A treasure map and luck question
@Kyronix Does luck influence the chance of getting non-weapon / non-armor items such as deco, skeleton keys, scrolls, and other maps when digging up a treasure map? Or is luck only factored in when it comes to the weapons and armor?
Also from my experience, the chance of getting deco scrolls vs weapons/armor is not impacted by in game luck... the break down of certain types of deco / skills depends on the profession of the chest and the # of scrolls/maps seems to depend on the level (higher level generally gives more) but there are certain things that can only be obtained from lower level chests (like skeleton keys). The chest profession also determines what type of weapons are in a chest; ie gnarled staff will be found in mage's chest while plate armor etc would be in a warrior chest.
The distribution (minor, major, artifact etc) of those items as dictated by the budgets used are dictated by the quality (rusty, metal, gold) of the chest.
The non-random-magic-equipment loot is governed by the level of the map and the package of the map. At that point it becomes random which items from the loot table are selected.
Otherwise, what do we do ?
Makes items increasingly more powerfull and then Monsters increasingly more powerfull as a consequence of that but then also pets must be made more powerfull and then items will no longer look as powerfull anymore and players will want again more powerfull items and on and on and on.
I say give power back to skills, rather then items.
If the fragments are in demand anywhere or good for anything other than the shrine battles that would be nice to know. I used to turn them in for clean up points but at point I just leave the in the chest. There no longer appears to be any market or interest in them that I can find.
Treasure hunting used to be fun. Way overthought in the changes. Lets hope the thief "upgrades" are better...