
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited January 2020
    Solution 1: Have shard wide, randomly timed to appear any minute of each day, events... with all houses falling in 10 minutes OR LESS at the same time, with a gump that appears like "you have won this auction... IDOCs are now falling!" with an option somewhere to get maps to each IDOC house, with EJ accounts being UNABLE to get the maps, with all houses on every shard falling at exactly the same time Randomly each day, and signs NEVER display messages or staging of any sort. The houses would have to fall within 10 minutes... or else people will mark/drop runes to the good houses for their bots still. If they fall in 10 minutes or less, this would work beautifully.

    Problems: Bots will still know a house changed from public to private, and when.... they may need to remove a house changing to private actually upon being condemned. When it hits IDOC for the day, it becomes private that second only.

    Solution 2: Have all contents go into a storage vault for players when they return. Access to the storage vault costs 100,000 sovereigns or something (about $100) for storage of their items. Upon return, players have about 1 year of active play time to buy the "Storage Key" from the UO store. Or forever, I dunno how difficult the storage is. Someone said static storage is no problem somewhere.

    Problems: People who collect stuff like myself. I am willing to sacrifice this for the game to move forward. People can always trade blackrock boxes and other such items once the economy normalizes.
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2020
    Just do away with the 2d client, put UO on Steam, you'll get new subscribers after they see the EC graphics and they'll more than make up for the loss of 2d players. :) In all seriousness, this will absolutely put to bed scripting, so why not do it ? See what happens. Somebody had to say it, and it's no sillier than other ideas being tossed around.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • monkgamer said:

    only accounts that purchase a "clean up crew" token with origin coins, can loot the boxes. This token lasts for 30 days, and costs 10 dollars, and is good for getting items from chests that fall from idocs for that month. Or maybe 5 dollars a month etc That way, the idoc fun stays, but you gotta kinda pay for access. This increases the ods since not everyone will pay, and cuts out those randoms completely.

    Or those tokens are given out randomly to people, so everyone has a chance?

    Just shooting out ideas

    More pay to win...

  • In that case, I think the idea of putting  items in a box and in the characters bank a good idea.

    Or to keep idoc gameplay going.. putting all the drops in a chest and somehow control the way that gets doled out.

    Keeping the way it is now, or their new proposed changes, will still allow those botters to get items and probably end up on real money sites.

    My vote is for removing idoc gameplay and lettign people keep their stuff or DRASTICALLY changing how those items are doled out.

  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited February 2020
    Just simply let all items go to a storage vault. People can purchase the storage key for x amount of sovereigns and claim their items upon return after getting a house. No legitimate player will be saddened by this, I can promise you. Player retention will undoubtedly increase, gold selling sites will close, scripters will leave in mass. Most problems solved instantaneously.

    This is the single best idea out there. Also the easiest for you guys. Please do this Devs? We do not want IDOCs any longer.... the scripters, gold sellers, gold buyers, and trolls have been a problem for far too long for everyone. I haven't been to an IDOC in two years anyway. I've made my gold from cameos and blackthorn dungeon, actually playing the game.
  • Just shutdown EJ accts, they are only used for illegal reasons on 99.8% of them.  Either that or they have to be extremely limited to almost nothing in which case people wont use them might as well just stop them.  Since EJ came out the amount of illegal farming and scripting has gone up at least 500%.  This alone will stop a huge amount of cheating,  at least make the people pay to cheat since you wont stop them!!!!
  • How about just putting all contents of an idoc in a moving crate that the owner will have 30 days to unpack. Anything left inside the crate at the end of 30 days is auctioned off to highest bidder with no knowledge of what or how many items are inside the auction.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited February 2020
    How about just putting all contents of an idoc in a moving crate that the owner will have 30 days to unpack. Anything left inside the crate at the end of 30 days is auctioned off to highest bidder with no knowledge of what or how many items are inside the auction.
    People have already recorded every house on every shard. The ICQ script looters know what houses are what and would shake hands to bid. They would get all loot in such instances... and nobody could outbid them because they would combine gold and share items. This would simply cut out any ordinary collectors, those script groups we are fighting would get all of the best stuff and be the ones selling the rest. They would know exactly how much to spend to recoup their money.... Keep it in a crate indefinitely for the owner to return to is a much better option in my opinion. Said owner would come back and stay, rather than see their items all gone by some mistake or being not able to pay. When they can pay, they would be able to play again. If I lost all of my items.... I would never return ever personally.... and many have said the same and left exactly for that reason. :( :(

  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    edited February 2020
    all idoc items just go randomly into paying subscriber players banks. never know what you will get, or when you will get it or if you get anything.

    Or lottery. each idoc chest is lotteried off for tickets. tickets cost certain amount of gold.

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Just do away with the 2d client, put UO on Steam, you'll get new subscribers after they see the EC graphics and they'll more than make up for the loss of 2d players. :) In all seriousness, this will absolutely put to bed scripting, so why not do it ? See what happens. Somebody had to say it, and it's no sillier than other ideas being tossed around.
    Oh my days. We can actually agree on something 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2020
    JollyJade said:
    Ivenor said:

    Do you realize that we are having a 4 PAGES LONG discussion WHITOUT ANYONE INSULTING ANYONE OTHER and thus forcing the Mods to lock the Thread???

    Methink this is a Britanniabreaking record, and we deserve a collective hug!!! <3 <3 <3  :D ;)

    If I told people to shut up in capital letters @ Mariah would give me a count and delete it. It's just her usual double standards. 
    Or maybe it could be the difference between a (self)ironycal Post and continuous & boring slandering?

    But you understand this perfectly well by yourself, isn't JJ? :) ;)
  • I really think the only alternative to this pseudo fix is to simply ban all third party programs. If that means they'll have to ban UOAssist then so be it.
    Work the features that the oficially allowed programs like UOAssist, UOCartographer etc. offered into the respective clients. What the devs did with the most recent changes to the classic client (record suits, potion macros etc.) was a step into the right direction. Expand on this to replace UOAssist and the map programs out there and then simply ban all third party programs and enforce that rule.
    This would take care of the entire scripting issue, including idoc scripters and it wouldn't punish those who play the game by the rules.
    @Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak please consider this option. If this means you'll have to spend more time on it to fix this, I'm sure most would be happy to wait a little longer.
  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116

    Just do away with the 2d client, put UO on Steam, you'll get new subscribers after they see the EC graphics and they'll more than make up for the loss of 2d players. :) In all seriousness, this will absolutely put to bed scripting, so why not do it ? See what happens. Somebody had to say it, and it's no sillier than other ideas being tossed around.
    Oh my days. We can actually agree on something 

    you can script with EC. so it won't fix the problem
  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    You can make simple scripts to do actions while your at the computer and nothing like the scripts on the cc.... The cc is the problem and needs to be fixed just Google all the scripts for the cc and then for the EC and see that the EC does nothing close at all afk
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Simple solutions..... no more IDOC items on the ground. So easy..... contents saved for players to return to. It was their items to begin with, no more of the vultures and gold sellers.

    Then the devs wouldn't have to worry about housing. Players could save as many items as they want, because there is no need to store 75,000 IDOC items for selling. No incentive left for one house per account. Perhaps we could then have 2 or 3 houses per account again and the shards would fill up. Then the housing market would take back off on empty shards, and people would be trading/buying/selling houses once more. People would be.... not house scripters. Tiny houses might actually hold value again like in the T2A days.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    JollyJade said:
    Ivenor said:

    Do you realize that we are having a 4 PAGES LONG discussion WHITOUT ANYONE INSULTING ANYONE OTHER and thus forcing the Mods to lock the Thread???

    Methink this is a Britanniabreaking record, and we deserve a collective hug!!! <3 <3 <3  :D ;)

    If I told people to shut up in capital letters @ Mariah would give me a count and delete it. It's just her usual double standards. 
    @Mariah ; should actually perma ban you this time, for insulting her methods of moderation on the official forums and for making yet another attempt to get a thread locked.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    To go with now not displaying the house sign make EJ accounts only usable on the EC client and those throw away bots disappear ... Sure they can still use paying accounts but they actually risking loosing that account
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    JollyJade said:
    If I told people to shut up in capital letters @ Mariah would give me a count and delete it. It's just her usual double standards. 
    @ Mariah  should actually perma ban you this time, for insulting her methods of moderation on the official forums and for making yet another attempt to get a thread locked.
    + + +  Get rid of the irrelevant and self pity posts.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited February 2020
    There is a lot of good theory crafting going on in this thread.  It's given me a chance to think how things will work out with house signs and my opinion is beginning to sway towards leaving the house signs the way they are.

    My initial thoughts were if they couldn't tell the house was in the decay process via the sign that it would remove the buffer time for a single player to set up a dozen accounts to script loot the contents in a matter of seconds when it finally does fall.  Which is true to a certain degree but it still wouldn't stop them from dominating with the use illegal scripts. 
    Instead of bots wandering around marking runes and logging decaying houses the bots would now be wandering around and gating other script bots to it's location for the sole purpose of looting when it detects idoc loot laying on the ground.  It is my belief that they would have new scripts written within days of the launch to be able to do this process fully automated and unattended 24/7 365 days a year on all shards.  NOT good and not something any legitimate would be able to compete against. 

    So what do you do to combat script looting at IDOCs?  
    Well in the simplest terms their bots are just picking stuff up off the ground right?
    Okay simple.  Don't let any of the house contents hit the ground.  Problem solved.

    I mean really?  An ENTIRE UO life savings just laying on the ground to be picked up?!?  It's just to easy!


    Oh but what do we do with the house contents if it doesn't hit the ground you ask?  There are several options.  Some have been suggested in this thread which i will elaborate on and give my 2 cents.  I'm sure there are other ideas that haven't been thought up yet as well and we can discuss the pro's and cons of those when they do.  But the important part to remember, and i'll say it again.  Don't let any of the house contents hit the ground! 

    Option #1
         Put all House contents in a moving crate for the owner to retrieve from his/her bank box when and IF they return.
    This appears to be the most logical and humane thing to do to give players that quit incentive to return.   I'm only about 10% behind this idea and 90% opposed for several reasons listed below
     The 90% opposed part.
    IDOCs would be done.  A long standing play style for years would be eliminated.  Even though i stopped doing idocs (because of the cheaters) it would sadden me to see the tradition gone.
    If the player never returns for whatever reason (permanent lack of interest, banned, death ect ect) then any contents of significant importance to shard history would be lost forever.
    If a player knows he/she is quieting they are already  fully capable of putting valuables in their bank boxes.  Not doing so makes loosing those items kind of there own fault.
    Players would exploit and abuse the ability to send all of the house contents into their bank box.  Essentially getting free storage at no cost.  I can see this abuse causing UO to loose paid subscriptions. 

    The 10% approved part
    As an incentive for returning players I feel that all account bound items such as soulstones and shard shields should be moved to a moving crate and placed in the players bank box.

    Option #2
         Put 100% of the house contents on tough monsters that spawn when the house falls. Minus account bound items that would get sent to a moving crate.  The amount of monsters would be scaled to the amount of contents in the house. The monsters should be tough enough to kill anyone that isn't fully attended and capable of defending themselves.  The monsters should also have enough hit points so that everyone attending has time to do enough damage to get looting rights.  The captains from Blackthorns dungeon would work well for this scenerio (or something similar in strength,  HP's and offensive power)

     I'm thinking each IDOC would turn into a little mini event where everyone attending would not only be fighting for looting rights but also for there lives.  
     When each monster dies the loot from the house on that monster would be divided up FAIRLY to all of those attending that did enough damage to get looting rights.
    If you want another players life savings for free?  Well you're just going to have to fight for it.

    Option #3
         Put everything except account bound items in random Trove treasure chests.  Throw treasure hunters a bone!  The loot from IDOCs is kinda like treasure right?  

    This would work in combating script looters and actually sounds really cool but for reasons stated above I wouldn't be for it.  Again it would kill the long standing tradition of doing IDOCs.

    Option #4
       Create new treasure maps that strictly contain the contents of an IDOCed house when it falls. 
    Give the treasure maps a name.  Perhaps something like "Lost Treasures of (players name on house)"
    Place these new treasure maps on mobs that spawn when the house falls (similar to option #2).
    The maps would then be distributed to everyone that got looting rights on the mobs.  They could even drop in your pack like artifacts when the mob dies.
    You can then go dig them up at your leisure on your treasure hunter to see if you got anything good or not.

    There's 4 options in combating script looters.  Some old some new.  I would be interested in hearing what you guys would consider doing with the loot if it no longer hits the ground.

    To summarize my thoughts on how to proceed with script looters we should deal with 4 major aspects.
    1-  Don't do anything that would completely eliminate the long standing tradition of IDOCing.
    2-  Do completely eliminate the scripters abilities and advantages they have now
    3-  Make IDOCs challenging and expand on the content rather than removing it.
    4-  Give players that quit an incentive to return by placing their account bound items in their bank boxes

    And with that i will say this one last time lol



  • I really think the only alternative to this pseudo fix is to simply ban all third party programs. If that means they'll have to ban UOAssist then so be it.
    Work the features that the oficially allowed programs like UOAssist, UOCartographer etc. offered into the respective clients. What the devs did with the most recent changes to the classic client (record suits, potion macros etc.) was a step into the right direction. Expand on this to replace UOAssist and the map programs out there and then simply ban all third party programs and enforce that rule.
    This would take care of the entire scripting issue, including idoc scripters and it wouldn't punish those who play the game by the rules.
    @ Mesanna @ Kyronix @ Bleak please consider this option. If this means you'll have to spend more time on it to fix this, I'm sure most would be happy to wait a little longer.

    The only post that's realistic and the only post that makes sense. The root of damn near 99% of UO's issues are the 3rd party programs that allow players to script. Just kill it already.
  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited February 2020
    If they got rid of the CC to eliminate scripting I would bet my account that a new script engine that supports the EC would be created within months (if it doesn't already exist).  Back to square one but without our CC.


  • I really think the only alternative to this pseudo fix is to simply ban all third party programs. If that means they'll have to ban UOAssist then so be it.
    Work the features that the oficially allowed programs like UOAssist, UOCartographer etc. offered into the respective clients. What the devs did with the most recent changes to the classic client (record suits, potion macros etc.) was a step into the right direction. Expand on this to replace UOAssist and the map programs out there and then simply ban all third party programs and enforce that rule.
    This would take care of the entire scripting issue, including idoc scripters and it wouldn't punish those who play the game by the rules.
    @ Mesanna @ Kyronix @ Bleak please consider this option. If this means you'll have to spend more time on it to fix this, I'm sure most would be happy to wait a little longer.
    Yes this would be the ideal solution for IDOC's along with so many other scripts unrelated to idocs that plague UO.
    I'm 100% with this under two conditions
         1-  It would have to be 100% fool proof guaranteed to block all current scripting methods used now and no way for savvy programmers to work around anti script measures.  It would REALY have to work.  Can they do that?
         2-  Vast improvements to the CC to include a better map and macro abilities.  Specifically the ability to use the mouse wheel for targeting (pretty much the only reason i still use UOAssist).


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    There is a lot of good theory crafting going on in this thread.  It's given me a chance to think how things will work out with house signs and my opinion is beginning to sway towards leaving the house signs the way they are.

    My initial thoughts were if they couldn't tell the house was in the decay process via the sign that it would remove the buffer time for a single player to set up a dozen accounts to script loot the contents in a matter of seconds when it finally does fall.  Which is true to a certain degree but it still wouldn't stop them from dominating with the use illegal scripts. 
    Instead of bots wandering around marking runes and logging decaying houses the bots would now be wandering around and gating other script bots to it's location for the sole purpose of looting when it detects idoc loot laying on the ground.  It is my belief that they would have new scripts written within days of the launch to be able to do this process fully automated and unattended 24/7 365 days a year on all shards.  NOT good and not something any legitimate would be able to compete against. 

    So what do you do to combat script looting at IDOCs?  
    Well in the simplest terms their bots are just picking stuff up off the ground right?
    Okay simple.  Don't let any of the house contents hit the ground.  Problem solved.

    I mean really?  An ENTIRE UO life savings just laying on the ground to be picked up?!?  It's just to easy!


    Oh but what do we do with the house contents if it doesn't hit the ground you ask?  There are several options.  Some have been suggested in this thread which i will elaborate on and give my 2 cents.  I'm sure there are other ideas that haven't been thought up yet as well and we can discuss the pro's and cons of those when they do.  But the important part to remember, and i'll say it again.  Don't let any of the house contents hit the ground! 

    Option #1
         Put all House contents in a moving crate for the owner to retrieve from his/her bank box when and IF they return.
    This appears to be the most logical and humane thing to do to give players that quit incentive to return.   I'm only about 10% behind this idea and 90% opposed for several reasons listed below
     The 90% opposed part.
    IDOCs would be done.  A long standing play style for years would be eliminated.  Even though i stopped doing idocs (because of the cheaters) it would sadden me to see the tradition gone.
    If the player never returns for whatever reason (permanent lack of interest, banned, death ect ect) then any contents of significant importance to shard history would be lost forever.
    If a player knows he/she is quieting they are already  fully capable of putting valuables in their bank boxes.  Not doing so makes loosing those items kind of there own fault.
    Players would exploit and abuse the ability to send all of the house contents into their bank box.  Essentially getting free storage at no cost.  I can see this abuse causing UO to loose paid subscriptions. 

    The 10% approved part
    As an incentive for returning players I feel that all account bound items such as soulstones and shard shields should be moved to a moving crate and placed in the players bank box.

    Option #2
         Put 100% of the house contents on tough monsters that spawn when the house falls. Minus account bound items that would get sent to a moving crate.  The amount of monsters would be scaled to the amount of contents in the house. The monsters should be tough enough to kill anyone that isn't fully attended and capable of defending themselves.  The monsters should also have enough hit points so that everyone attending has time to do enough damage to get looting rights.  The captains from Blackthorns dungeon would work well for this scenerio (or something similar in strength,  HP's and offensive power)

     I'm thinking each IDOC would turn into a little mini event where everyone attending would not only be fighting for looting rights but also for there lives.  
     When each monster dies the loot from the house on that monster would be divided up FAIRLY to all of those attending that did enough damage to get looting rights.
    If you want another players life savings for free?  Well you're just going to have to fight for it.

    Option #3
         Put everything except account bound items in random Trove treasure chests.  Throw treasure hunters a bone!  The loot from IDOCs is kinda like treasure right?  

    This would work in combating script looters and actually sounds really cool but for reasons stated above I wouldn't be for it.  Again it would kill the long standing tradition of doing IDOCs.

    Option #4
       Create new treasure maps that strictly contain the contents of an IDOCed house when it falls. 
    Give the treasure maps a name.  Perhaps something like "Lost Treasures of (players name on house)"
    Place these new treasure maps on mobs that spawn when the house falls (similar to option #2).
    The maps would then be distributed to everyone that got looting rights on the mobs.  They could even drop in your pack like artifacts when the mob dies.
    You can then go dig them up at your leisure on your treasure hunter to see if you got anything good or not.

    There's 4 options in combating script looters.  Some old some new.  I would be interested in hearing what you guys would consider doing with the loot if it no longer hits the ground.

    To summarize my thoughts on how to proceed with script looters we should deal with 4 major aspects.
    1-  Don't do anything that would completely eliminate the long standing tradition of IDOCing.
    2-  Do completely eliminate the scripters abilities and advantages they have now
    3-  Make IDOCs challenging and expand on the content rather than removing it.
    4-  Give players that quit an incentive to return by placing their account bound items in their bank boxes

    And with that i will say this one last time lol

    @Kyronix , @Bleak , @Mesanna , please, listen to this player !!

    The Alternative options sound very interesting to me and would likely take scripters out of the picture....

    Not all scripters, though, since we know that there are ALSO BOTs out there with scripts that enable them to "also" fight, but still, it would reduce the issue or at least make life for scripters a bit harder.....

    Then, if you go with Alternative Options # 3 or 4, I think only manually controlled Characters could handle them, the scripted BOTs often used to Farm some Spawns I have doubts that could be used to script these....

    So, hopefully, chosing either Option # 3 or Option # 4 the IDOCs scripting would have been dealt with most effectively....

    Please, at least consider such alternatives and do not introduce changes that would still let Scripters have it their way.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    A number of posts, flagged by multiple users, have been removed.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited February 2020
    After watching and participating in this discussion for months now, I think there are some realities that some players really just do not want to accept:

    -- The most popular and easy scripting program for CC does not interact with the UO data stream directly.  Because of this, there is no way on the server side to tell the difference between a script action and a player action.  Developers realized this years and years ago and proposed a third party program that would be installed as part of UO that would read all the installed programs on your hard drive and block UO if you had unapproved programs installed.  UO players killed this as invasive, and rightly so IMO.

    -- Creative and complex scripts can be written to perform virtually ANY action in game that is both predictable and repeatable.  The only real limits to scripting are the number of variables a script writer is willing to build into the script (given a high level of script writing ability).

    If you ask me, when you consider the above and how scripts have abused IDOCs you really only have a couple base alternatives:

    -- A house decay system where house contents do not drop with the house.  They are either deleted or saved for the owner, or (unrealistically) distributed through other PvM content.  This system eliminates the IDOC play style expect for high value plots.

    -- Massive GM enforcement at IDOCs based on assumptions.  GMs show up at every IDOC and ban accounts of those they suspect of cheating.  While this sounds great in theory, it has a couple major flaws.  One, there simply isn't enough GM support to make this a reality across the board.  Two, since there is no way to prove who is and isn't scripting, it turns into a giant cluster of a GMs word against a players word.  You'll ban some cheaters no doubt, but you'll ban some legit players right along with them.

    -- A house decay system that has too many variables for scripters to deal with.  IMO, the proposed change from the developers is trying to achieve this.  I have heard some suggest that scripts will simply start looking for items on the ground instead of reading house signs.  Or that scripters will simply document every single house in UO across every shard and then repeatedly check for changes.  The question is... will they put in that much effort in their scripts to continue what they do now.  The biggest downside of this approach is that for the normal player, this change is more or less the same as the houses not dropping the contents at all because the regular player won't be able to find the IDOC in the first place.  Ultimately the harder they try and make it for scripts the harder they make it for the average player, many times exponential harder because players can't play 24/7.

    IMO, there is no other option for IDOC's that does not fall into one of these categories.

    Where does that leave us?  UO DOES have a place where IDOCs are not dominated by scripts.  Where the average player has a way to find and predict a house fall in order to show up for a chance at loot.  Where GM's are not needed as constant police looking for cheaters.  Is it the perfect solution for everyone? ... nope.  But IMO, it is the only truly viable option that keeps the average player in the loop for IDOCs, leaves the house contents falling, and eliminates the vacuums.  However, for this to be successful, it would also require rekindling something that UO, at least IMO, lost most of many years ago... a sense of community among strangers.  UO had IDOCs before Trammel existed.  Blue players banded together to fight whether they knew each other or not... and most of the time it worked.  People complain there are just too many reds...To borrow a phrase from a recent, popular movie... "But there are more of us, Poe. There are more of us."

    Here was my suggestion for a change to IDOCs from another thread:

    -The moment the house goes from greatly to idoc the house and all its contents get teleported to an instanced island and a neon green moon gate appears at the house location. (Think Corgul island)  Entering the gate would deposit you at a random location on the island.  (note to Devs) Technically, the actual structure of the house need not be recreated... the island could have a standard structure that would have the contents of the house randomly distributed throughout that would vanish to drop the contents.  This would make programming the island fairly simple and static other than the contents inside the structure.
    -Current placement restrictions begin when the gate appears and remain until the gate disappears.
    -The island will be Fel dungeon ruleset (PvP, no mark or recall, no house placement) and be infested with random spawn.
    -Leaving the island will be through additional green gates placed on the island (Think Medusa’s lair).  Gates will not work if you are flagged and there will be a 2 minute timer before you can return.
    -The house will collapse 30 minutes after being teleported.

    Other than the “I don’t want to PvP”, this scenario would solve virtually every other issue with IDOCS.

  • Uo never has had issues with destroying long time playstyles. No point changing now, just put the stuff in a chest in the owners bank.

  • monkgamer said:
    Uo never has had issues with destroying long time playstyles. No point changing now, just put the stuff in a chest in the owners bank.

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited February 2020
    Here is the reality. The OVERWHELMING, and only, problem with IDOC's is the SCRIPTERS/CHEATERS. But for some reason, the devs, can't/won't ban them. Even though EVERYONE knows who they are (except the devs?). Including the one's who script place houses, and sell houses and accounts for RMT (which Mesanna has had proof sent to her). Making changes that will only HELP them (which is what the proposed change actually does) is like pouring gasoline on a fire, and spitting in the face of the honest players.  

    UNTIL SCRIPTERS/CHEATERS ARE BANNED, NOTHING WILL CHANGE, and honest players will continue to get fed up, and quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited February 2020
    KHAN said:
    Here is the reality. The OVERWHELMING, and only, problem with IDOC's is the SCRIPTERS/CHEATERS. But for some reason, the devs, can't/won't ban them. Even though EVERYONE knows who they are (except the devs?). Including the one's who script place houses, and sell houses and accounts for RMT (which Mesanna has had proof sent to her). Making changes that will only HELP them (which is what the proposed change actually does) is like pouring gasoline on a fire, and spitting in the face of the honest players.  

    UNTIL SCRIPTERS/CHEATERS ARE BANNED, NOTHING WILL CHANGE, and honest players will continue to get fed up, and quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    aaand THIS!!!!!

    The development team really only has 3 options when dealing with scripters

    1- Ban the scripters. 
    According to the news letter they're getting them but other than that i'm not seing it.  The script looters at IDOCs are so blatantly obvious yet we see the same people doing it over and over again.  How they get away with it i dont know.  Perhaps the GM lacks sufficient proof.
    2- Block 3rd party programs so scripts can not be ran
    I'm not sure if this is even possible but if it is I would give up UOAssist and Pinco's for it to happen.

    3- The soft approach.  Tweak game mechanics to make it difficult to script.
    This is clearly the way they're going and it seems to be the most labor intensive as they would have to deal with each problem with a case by case solution.  Not only that but it only works if done correctly for each case otherwise the people scripting will simply adjust with a newer script.


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