Can the Jackolantern Helms please be made available before Halloween Day?
I am really enjoying this year's pirate themed Halloween event. I have never done Charybdis before, so that alone has been a whole new experience. All of the new equipment is nice but I love the sword belt and baked-kitsune hat best. The new aquariums are stunning! Equipable ale bottles are fun, and I love throwing the exploding pumpkins at people (as well as distilled ale, it makes a nice combo hehe).
However... I would have really enjoyed being able to wear the Jackolantern Helm while Trick or Treating, killing Grims, Butchers, and bone skeletons, blowing up pumpkin-decked pirate ships and all that fun stuff for the entirety of October's Halloween event. Now we are only a few days away from Halloween itself and I hear rumors of the next release of rewards being Nov 1... after Halloween. I realize there is always next year, but I confess to some disappointment on the matter. I will still enjoy wearing it in November, but it just isn't quite the same as Halloween.
Since I am on the topic, I would also like to say that I am not a huge fan of trickling out events rewards, even to the point of limiting how many points players can ''store'' before the next items are available without punishing them for it by taking up house lockdowns. I feel this forces people to play on the game's time table, instead of allowing people to play the game when it suits them. A lot of people have less time for UO the closer we get to the date of a holiday, and this new trend of parceling out the rewards prevents people from farming their hearts out when they have the time to do so. If you must release the rewards in batches, would it be possible to consider at least not limiting the amount of points (silver, doubloons, etc) that can be stored up on the NPC ahead of time? @Kyronix
Aside from that bit, I am having a blast with Forsaken Foes and I am looking forward to Jolly Roger!
However... I would have really enjoyed being able to wear the Jackolantern Helm while Trick or Treating, killing Grims, Butchers, and bone skeletons, blowing up pumpkin-decked pirate ships and all that fun stuff for the entirety of October's Halloween event. Now we are only a few days away from Halloween itself and I hear rumors of the next release of rewards being Nov 1... after Halloween. I realize there is always next year, but I confess to some disappointment on the matter. I will still enjoy wearing it in November, but it just isn't quite the same as Halloween.
Since I am on the topic, I would also like to say that I am not a huge fan of trickling out events rewards, even to the point of limiting how many points players can ''store'' before the next items are available without punishing them for it by taking up house lockdowns. I feel this forces people to play on the game's time table, instead of allowing people to play the game when it suits them. A lot of people have less time for UO the closer we get to the date of a holiday, and this new trend of parceling out the rewards prevents people from farming their hearts out when they have the time to do so. If you must release the rewards in batches, would it be possible to consider at least not limiting the amount of points (silver, doubloons, etc) that can be stored up on the NPC ahead of time? @Kyronix
Aside from that bit, I am having a blast with Forsaken Foes and I am looking forward to Jolly Roger!

Cheers MissE
It's so you can't just do it all the first 3-4 days and then spend the next 6 weeks griping about nothing to do, bored, etc. It's how they keep you hanging on <span>
last night I fought a Butcher at fel Nujelm cemetery on Sonoma.
Haven't seen any today.
Others have reported on Stratics that they haven't seen them yesterday or today on other shards.
ToT is still live.
Haven't run around the cemeteries yet though.
j/k.. GG.