Please remove the Ancient Treasure Chest Guardians!
They are time cosuming, got no loot and its better to just wait a certain amount of time until you remove the trap from the chest to not let any spawn. They are just a big annoyance and everyone would be happy if they were gone. To sit and wait for something is one of the things I dislike the most. I dont see a reason for them.
So please remove them or give us a way to avoid them, like if you unlock the chest with a skeleton key, you can remove the trap without ancient treasure chest guardians right away.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I went to the trouble of getting GM remove trap and training up a fully skilled and very powerful Disco-Cu to solo maps. I can kill the normal guardian spawn pretty quick, which means I am left to kill 8-10 ancient guardians afterwards, whereas someone who takes longer to kill the initial spawn might not have to kill any. Completely backwards.
I am to the point where I do about 5 maps at a time, digging them up and killing the initial guardians then moving to the next one. Once all 5 are dug up and the initial guardians are dead I cycle back through them to pick the lock , remove the trap and loot. At least with this strategy I don't waste so much time with a tedious (broken IMO) game mechanic.
Yeah, the fought scripters by making it random resources, etc etc.
Then the Tmap 'improvements'
Can't wait to see what they do with IDOCs lol
I dread the IDOC changes... really....
Scripters need to be dealt with, but changing IDOC is just gonna tick off half the legit players and make the other half rage-quit while the scripters take a few days to do a work-around if they don't figure it out on TC.
with 100 removing trap skill you shouldnt get 4 rounds of guardians spawn with a cache tmaps ( only lvl 3 ).... really annoying to have 100 in this skill for what do we do...we dont do them sadly
Unless you pay through the nose for them the only way to get the mysterious fragments used for the shrine battles is to dig up treasure chests. So how many people can't do the shrine battles now because they refused to dig up chests?
I have 3 cloaks and 9 Tabards and only had 25 total Fragments.
The only reason you did not do the Mini Event on LS was because you chose not to.
So if we are all using a work around to avoid a mechanic, wouldn’t it just be a good quality of life improvement to just remove the mechanic and let players just do the maps without the extra guardians? Maybe not completely, but with GM remove trap you should have some benefit from the skill.
GM remove trap reduces the amount of time you need to wait if you want to avoid the extra guardians or want to avoid the trap randomly getting triggered.
Cheers MissE
Don't put money on that, you would lose it.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
This is the second time there has been a significant downgrade in treasure map loot and the answer from the devs is "no it wasn't". For those of us who do maps... lots of maps... dozens of maps a week... it is extremely obvious that the overall loot quality is significantly lower, but we routinely get ignored or placated with answers that are clearly wrong.
When the weather man says its sunny outside but when the people go outside and all they see is overcast sky who is wrong? The weather man can look at his weather models and graphs and charts all day long... it still doesn't change the reality that the sun isn't shining.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Well I think part of the disconnect is perhaps a lack of actual playing by the Devs. Sure, the chests are dropping legendaries faster than they used to. The other loot vanished tho except for specific chests...
And contrary to popular belief by the devs (or so it seems) Legendary tags do not make the item. I've seen, before I quit em, many legendaries that would be great for a necro tamer swordsman, or some other such ridiculosity.
But the odds of that actual "OMG!!!!!!! Look at this!!!!!" item dropping, that have good mods for any sensible template, seem to be even decreased from what it was.
If you wait the associated time with that type of Map depending on your removing trap skill level, a lot less (or even none) Guardians should spawn....
Sure, it is kind of a waste of time to sit there waiting that timer to expire but if the Guardians bother you so much then at least it is a way not to be bothered by them....
I cannot remember what the timers for each type of Maps are at 100.0 Remove Trap, though....
Does anyone else remember them ?
Check it out here
The annoying part is, that on Trove, Hoard and Cache the waiting time is significant.... 9 minutes on the Trove Maps to sit there and wait, doing nothing, 7 minutes for the Hoard Maps and 3 Minutes for the Cache Maps....
What is the "Decay" time on Treasure Chests ?
If one has to wait 9 long minutes on a Trove Map to avoid getting more Guardians to Spawn, ain't it that while doing that waiting the Chest would decay and go "poof" ?
make it 15 minutes to an hour before you can grab it
if you dont want ot fight them dig up the chest, go do something else for 5 minutes (set a timer) come back and RT the chest it will untrap after a couple of attempts thats ridiculously easy