly) Statues to be gotten for a complete collection ?
Now, why Template at that point comes more handy, the one that makes a Statue drop more likely (Sampire/Warrior) or the one that can Tackle The Guide better ?
My guess, is, once again, Sampires and their variations of....
@popps PLEASE stop lumping all warrior types in with Sampires. I have 2 warriors, neither have necromancy in their template and never will have. The character I have most success with at this event is an archer, with neither necromancy nor bushido in his template. He is nothing like a sampire! I have seen very few sampires at this event. Archers are there, tamers are there, mystics are there, mages are there. Not sampires.
@ popps PLEASE stop lumping all warrior types in with Sampires. I have 2 warriors, neither have necromancy in their template and never will have. The character I have most success with at this event is an archer, with neither necromancy nor bushido in his template. He is nothing like a sampire! I have seen very few sampires at this event. Archers are there, tamers are there, mystics are there, mages are there. Not sampires.
Sampires are there, we just have to adjust our tactics depending on what the Guide is on that shard. if it has the corrupted leech, that's when I turn off vamp form and am a Chiv/Bush warrior.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
The Guide is different on the shards. Origin boss regens life from 0 to max a few times before it dies. Our boss only has the tainted life out of those choices. And one shard has a one hit kill spell.
They wont dismount if you are on an ethy. It knocks you over.
Yeah, you are right, thanks for confirming this observation too. So far it seems Sakura shard is worst. But that one hit kill spell is the worse than Sakura's.
I wonder if the quest setup is done by the respective shard EM. My home shard has 2 healers at the Gypsy camp gate which do not exist in some other shards.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
... This is better than the one-hit kill bosses, but has made the Warrior (not just sampire) totally useless
See lets not complain sampires or warriors are overpowered... it just happen that some contents need to be catered for them or they will be bored to death for investing so much $$ into melee armor and weapons that wear out super much faster than tamers and mages. @ popps
Even with mages healing, I think such bosses are better off using multiple summons and pets.
Want to compare, though, that the The Guide drop is once and only once while there is [(4 statues x 2 types) x 4 colors = 32] (if I remember correctly) Statues to be gotten for a complete collection ?
Now, why Template at that point comes more handy, the one that makes a Statue drop more likely (Sampire/Warrior) or the one that can Tackle The Guide better ?
My guess, is, once again, Sampires and their variations of....
Omg...I see mages...tamers... Mystics...bards..archers all doing good there... What more you want? SMH
Want to compare, though, that the The Guide drop is once and only once while there is [(4 statues x 2 types) x 4 colors = 32] (if I remember correctly) Statues to be gotten for a complete collection ?
Now, why Template at that point comes more handy, the one that makes a Statue drop more likely (Sampire/Warrior) or the one that can Tackle The Guide better ?
My guess, is, once again, Sampires and their variations of....
My tamers with weaving go around thunderstorming the crowds around the melee fighters and any crowds.
No matter how many spawns I do with toons on 3 accounts, I get 2 statues a day. Only two times I have received 3 statues in one day.
When there are few players there I use my Macer and can kill a ridiculous number of savages and get nothing. The drop formula is a mystery to me.
Want to compare, though, that the The Guide drop is once and only once while there is [(4 statues x 2 types) x 4 colors = 32] (if I remember correctly) Statues to be gotten for a complete collection ?
Now, why Template at that point comes more handy, the one that makes a Statue drop more likely (Sampire/Warrior) or the one that can Tackle The Guide better ?
My guess, is, once again, Sampires and their variations of....
My tamers with weaving go around thunderstorming the crowds around the melee fighters and any crowds.
No matter how many spawns I do with toons on 3 accounts, I get 2 statues a day. Only two times I have received 3 statues in one day.
When there are few players there I use my Macer and can kill a ridiculous number of savages and get nothing. The drop formula is a mystery to me.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
On Atlantic, you need about 1000 points of damage to the guide to getting looting rights and the first aid belt drop. This can be easier said than done on Atlantic, as the Guide instance there is much weaker than on other shards, e.g. it doesn't regen the HP several times over. So if you get more than a few powerful people on the guide, it's tough to get much damage in. About the best bet here is word of death.
Having observed how the guide is weak on Atlantic, I have to wonder if the difficulty should be further scaled based on how many players are in the area, or the rate at which the initial spawn was defeated.
On Atlantic, you need about 1000 points of damage to the guide to getting looting rights and the first aid belt drop. This can be easier said than done on Atlantic, as the Guide instance there is much weaker than on other shards, e.g. it doesn't regen the HP several times over. So if you get more than a few powerful people on the guide, it's tough to get much damage in. About the best bet here is word of death.
Having observed how the guide is weak on Atlantic, I have to wonder if the difficulty should be further scaled based on how many players are in the area, or the rate at which the initial spawn was defeated.
It looks like Atlantic shard is underpowered... maybe it should have everything:
Disarm (all warrior's fear)
Dismount (everyone's fear)
Tainted life (sampires' fear)
howl of cacophony (all warriors' fear)
One-hit kill spells
Eat Pets (like Paroxysmus)
Super HP regen on self (bard peace mastery)
Area deadly poison
Spam mass dispel
Tangle (cannot break using trap box)
Just need one of these and it should last for remaining days until the event ends... unless more people help this time... lol
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Just an the contradiction of the OP of this thread I was hoping people would come help with the boss on Napa as I was slightly over the hour mark using my archer (went through about 5k arrows and 300 aides). I was spamming in chat once it got to level 3 for people to come help speed it up...nobody really showed up until the champ spawned. To the credit of Napa though, players came to help out (thanks Napa) when the champ was up and only one was a sampire that basically had to rely on mystic/mages healing because of the tainted life. It took about 30min just to kill the champ (when it became low HP it would like run off into a bunch of spawn.. so annoying lol).
@popps - Why do you always harp on the same things even after people break it down for you? I used my archer on Napa yesterday to do the spawn and did just fine aside from the massive amount of ammo. It seems like you are the only person that has a problem with almost everything in the game...maybe this isn't the game for you...
@ popps - Why do you always harp on the same things even after people break it down for you? I used my archer on Napa yesterday to do the spawn and did just fine aside from the massive amount of ammo. It seems like you are the only person that has a problem with almost everything in the game...maybe this isn't the game for you...
Did you get any Statues drops ?
Because, in your message that is not clear...
If you did, I am glad for you... but you used an Archer... when I did my test, I used a Tamer and 3,200 Luck (with the Luck Statue) and, in the same 1 hour that you did, with that much Luck and advancing to level 3 just like you did, I got zero Statues drops, despite the massive Luck used... if we both advanced to lvl 3 in that same time, I need to conclude that we did the same amount of kills, right ?
So, it looks like your Fighter did much better as my Luck/Tamer if you got Statues drops and I didn't in that 1 hour same time frame...
And Atlantic is a joke.
I have been trying to get the belt on one char & just can't do it.
I lost track of how many times I've tried.
And I keep seeing the exact same people killing The Guide.
The scrubs are on Atlantic at night now. I got a belt with a Cu that just had AI. There was a crowd there but it took minutes for the boss to drop.
Maybe it’s 6%.
I did at Atlantic and got a belt by just shooting a few Corp Por, no kidding but it was with a SDI mage and repond slayer book. I did not use a summon, and the boss took at least 2-3 mins to go down, definitely not 0.3 seconds. So there should be enough time to damage it.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I got my First Aid Belt there....
So, I assume, the damage that needs be done to get looting rights is reasonable and feasible.
So depends how many ppl are there doing the spawn, if it's less than 12? 16? then you will get the belt by shooting a magic arrow or if you managed to hit the Guide with bare hands
We have found very helpful and kind players so far. I did not bring gold to a shard and someone gave me 3M for insurance. We have been offered armor and no one has told us we need to help with the spawn. We have called in chat when there were few at a spawn and players came to help us. All the players we met have been selfless and we have had a lot of fun visiting other shards to leech belts.
Out of curiosity, on Shards where you had just brand new characters, that is, no developed Template already, what type of template did you make that you found was most effective to get enough looting rights from The Guide to get a First Aid Belt drop ?
Conclusion is: More help is better, just make sure you do enough damage on your part which is not alot required. I think I hit around 500HP damage on the Guide to get a drop.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I thought I was doing well with 4 first aid belts - 3 on Europa, and 1 on Atlantic. And I'm happy with that, my characters that needed them are equipped.
Then I find out that one of my guildies has 19, and another has 55 so far... !
I'm so far behind the curve
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Flying to another shard tomorrow
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I tried with blade spirits and using, lightning and energy bolts.
I did 900 damage and still didn't get looting rights.
On my 10th try, I just pulled pets bars, before the boss popped.
I might have used lightning once, but mainly healed the pets & finally got credit.
See lets not complain sampires or warriors are overpowered... it just happen that some contents need to be catered for them or they will be bored to death for investing so much $$ into melee armor and weapons that wear out super much faster than tamers and mages. @popps
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
They wont dismount if you are on an ethy. It knocks you over.
Now, why Template at that point comes more handy, the one that makes a Statue drop more likely (Sampire/Warrior) or the one that can Tackle The Guide better ?
My guess, is, once again, Sampires and their variations of....
I have seen very few sampires at this event. Archers are there, tamers are there, mystics are there, mages are there. Not sampires.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I wonder if the quest setup is done by the respective shard EM. My home shard has 2 healers at the Gypsy camp gate which do not exist in some other shards.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
No matter how many spawns I do with toons on 3 accounts, I get 2 statues a day. Only two times I have received 3 statues in one day.
When there are few players there I use my Macer and can kill a ridiculous number of savages and get nothing. The drop formula is a mystery to me.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Having observed how the guide is weak on Atlantic, I have to wonder if the difficulty should be further scaled based on how many players are in the area, or the rate at which the initial spawn was defeated.
- Disarm (all warrior's fear)
- Dismount (everyone's fear)
- Tainted life (sampires' fear)
- howl of cacophony (all warriors' fear)
- One-hit kill spells
- Eat Pets (like Paroxysmus)
- Super HP regen on self (bard peace mastery)
- Area deadly poison
- Spam mass dispel
- Tangle (cannot break using trap box)
Just need one of these and it should last for remaining days until the event ends... unless more people help this time... lolESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
@popps - Why do you always harp on the same things even after people break it down for you? I used my archer on Napa yesterday to do the spawn and did just fine aside from the massive amount of ammo. It seems like you are the only person that has a problem with almost everything in the game...maybe this isn't the game for you...
Because, in your message that is not clear...
If you did, I am glad for you... but you used an Archer... when I did my test, I used a Tamer and 3,200 Luck (with the Luck Statue) and, in the same 1 hour that you did, with that much Luck and advancing to level 3 just like you did, I got zero Statues drops, despite the massive Luck used... if we both advanced to lvl 3 in that same time, I need to conclude that we did the same amount of kills, right ?
So, it looks like your Fighter did much better as my Luck/Tamer if you got Statues drops and I didn't in that 1 hour same time frame...
Which it kinda proves my point, doesn't it ?