Bound Pets Gone Wild (bug/story)



  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    I rarely feed my cus that are newer and naturally bonded which is why I was asking. But I'm also not fighting high end stuff either.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,664
    Ya I have never used the potion.  I would buy stable increase tokens instead.  This is my really old beetle that I used to collect the leather in Destard to make my leather empire.

    He was an angry little bug.  I should re name him that for his Rebirth.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited September 2019
    Kirthag said:

    Thankfully, owners can retame pets gone wild - is just so unnerving! Then have to rebond again (I don't use the potion). I feed that bug so much now is scary.
    Unfortunately, the ability to retame a pet gone wild, often is not enough......

    In a fighting situation, infact, it often happens that the pet gone wild, that same pet on which the Tamer has spent countless time to train and countless gold to apply Legendary Powerscrolls on, gets killed by the spawn before the Tamer can tame it back....

    At that point, all of that investment in time and in-game gold is gone for good....

    As I said, it is inexplicable to me how, such an important issue to many players (it can be so much upsetting that players could stop althougether playing Ultyima Online over such a loss....), has been ongoing for many Years now, and not been fixed already.....
  • Add me to the list  <3
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pets should simply not go wild once bonded.  My suggestion is that they simply auto stable when their loyalty gets low enough to go wild or have it simply not obey commands at all  until it is fed and the loyalty brought back up and just stand doing nothing until loyalty is back up.  Either one would accomplish.  Sure the pet might die and you have to train the .1 skill loss back up but better than the number of folks that have lost some very expensive pets due to going wild in places where they can't retame and the p et gets whacked.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    popps said:
    Kirthag said:

    Thankfully, owners can retame pets gone wild - is just so unnerving! Then have to rebond again (I don't use the potion). I feed that bug so much now is scary.
    Unfortunately, the ability to retame a pet gone wild, often is not enough......

    In a fighting situation, infact, it often happens that the pet gone wild, that same pet on which the Tamer has spent countless time to train and countless gold to apply Legendary Powerscrolls on, gets killed by the spawn before the Tamer can tame it back....

    At that point, all of that investment in time and in-game gold is gone for good....

    As I said, it is inexplicable to me how, such an important issue to many players (it can be so much upsetting that players could stop althougether playing Ultyima Online over such a loss....), has been ongoing for many Years now, and not been fixed already.....
    And this is why I don't bring out my WW when I go hunting with my tamer. I take my 'mare or the unicorn - but leave Peppermint in the stable cos I don't want to lose him. I was utterly surprised when I was (barely) able to tame that WW ages ago - he's a pre-patch one - I don't think I could bear losing him.

  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited September 2019
    I know how the pet gone wild bug happens, at least for the pets coming from statues ie: vollems , paroxysmus swampies etc..

    If you log in UO and close the client immediatly or log out within 2 sec, it may cause the pet to stay inside UO world while your character is gone. This will result in eventually the pet going wild , and poof.

    My guess is it might happen to any pets actually not only pets from statues .
    Ive lost one paroxymus and 1 pre patch vollem , and I tried to reproduce and figure out what hapenned for days, and I eventually came to the conclusion it was a too quick  log-in / log-out , that caused the pet to stay connected, while my character logged out the world. @Kyronix
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Just had a chance to observe the bu in action. I was in Abyss killing Clockwork scorpions with my bane. Checked pet health - Extremely happy. Fed it immediately, and rechecked health. About 1 min later it refuses an order. I check and it's Extremely happy again. Between the first time and the second time we hardly moved. We were on the flat surface away from fences and buildings, i.e. there was always LOS. 
    There is definitely a bug.
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    My pets that disappeared were all paroxys that auto bonded.
  • its like dropping your 100m gold sword and cant pick it back up then you die, then its gone forever.

    Its a bit deflating that this thread was completely ignored.

    As a new tamer, I really would not want to lose pets this way. Its not like it was before where you can just re-tame them, now you have to tame / train / then add skills/ then trian more/ then add power scrolls.

    Ok, well i dont personally have any expensive pets yet, but its scary to think such things can happen and that the staff seem to not care whatsoever 

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    My 120 scrolled fire beetle unbonded AGAIN last week at a rat spawn. (2nd time for this one, on Oceania) I had line of sight, in fact was standing about 8 tiles from it, gave it one command "all follow me" and it instantly unbonded.  Didn't even bother to come to the forums to bitch about it as from experience it is a waste of time.  Luckily I could retame it and stable it, and yet again all it's skills have dropped back to 84.6/120  so yet again I now need to spend days and days retraining those skills. 

    This is after the triton from my other account disappeared to god when I accidently clicked a pet ball thinking the triton was on it, and it pulled another 5 slot pet from the stable.  Which shouldn't of happened yet it did. (or maybe it was the fire beetle lost and the triton pulled, can't flipping remember now, all the 'lost' pets are starting to become a blur).

    In the whole time I have played over 15 yrs, and having played tamers all this time, (I actually have 3 on Oceania, 2 on Siege, 2 on Atlantic) I never had a pet unbond until after the taming revamp.  NEVER.  My playstyle has not changed, the commands have not change, loring the pet and feeding the pet has not changed, yet since this 'revamp' I have had MULTIPLE instances of pets unbonding. Twice I have been unable to retrain due to mobs and the scrolled pets have died before I could anything to save em. 

    They just shouldn't 'unbond' it shouldn't even be an option.  @Kyronix

    No reason for it.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissE said:

    They just shouldn't 'unbond' it shouldn't even be an option.  @ Kyronix

    No reason for it.
    With the time involved and the price of scrolls, I agree. It would piss me off and make me think twice. Solution could be that they just stand still, accept no commands.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited February 2020

    It is perfectly understandable and acceptable that there could be bugs, noone complaints, at least to my understanding, about the fact that there is a bug which gets tamed pets to go wild.... what is much less acceptable, I think, is the fact that players, year after year after year, are left to have to face such a nasty bug without a fix to it or at least a temporary solution to help reduce the loss to players....

    I can accept that this might be a hard bug to find and thus fix, it would explain why this has not been done in many Years now, but, then, in the meantime, WHY NOT put in something to help players who had the unluckiness to bump into it not to suffer from it permanently as it is now ?

    UO code does see the stats of a pet while it is bonded, right ?

    Make it so that, should this bug hit a player, players might be able to fully recover their pet from a Stable Master.... it could work (aheam....), moreless, like a Lighthouse works (or should I say should work....) for Ships...

    Should a player have a pet go wild or one from a statuette (for example the Triton) and die or vanish, the player could then go to a Stable Master and retrieve it in both cases with their full stats as they were before the pet got killed or vanished.... It would not be the same pet but a "duplicated" pet which is exactly the same as the pet was "before" it vanished from going wild.....

    A patched up solution before the bug gets finally found and fixed but at least, a temporary solution which would help players who spent a LOT of time and gold into that pet, not loose it for good thus wasting all of the time and gold they spent to obtain and train it.

    @Kyronix , @Bleak , could you please consider something to ease tamers' pain on such a nasty bug ?

    Thank you.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    All they have to do is make it so a bonded pet cannot 'unbond', I understand that a tamed pet can unbond, especially if the tamer is in training and has limited skill, however once a pet is tamed and bonded that should be it until the tamer releases the pet, especially if you are charging people for insta bond potions.  

    If the tamer's skill is not sufficient (ie switched out jewels, lowered skill for whatever reason discorded etc) it should refuse to do anything and just stand there until the problem is addressed.  If the tamer forgets to feed it and it gets unhappy it should just stand there until fed or if in a fight refuse to do anything and perhaps just die. And it can then be rezzed. 

    Simple fix.  Just take out the code that makes it unbond once bonded.  Not rocket science.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • I was training my bound Cu at the eternal gazers and it went wild then died; I'm a garg tamer and couldn't retame it, had a GM respond to me before it died telling me to just put it back in the stable lol. 

    I haven't played in roughly 18 years but I recently resubbed; bound pets were around last time I was and from what I understand they don't go wild.

    I had just spent roughly 100 million gold scrolling the Cu, so essentially every bit of gold I had since I'm a returning player. GM's refused to help recover the Cu or the scrolls lost on him; it was and still is linked to a pet ball and a copy of him was on the TC for figuring out his build.

    Just be careful out there everyone, what worries me the most is the lack of support for losing a pet due solely to a bug of what should be a reliable game mechanic; I wasn't even mad just surprised it bugged and unbound from me. What has me in awe though is the complete lack of customer support; I canceled my sub because everything I had was invested in that Cu with the hopes of using him for the long term, if I rebuilt and the bug happened again what then? I'm just extremely surprised at the lack of support, and I heard from guildmates that its happened to others recently and led to them unsubbing also.

    I wouldn't post about this, but I honestly just really love this game and hope they fix this or at least change their customer support practices. I started this game when I was around 10-12 years old and finally recovered my account a few months ago to get back into it while recovering from spinal surgery; I've been really enjoying the game, there's nothing like it and I hope it continues to get better well into the future. Things happen, that's life, but why not help the customers when a bug causes a significant loss like that? This is a extremely fun game, help your players out and value their time/effort. Thank you

    I am not sure if that is a bug or not, but either way I wouldn't worry about it. You could get all that back with buying 2500 sovereigns and selling them to some one, please dont enable the 3rd party people. So u lost 28 dollars, I lost 1000 once at a bar hahah. Just gotta move on man, keep on trucking. I can tell you this, there is no other game like uo when it comes to taming. I have looked, and all of them suck compared to official ulitma online. 

    Any ways sorry you lost your pet. Dont feel bad I got angry 6 months ago at one of the know RMT people that sell houses for gold, and deleted all my charges haha. I had a legendary crafter imbuer, tamer, house, British boat prolly like 200 mil worth of stuff, and some other things. 

    I came back recently because thier new stance on trying to ban bots. 

    Good luck hope u dont quit. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    You cannot "sell sovereigns"

    You can sell the code for the sovereigns - but there is no guarantee for the buyer that the code is legit

    For anyone buying anything that is bought with real cash - using the Origin Store by EA is the only avenue.
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