Pub 108 - Ultima Store Items Feedback

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
Feedback for Ultima Store Items


  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2020
    Decorative Stable Set
    - The Set Image in the UO Store shows 2 Arch Pieces, but the Set includes only one of them;
    - The Gate Pieces should be made turnable with the Decorating Tool, as are all the other Fence Pieces beside the Corner one;
    - The Corner Fence piece is, IMO, redundant, considering that the other Pieces can be Locked one above another & turned;
    - The Cow Figure is a litte on the small size, isn't? :)
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    edited February 2020
    on the staircase when its dyed you cant see the dye on the upper floor. Is there anyway you can let us just have the flower bush without the creature on the garden sculpture. I love all the dyes and tubs we can use on them and wish we could do that with wheelbarrow plants. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    I love the ladders and that they are dyeable.
    I thought maybe the staircase could be used in the original keep design.
    You can place it, but you cannot get off of it, without leaving house.
    I will try to place pavers and step, but i'm thinking it would take away from the look.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Spiral stair does not re-deed when house is demolished, it just goes *poof* with the rest of the house.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    I love the ladders and that they are dyeable.
    I thought maybe the staircase could be used in the original keep design.
    You can place it, but you cannot get off of it, without leaving house.
    I will try to place pavers and step, but i'm thinking it would take away from the look.

    Which version of the staircase were you using?  Can you post a screenshot of the placement within the keep?
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited February 2020
    So, the Anvil of Artifacts causes every craftable item take 10x the required amount of resources? 

    I went to craft a soulforge, it was saying I needed 1500 Ingots, 1500 boards or Logs (which you can't even carry mind you) & 10 relic fragments, until after I used the charge of the anvil that was in que for the next crafted item...   at which point it dropped to the normal amount of 150 ingots, 150 boards & 1 relic fragment... So I guess that means it works with armor from every crafting skill.

    So, honestly,  I don't think it's worth a subscription + whatever the price of this anvil would be. for 15 charges it's not enough.   the reason it's not enough is because of the layers of RNG beyond crafting the base piece.

    1) Reforging - you'll get several items with more than you want OR not enough of what you want which causes that item to be completely useless.

    2) Looted items are about 5x more powerful pre-enhanced than an enhanced crafted item.

    3) Enhancing - this & a forged metal of artifacts to finish a suit.  - that is all.

    I could see maybe 15 charges, with the anvil replenishing a charge once every 24 hours.
    then it might be worth the investment in the very little amount of time saved.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • I hate to see decent items like the anvil of artifacts and forged metal tool being store items only.  These type thing should be a reward in game either through bods or a some kind of quest.  Stop punishing your remaining subscribers by making them pay even more for something that should be a in game item.   Store items should be deco, vanity type items for those people who are die hards for UO.  The more good content added to the game the more people will subscribe or re-sub, not store items.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited February 2020
    I hate to see decent items like the anvil of artifacts and forged metal tool being store items only.  These type thing should be a reward in game either through bods or a some kind of quest.  Stop punishing your remaining subscribers by making them pay even more for something that should be a in game item.   Store items should be deco, vanity type items for those people who are die hards for UO.  The more good content added to the game the more people will subscribe or re-sub, not store items.
    I disagree.

    Besides the fact that Ultima Online, to exist, needs resources (i.e. money...) be it from subscriptions or Store Items sales is irrelevant, if items like the Anvil of Artifcats and Forged Metal tool were to be made obtainable in the game, with free EJ accounts existing, I would not be surprised to see whatever gave these items be camped no end and these items would become available without any control AND, without any monetary benefit for Ultima Online.

    So no thanks, to my opinion, it is way, but way better if items like this get sold through the UOStore, at least Ultima Online gets funding from them...

    On another note, though, I have to say that I am largely disappointed by the upcoming Anvil of Artifacts. Unless I totally missed its usefullness to Crafters and to making Crafted itms become competitive with Legendary looted items, I franlky do not see any real, practical advantage in spending real money to purchase this Crafting item...

    # 1, the problem is not, to my opinion, "resistances" which the Anvil of Artifacts, to my understanding, seems to address only. Magic Properties, infact, will still be subject to the RNG as explained in the Publish Notes....

    Anvil of Artifacts
    • Allows a player to set the value of all exceptional resist bonuses provided when crafting an exceptional piece of armor.
    • When crafting with a runic tool the resulting armor is still subject to random magic item properties.
    • 15 charges
    • The Anvil will remain as deco when the charges expire.
    With Legendary items, people already can exceed the CAP of 5x 70 for resistances without much difficulties so, I fail to see how adjusting a few points of resistances here instead of there or viceversa, would be of any advantage considering that, most likely, already all 5 Resistances have gone pst the CAP...

    The REAL issue, at least to my opinion, and one which the Anvil of Artifacts does not seem to cover, is that of enabling UO Crafters to be able to make items which would be comparable to Legendary drop ones...

    # 2, the other uninteresting thing which I notice, is the extremely LOW number of charges (15) which, depending on what the cost on UOStore for this item will be set at, might make it for many players a purchase not worth it. Perhaps the number of charges needs to be significantly increased ?

    On a side not, perhaps someone with an extensive experience with Ultima Online Crafting can better explain what is the point and real advantage of purchasing an Anvil of Artifacts considering its features and cost ?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    edited February 2020
    Kyronix said:
    I love the ladders and that they are dyeable.
    I thought maybe the staircase could be used in the original keep design.
    You can place it, but you cannot get off of it, without leaving house.
    I will try to place pavers and step, but i'm thinking it would take away from the look.

    Which version of the staircase were you using?  Can you post a screenshot of the placement within the keep?

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    Kyronix said:
    I love the ladders and that they are dyeable.
    I thought maybe the staircase could be used in the original keep design.
    You can place it, but you cannot get off of it, without leaving house.
    I will try to place pavers and step, but i'm thinking it would take away from the look.

    Which version of the staircase were you using?  Can you post a screenshot of the placement within the keep?

    Unfortunately the staircase cannot replace the functionality of the castle ladder, and will only teleport you up and down.
  • I initially wasn't going to post at all, but I figure I'd give my feedback...

    Anvil of Artifacts
    • Allows a player to set the value of all exceptional resist bonuses provided when crafting an exceptional piece of armor.
    • When crafting with a runic tool the resulting armor is still subject to random magic item properties.
    • 15 charges
    • The Anvil will remain as deco when the charges expire.

    This was the item that I was most looking forward to. However, after reading the details I have no desire to even test it let alone look at getting one.

    1. Being able to allocate the 15 exceptional bonus resist is a nice start. But with loot quality, resists caps are not hard to reach anymore.

    2. So after allocating my 15 resists points, I am subject to the RNG of a runic tool where you can easily go through multiple tools to get the one combination that you are looking for. The odds are that the anvil will only last for one armor piece, if your piece is even made in those initial 15 attempts.

    3. Again 15 charges when the RNG is involved is way too low. If this could be re-charged it would be different. But still, what serious crafter is going to only try 15 times to make something barring miraculous RNG.

    4. Remaining as deco is nice, but why not allow it to be recharged?

    I haven't looked at the price for this and I honestly won't even check as is. Crafting needs looking at and something like this is a start. But it shouldn't be pay to win and non-rechargable if it is. If you could use this to craft items up to major artifact level, then I would consider it.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    edited February 2020
    I haven't tried out the "Anvil of Artifacts" for all of the above mentioned reasons. The main one being the number of tries before I get a reforged item I'm willing to spend "powder" on and imbuing effort on. 

    Would it be posable to set the "Anvil" up so it's used after the accursed RNG Demond gets done with the Re-Forging? 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited February 2020
     Crafting needs looking at and something like this is a start. But it shouldn't be pay to win and non-rechargable if it is. If you could use this to craft items up to major artifact level, then I would consider it. 

    I am with the rest on the matter of the anvil: it is "pay-to-win" and doesn't belong, period.

    Fix crafting overall so there is some chance for us (meaning all players who train up crafting to be worthwhile) to make comparable gear to the legendary drop stuff, don't make it a pay-to-win matter.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited February 2020
    Kirthag said:
     Crafting needs looking at and something like this is a start. But it shouldn't be pay to win and non-rechargable if it is. If you could use this to craft items up to major artifact level, then I would consider it. 

    I am with the rest on the matter of the anvil: it is "pay-to-win" and doesn't belong, period.

    Fix crafting overall so there is some chance for us (meaning all players who train up crafting to be worthwhile) to make comparable gear to the legendary drop stuff, don't make it a pay-to-win matter.

    Fix crafting overall so there is some chance for us (meaning all players who train up crafting to be worthwhile) to make comparable gear to the legendary drop stuff, don't make it a pay-to-win matter.
    The problem is, that even with spending the money on an Anvil of Artifacts, at least to my opinion, what can be crafted using it, gets one nowhere near permitting the Crafting of items of comparable quality of Legendary items which drop.

    The issue that needs to be addressed here, to my opinion, rather then merely allowing players to shuffle Resistances around, Resistances which, mind you, ALREADY with Legendary drops items can bring a suit well over the Resistances CAPs, thus making it pointless in the first place to want to shuffle them around to start with, should be more that of addressing the need for Crafters in Ultima Online to be able to craft items that were to be of comparable quality as that of Legendary drop items....

    Otherwise, why would anyone want to bother with Crafting in Ultima Online, or hire the Services of a Crafter in Ultima Online, when they can get what they need or want, from Legendary Drop items and forget entirely about Crafting in Ultima Online ?

    THIS discrepancy (between the quality of Craftable Items vs. Legendary Drop items), to my opinion, should be the one that would need to be addressed, if Crafting wants to be helped in Ultima Online....

  • The grafics are quite good, but the function of the anvil is regarding enhancing to expensive.
    The reason is, I would only use it for the last item to build a suite.
    Keep in mind how many tries are needed to get 150 luck. So you will need 1-3 or more anvil$. To get exact the item you need.
    Well the minimum option of Resist equels the 10x needed material.
    I would prefer the option that this anvil can eats up the material from a deed.
    While crafting 10 gorgets is possible, other parts would require to much weight.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    Observations on the anvil of artifacts:

    Considering a full suit is 6 pieces a 15 use limit on the anvil is odd.  With 15 uses you can only use it to craft two full suits or craft and reforge one suit and have 3 left over uses.  Either a 18 or 24 use limit would be better.  Having it rechargeable is preferable.  Maybe one charge per week?

    I can see the usefulness of the anvil. With it you can save your self from having to imbue a resist on three of the 6 suite pieces.  For example use the anvil to have fire resist at 11 on two of the pieces then imbue 14 on three other pieces. That gives you three pieces that have not been imbued for fire resist. 
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited February 2020
    Kyronix said:
    Feedback for Ultima Store Items
    I don't see a thread on general feedback, but I was hoping after all the reports someone was going to look into vendor search. It's so central to the game and broken for so long now...
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    edited February 2020

    My math was off a little so I re-did it in excel

    For plain leather

    The 7's and 11's are anvil and the 13's, 14's, and 15's are imbues.You are left with 15 available imbues.  And because you did not need to go full intensity on the resists those remaining 15 imbues can have higher intensities.
  • Anvil of Artifacts
    1. While you guys are at it, change the runic exceptional bonus for armor to +20 like it should be. Makes absolutely 0 sense for it to be +11 in this day and age of reforging and legendary artifacts. Not that anyone actually crafts with runics anymore. 
    2. With how underpowered crafted gear is in the game, the 15 charge version should just be a 1200 point bod reward. If you want a money grab, at least make it 100 charges when you buy it from the store. 

    If you can take the time to give us a house crafting station for Stoneworking, you can give us 
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    I am just wondering if... perhaps the reason the anvil is a store bought item is that *takes a deep breath*.... Changes to crafting are in the works down the road!!! If so then this would be amazing, and the anvil would have some sort of use for certain.

    Just reading about the anvil of artifacts.... I think making it recharge say, a single charge per week would make them profitable for you guys currently. They could be used on lucky suits right away. If however, that means that indeed, changes to how crafting armor and weapons currently works will be up and coming at some later time this / early next year, I would keep them non-rechargeable. As it is now, for lucky suits only, I could see an advantage in that someone might buy 3 or 4 of them for certain. The charges are a bit low to gain just 1-2 extra properties though. I haven't crunched those number... but know I can easily reforge 1000 weapons before I get the one I want. I haven't tried lucky armor, so someone else would have to weigh in. Either way, crafted armor cannot compete currently with legendary pieces. Were crafting to change, I could see people needing these a ton, just like forged metal of artifacts (which are currently also only used for lucky suits or bows.)
  • Let's say it's 9 30 charged horned kits per 150 Luck MR 3 piece. (rough estimate) 5 Charges Per Reforge. 

    270 charges / 5 = 54 Pieces of armor. So it would take  ~4 of these 15 charge forges to get a single piece with luck 150. If they are 5$ a pop, that's 20$ per piece of armor x 5... 100$ for +2-3 Mana regeneration. Obviously rounding some, but that's still outrageous. 

    If they came 100 Charges for 5$ that's ~ 5$ per 2 pieces of Luck 150 armor, so 12.50$ for an extra 2-3 Mana regen on a luck suit. That seems reasonable. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    The anvil is deco at this point 

    they could make a lot more off it it was practically.    Think Walmart get the sales ! 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Can you make the Coconut Crab read "Does not eat anything" when you highlite it before purchase ? I paid 1000 sovereigns for this assuming it was the one that ate leather. In my opinion you added this to the store too soon, i'm sure I'm not the only one that bought it thinking it was something else, and I don't remember seeing any post announcement that it was a new mount choice in the store.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    Anvil of Artifacts:

    All it does is allow you to put the Exceptional Bonus with arms lore points where you want them at a cost of money per charge and 10X material.

    I only see a benefit if you are trying to get > 10 in a resist.  You can make 10 pieces and usually get 10 in a resist. When you put a lot of points in one resist, the others are going to be non exceptional values. 

    It just allows the crafter to distribute the points.  It needs to distribute more points than Exceptional with Arms Lore.

    I see no benefit to use this item when reforging. 

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix Pets bought in the store should be trainable from 2-5 slots. As should the Grizzled Mare! :)
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919

    @Pawain The anvil does allow you to distribute 7 points when reforging. Granted it is not much.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    That anvil should be in game as a bulk order deed reward not a store item 
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Skett said:
    That anvil should be in game as a bulk order deed reward not a store item 

    But BOD rewards don't move $$ from your bank to theirs, therefore, your idea is not a valid suggestion. :P 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited March 2020
    TimSt said:

    @ Pawain The anvil does allow you to distribute 7 points when reforging. Granted it is not much.

    All I saw was 31 total points. I am using studded leather.  That 31 is the same as you get from exceptional and arms lore.

    I reforged the items and they just had 31 total points.  

    Can't get the item on TC now....

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I would like to repeat my displeasure at the Coconut Crab store item that doesn't eat leather. 1000 wasted sovereigns with no comment from anyone tagged. 
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
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