no animal form on the run for flying gargoyles
in Bugs
When on a human or elf character you can ride a mount or ethy and use your animal form macro on the run to get in animal form without having to dismount first.
Gargoyles can't do this. They get a message that they have to dismount first which drastically slows them down and makes them very vulnerable in PvP until they are in animal form.
Is this intended?
Expected result: animal form should work like it does for humans/elves. It should automatically dismount you when switching to animal form on the run.
Expected result: animal form should work like it does for humans/elves. It should automatically dismount you when switching to animal form on the run.
Otherwise you’d be a flying dog etc. Flying is not the same as mounting. It takes time to get into and out of the air.
You are correct that flying and mounting is not the same because it takes less time to get into flight mode than it takes to mount an ethy.
However, the rest of the info in that sentence is incorrect: ethys and flying both act the same way when dismounting/getting out of flying mode. Both dismounting and getting out of flight mode is instantaneous and can be done on the run without being frozen due to casting delay. The same should apply to casting animal form on the run.
When a gargoyle is on foot and uses his flight mode macro he has a delay to get into flight mode. If the gargoyle tries to move while getting into flight mode a messag appears "you are frozen and cannot move".
When a gargoyle is in flight mode and uses his flight mode macro he drops out of flight mode without a delay and it can be done while running without the message "you are frozen and cannot move".
Both, humans and gargoyles have a delay when mounting and ethy/getting in flight mode and both get frozen until mounted/flying.
The delay to get in flight mode for gargoyles is slightly smaller but other than that both behave essentially the same.
When a human is mounted and casts animal form he can do so on the run and once the casting delay for animal form is over he will pop into animal form without having to dismount first. He automatically gets dismounted after the casting delay for animal form is over.
When a gargoyle casts animal form while in flight mode the player gets a message that they have to dismount first before they can cast animal form. You have to press your "flight mode" key to get on foot and only then you can cast animal form which leaves you on foot at dismounted speed until the casting delay for animal form is over.
Bottom line: Humans will be automatically dismounted after the casting delay when casting animal form. Gargoyles are not automatically taken out of flight mode after the casting delay when casting animal form.
Humans can cast animal form while mounted which allows them to never lose mounted speed.
Gargoyles can not cast animal form while in flight mode which makes them lose mounted speed for the duration of the casting delay of animal form which as you know means a rather great disadvantage in PvP.
Expected result: Gargoyles should be able to cast animal form in flight mode and they should automatically be taken out of flight mode after the casting delay for animal form is over.
That aside, I don't think your guessing of the programmer's intentions is going to help resolve this issue. Whatever the intentions were, the status quo unnecessarily puts gargoyles at a severe disadvantage over humans and elves and that is the issue I would like to see resolved.