"Publish 108 will mark the first publish of this year! We have been working on some great content for 108 that includes IDOC changes, new Veteran Rewards, Ultima Store Items, and PvP Balancing Changes....
...We have some great Veteran Rewards and Ultima Store Items included in Publish 108 as well. Publish 108 is currently scheduled for World Wide deployment in March so be sure check out the sections below to learn more!..."
"Publish 108 will mark the first publish of this year! We have been working on some great content for 108 that includes IDOC changes, new Veteran Rewards, Ultima Store Items, and PvP Balancing Changes....
...We have some great Veteran Rewards and Ultima Store Items included in Publish 108 as well. Publish 108 is currently scheduled for World Wide deployment in March so be sure check out the sections below to learn more!..."
Hmmm.... apparently, then, what I heard from other players in General Chat must be an unfounded rumor...... I heard someone saying that with the next Publish a new Server would take birth.....
But if it is not mentioned in the Link that you pointed to, I guess then, that this must be only an unfounded, baseless rumor.
"Publish 108 will mark the first publish of this year! We have been working on some great content for 108 that includes IDOC changes, new Veteran Rewards, Ultima Store Items, and PvP Balancing Changes....
...We have some great Veteran Rewards and Ultima Store Items included in Publish 108 as well. Publish 108 is currently scheduled for World Wide deployment in March so be sure check out the sections below to learn more!..."
Hmmm.... apparently, then, what I heard from other players in General Chat must be an unfounded rumor...... I heard someone saying that with the next Publish a new Server would take birth.....
But if it is not mentioned in the Link that you pointed to, I guess then, that this must be only an unfounded, baseless rumor.
I am happy with the return of the EC's vendor search gump. I can read things again without having to use a magnifying glass and moving my head back and forth in an attempt to see what text I wrote.
"Publish 108 will mark the first publish of this year! We have been working on some great content for 108 that includes IDOC changes, new Veteran Rewards, Ultima Store Items, and PvP Balancing Changes....
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Hmmm.... apparently, then, what I heard from other players in General Chat must be an unfounded rumor...... I heard someone saying that with the next Publish a new Server would take birth.....
But if it is not mentioned in the Link that you pointed to, I guess then, that this must be only an unfounded, baseless rumor.
"Extemplō Libyae magnās it Fāma per urbēs,
Fāma, malum quā nōn aliud vēlōcius ūllum:
mōbilitāte viget vīrēsque adquīrit eundō,
parva metū prīmō, mox sēsē attollit in aurās
ingrediturque solō et caput inter nūbila condit."
Vergil, Aeneid IV 173-177
Yeah, what he said :P
Hope it includes redistributing the arms lore resists too, don't want people to have to craft around that.
I am happy with the return of the EC's vendor search gump. I can read things again without having to use a magnifying glass and moving my head back and forth in an attempt to see what text I wrote.