Please I am begging you to remove 8 mod cap on legendary items

hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
edited April 2020 in General Discussions
you will eventually lose all pvp subs if this is not fixed having 8-10 mod no name legendarys makes this game great and allows for template diversity 


  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    You mean remove the current Cap right?
    Your title say 1 thing and the text another.

    I guess you meant to say, remove the current Cap on all Mobs and bring back the 14,15 to 18 mods no name pieces.
  • Like this? :D

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    I do not see this happening.  Especially since they think the new anvil is useful.  It should add the resists after a piece is made or have a lot more uses.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    I dont care if the cap is ten mods that's fine but yes I'd like to see them remove the 8 mod cap
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    No one cares about resists 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    It's about stats 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Mordred said:
    You mean remove the current Cap right?
    Your title say 1 thing and the text another.

    Clearly you didn't finish reading then because I never asked them to keep the 8 mod cap I said 8-10 mod no names make this game great
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    I have 8 mod no name legendary items just as good if not better than that raven hat he posted I'm okay with 8 but I'd like to see more no names and the cap go to 10
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Pawain said:
    I do not see this happening.  Especially since they think the new anvil is useful.  It should add the resists after a piece is made or have a lot more uses.
    What exactly does the store anvil do 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    My LEET gear is wearing out and I need to farm for more LEET gear so please allow me to get more LEET gear so I can be the LEETest of the LEET.  That gear could not be balanced for PvP so they did away with it.  IMHO they should have deleted all of it from the game.  It is hard enough getting new players to stick around and now you want even more reasons.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Skett said:
    Pawain said:
    I do not see this happening.  Especially since they think the new anvil is useful.  It should add the resists after a piece is made or have a lot more uses.
    What exactly does the store anvil do 
    It lets you put the resist points where you want them when you create the item. And i think you get 6 more points but it is not on TC now so I cant test it.

    The problem is, when you reforge you take 100 or more attempts to get the stats you want. The anvil had 18 charges so you would be extremely lucky to get the stats you want in the first 18 tries.

    That 100 attempts would go a lot higher if you are trying to make a luck suit.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    i agree the 14 mods items over 8 mods not even close to be fair...but in the opposite i beleive we should not put cap over 8... but to reduce all items over 8 mods to 8 mods.
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited April 2020
    >8 mods gear is one of the reason along with cheats in pvp that I dont pvp on Atlantic anymore. I calculated once , that a playerA with 8 pieces of gear x 12 mods and compared to a legit normal playerB that runs 8 pieces of gear @ 7-8 mods , make the calcul yourself but thats an advantage of 36 mods for the player A . 

    Now 36 mods of stats idk about you , but Ive never seen a mmo ever, where a player can have such a gear advantage over another player in pvp , not a single mmo

    At this point the game enter in a bracket of ''pay to win'' where the richs get the overpowered gear, sad but true
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I agree they allow items in game that shouldn’t be fix / nerf items then Instead of removing the items they let them stay in game by the few who has them. 
    This is just wrong imho 
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    The anvil lets you set the resists when you create the item and lets you set the resists when you reforge. But you are limited to the amounts.  Creation has a pool of 16 points and reforging has a pool of 7 points. You determine how much each resist takes from that pool of points.
  • Another problem that could be solved by adding "cursed" to any item with an imbue weight greater than what a player can craft.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited April 2020
    Currently spawning items are not only capped at 8 mods, but also have a total intensity cap. So even if it has 8 mods, several of them will be below max intensity.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    8 mod cap would have been fine, but not after 2 years of a few players (who will not be named) bot farming putrifier with 20 accounts.

    having allowed a few players to exploit and now monopolize the best items in the game was a total failure on broadswords part.
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited April 2020
    But how come they let this drop for almost 2 years without doing anything, that's beyond me, when a huge mistake like that is done it's very hard to fix it , like how would the players who own those items would feel if the devs suddently changed all those items to ''antique'' tag ?

    In my opinion that's what they should do to accelerate the durability process on those pieces of gear that Mesanna specified ''she doesnt want in the game'' 

    It's like if I was running around with a pair of vine cord sandals , that Mesanna don't want in the hand of players but yet I still do .
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited April 2020
    like how would the players who own those items would feel if the devs suddently changed all those items to ''antique'' tag ?
    Then they might as well delete Pre-Patch WWs, Pre-Patch Nightmares, and Bane Dragons. Those aren't obtainable anymore, and are incredibly powerful for what they do. Tritons would eventually join that list too as soon as they turn off the Pirate vendor. Those overcapped items are eventually going to break anyways, there's no PoFing most of them.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    like how would the players who own those items would feel if the devs suddently changed all those items to ''antique'' tag ?
    Then they might as well delete Pre-Patch WWs, Pre-Patch Nightmares, and Bane Dragons. Those aren't obtainable anymore, and are incredibly powerful for what they do. Tritons would eventually join that list too as soon as they turn off the Pirate vendor. Those overcapped items are eventually going to break anyways, there's no PoFing most of them.

    brittle overcapped what 20 years...brittle stuff aren t like antique
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited April 2020
    at least a good 15 years.... and probly only 50% of these prepatch items are on the market, rest are in chests/auction safes at 255/255 still.... 

    PlayerSkillFTW  But I do understand your point of view about rare unobtainable pets like you mention, but all they have to do is put them back in the game at a limited event , those pets do have a little extra more stats than fresh spawning pets I agree, but they arnt game breaking like >8 mods are , thats the problem.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    at least a good 15 years.... and probly only 50% of these prepatch items are on the market, rest are in chests/auction safes at 255/255 still.... 

    @ PlayerSkillFTW  But I do understand your point of view about rare unobtainable pets like you mention, but all they have to do is put them back in the game at a limited event , those pets do have a little extra more stats than fresh spawning pets I agree, but they arnt game breaking like >8 mods are , thats the problem.
    you get a lot more player skill with the higher mod jewels more diversity in templates for pvp and room for the extra skill and if it still dropped it would level the playing field also the pets are a joke why nerf the armor and pets but then bring the pets back like they're doing with this ostard thats like a bane seems broken to me broadsword only cares about pandering to the how can i put it thats not offensive umm the non pvpers 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    edited May 2021
    Lord_Frodo said:
    My LEET gear is wearing out and I need to farm for more LEET gear so please allow me to get more LEET gear so I can be the LEETest of the LEET.  That gear could not be balanced for PvP so they did away with it.  IMHO they should have deleted all of it from the game.  It is hard enough getting new players to stick around and now you want even more reasons.                                                                                                                                              

    exactly my point if you bring back say 10 mod items and let them drop even if it really rare and random it would bring more of a balance to the pvp and samps running high end gear also as I've stated before it allows a lot more template diversity instead of items selling up to 5 plat per item because you cannot get them anymore first no name i paid 250mil a quarter the cost of a bane dragon which now they're making an ostard similar to this? broadsword if you listen to anything let it be this
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    There's not really any reason to remove the 8-mod cap. it would make more sense to add a chance or increase the chance that a true random items drop (no prefix or suffix aka 'no-name') then it'll be fine.

    It seems like the only place you can even get no-name legendary items (not just jewelry) is from Scalis anymore.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    But how come they let this drop for almost 2 years without doing anything, that's beyond me, when a huge mistake like that is done it's very hard to fix it , like how would the players who own those items would feel if the devs suddently changed all those items to ''antique'' tag ?

    In my opinion that's what they should do to accelerate the durability process on those pieces of gear that Mesanna specified ''she doesnt want in the game'' 

    It's like if I was running around with a pair of vine cord sandals , that Mesanna don't want in the hand of players but yet I still do .
    @quickblade they deleted every pair of vine cords because it was exploited. They should just delete anything over 8-9 mods like they deleted vine cords lmao but everyone will be whining. They didn't care about the backlash when vinecords were deleted. And they brought around replicas. Maybe just delete all 12-14 mod items and then bring back 10 mod items as reward for champion spawns.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 937
    RE-introduce >8 mod items as "mythical artifacts", rare chance to drop from any boss that drops legendaries.

    Deleting items seems a recipe for disaster -- won't be any bugs in that logic eh?  You can have over 8 mods via enhancing, etc.

  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    RE-introduce >8 mod items as "mythical artifacts", rare chance to drop from any boss that drops legendaries.

    Deleting items seems a recipe for disaster -- won't be any bugs in that logic eh?  You can have over 8 mods via enhancing, etc.

    Easily done, you can tell an item before enhancing. Exclude enhancing from the delete.
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    RE-introduce >8 mod items as "mythical artifacts", rare chance to drop from any boss that drops legendaries.

    Deleting items seems a recipe for disaster -- won't be any bugs in that logic eh?  You can have over 8 mods via enhancing, etc.

    If you enhance you should be able to tell if it was original before the enhancement. They sell forged metal for enhancing. They should be able to tell if it was enhanced or normal. If you enhance a "orc chief helm" it turns into "spined orc helm"
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    RE-introduce >8 mod items as "mythical artifacts", rare chance to drop from any boss that drops legendaries.

    Deleting items seems a recipe for disaster -- won't be any bugs in that logic eh?  You can have over 8 mods via enhancing, etc.

    Coule be done. >9 mods. Spellchan-1 counts as one mod. Spellchan-0 higher intensity. Depending if you count resists or extra resists as mods. Then the higher powered items with 14 mods then you would also count resists as mods, 15-16..... Or depending on the extra resists cuz they can be in all categories..... If you're counting resists as mods.

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