Crystal Shards
I have for the last 3 days, been lumberjacking in Ter Mur to acquire 10 shards. I have in those 3 days harvested many thousand of each wood type, including 2837 Frostwood, several hundred of every special ingredient EXCEPT crystal shards i have received 0 of these. So my questions are. (1) Could you check to see if there is something wrong.(2) is it affected by luck? This is on Origin and I am an elf at 100 Lumberjacking.
@Bleak @Kyronix
@Bleak @Kyronix
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Chopped for about 15min, harvested about 800 normal logs and a smidgeon of other types, 4 of each other special ingredient and 1 crystal shard. Looks to be working.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo