Forsaken Foes Release 2 Feedback

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
Please try and adhere to this format when posting:

Feature: [New Equipment/New Crafting of Equipment/Treasures of the Sea]

I have spent approximately [how many hours] hours testing the above feature.

I usually play [solo/with a group]

What I like most about the above feature is [do not simply give praise, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]

What I like least about the above feature is [do not simply give shade, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]

What I feel can be improved about the above feature is [what can be improved, be specific, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]



  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited August 2019
    Feature: [Treasures of the Sea]

    I have spent approximately [3] hours testing the above feature.

    I usually play [solo or with small groups]

    What I like most about the above feature is [that we have a new RP equipable! I really enjoy the bottle of rum in particular. I can't wait to see musical instruments, or rolling pins and frying pans etc to be equipable! I wanna whack a PK on the head with a broom! Thank you for making the Lantern Helm without pre-set properties, and instead imbuable and reforgable, so that we can customize them.]

    What I like least about the above feature is [that the new Pumpkin Hat and the Rum cannot be equiped by gargoyls. I really would like to have a dark, bat-winged creature flapping around with a glowing pumpkin head. I neeeed it! hehehe. I did try to alter them, but it said no.]

    What I feel can be improved about the above feature is [I have no way to test this for Siege, but please, please can you make sure the bottle of Rum is Siege Blessable? Lanterns are not, and some other event items, which effectively renders them unusable on my shard. Not asking for blessed, just - please - Siege Blessable. It would also be nice if the bottle or the lantern helm were dyable. I like the new titles, but would prefer them to be prefix rather than suffix. Captain Tanager looks better to me than Tanager the Captain.]

    I am looking forward to this when it goes live!
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019
    Feature: [New Crafting of Equipment]

    I have spent approximately [3] hours testing the above feature.

    I usually play [solo]

    What I like most about the above feature is [supplying us with the materials to make the items.... somewhat. see below
    The artwork for the new tailored items (except for what is mentioned below) is awesome! Especially those belts, I love them!]

    What I like least about the above feature is [several of the recipes in the barrel are dupes and caused issues with items in my pack - lots of reorganizing but can tolerate it]

    What I feel can be improved about the above feature is [make it so the items can be crafted... here are examples:
    1 - mages hood of scholarly insight: unable to craft this even with all required items in the base pack. keeps telling me I do not have all the components so am seriously confused
    2 - cowl of mace and shield: crafted with supplied "elven glasses" even tho they were not the required "Mace and Shield Reading Glasses"
    3 - (edit) It would be nice if we could dye these items.... especially the collar/elegant collar to match a cloak.

    The other new tailoring recipes worked as expected.]
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019
    thought to dye a crimson before crafting, does not retain color of the luna white crimmy... bah have to dye it all over again...

    dying a crimson sword belt with standard cloth dye tub works, but... is blah (see below). 

    Also, the sword belt lying over certain robes looks garrish. Am wearing the Cloak of Death, which is standard for me. The belt looks fine with waisted robes.

    aaaand... if possible, could the belts be "smart" enough to not show a sword/mace in the belt if one is being carried? I can hide it with my shield... but still see the pommel...

    Insofar as the standard items (non-magical), they will also dye with the standard cloth dye tub, but not pigments or natural dyes (which is what I tried before). Items are the collar and the dagger belt, non-magical versions.

    Looks sharp! ;)

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    edited August 2019
    @Kirthag - regarding the issue where you could not craft an item despite having all the items, was this a character that you copied or a fresh character? Someone else  encountered a similar issue earlier, but couldn't reproduce it. Could be a weird character copy issue. 

    Edit - got it sorted, the crafting mats from the clicky are now functional!

    Also cleaned up the crafting barrels to have less recipes!  Thanks for the feedback!

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Awesome, thank you! Will try again.
    (sorry, was enjoying fishing again and messing with the aquarium of which have feedback outside of this thread)
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Okay, fix worked like a charm. Thank you @Kyronix

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799

    Treasures of the Seas:

    I have spent approximately 4 hours testing

    I usually play solo

    What I like most about the above feature is:
    I love to do something new. The new part is crafting the ethereal soulbinders and then learning what fills them. but I also like that there are more cargo crates.

    What I like least about the above feature is :
    the loss of materials it takes to craft. there is no master craftsman talisman for glassblowing for loss prevention.

    What I feel can be improved about the above feature is:
    the plunderbeacons and the soulbound on or near were not giving credit to the ethereal soulbinder
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    Treasures of the Sea mostly.

    I play a lot solo, but group up fairly often also.

    Spent several hours over a couple days to prep and try to fill the Soulbinders in Tokuno.

    Biggest issue right now is I cannot dry dock my boat to go to Trammel waters to test the SOS's
    as ship scooped up several pumpkin heads on all its moorings.

    And the coveted Captain title just is not right "Lady Grace The Captain"
    please please change this to "Captain Lady Grace".

    A Exalted Soul should be corrected to An Exalted Soul.

    The lighting effects of the pumpkin themed pirate ship is really good looking at night time!

    Also, are the beacon orcs not supposed to fill up the soulbinders at all? Or they just have really tiny souls and have to kill alot?  Certainly a lot harder to kill them now since no slayer I am aware of is working on them.

    I hope I don't have to delete this copy and bring a new one over with a fresh boat.  Called a GM but don't even know if they here on test.

  • At TC1, I tried to subvert the High Seas boss as follows.

    ・ Charybdis
      1. Defeat once with 10 party members (Trammel)
      2. Defeat once with 4 party members (Trammel)

    ・ Cogul
      1. Defeat once with 3 party members (Trammel)

    ・ Osiredon
      1. Defeat once with 10 party members (Trammel)
      2. Defeat once with 3 party members (Trammel)

    However, additional items such as recipes and sake bottles never appeared.
    What is the appearance rate?

  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    Boat still can not be dry docked after server maint due to the pumpkins stuck on boat.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    @Grace How’d you get that boat?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Kyronix said:
    @ Grace How’d you get that boat?
    That's her boat.
    The pumpkins on it fell off the pirate & orc ships, when they turn.

    I also have one on my next to one of the pumpkin cannons.

    The debris in the water, if you get close enough they get stuck on your ship.
    And debris doesn't decay.
    on Sonoma, my husband had a piece of one of the plunderbeacons stuck on his ship for 3 days. 
    It was suggested for him to page a GM. 
    The GM removed it.

  • The back end of my ship has been on fire for months.. Kinda cool, I leave it alone lol
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    Ah, thanks for the clarification.  The items from the Pumpkin Ships shouldn’t persist past maintenance.  TC1 doesn’t go through normal maintenance, so those items stick around.
  • Feature: New Equipment/New Crafting of Equipment

    Is it a problem that the new equipment is “gargoyle cannot be equipped”?

    Especially bottles and pumpkin hats.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    MiaYuuri said:
    Feature: New Equipment/New Crafting of Equipment

    Is it a problem that the new equipment is “gargoyle cannot be equipped”?

    Especially bottles and pumpkin hats.
    The current equipment cannot be equipped by gargoyles but fear not!  We have some garfish equipment planned for the future!
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    I usually play with a group of 5-10

    Played around with the items on test center for about an hour.

    I would like to start by saying I love the ideas for the new artifact alternates, the artwork is fantastic, the content is cool. Cant wait to see what else is in store for us!

    I will say I think I have a fundamental problem with the idea of adding recipes as drops on boss level content. Due to recipes being everlasting, eventually the market will oversaturate with the recipe when everyone that wants one, has one. When this point arrives, getting that recipe from a boss will feel very disappointing. [Think doom recipes.]

    IMO make the recipes have a number of uses. 1-5 perhaps. The recipe drops will always have value, and people will always want to do the content to get them.

    Just my thoughts on long term effects of recipes.
  • Nikard said:

    IMO make the recipes have a number of uses. 1-5 perhaps. The recipe drops will always have value, and people will always want to do the content to get them.

    Just my thoughts on long term effects of recipes.
     Please NO!!  just say no...
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Nikard said:

    IMO make the recipes have a number of uses. 1-5 perhaps. The recipe drops will always have value, and people will always want to do the content to get them.

    Just my thoughts on long term effects of recipes.
    NO, they should NEVER make a recipe limited use.

    And the drop rate should be low on these.
    And they are the decorative ones.
    The ones that uses the artifacts are for the Treasures Of The Seas (one time seasonal event)
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    I may have misunderstood, if the recipes are limited time than nvm :)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Treasures of the Sea (and a bit of crafting)

    I have spent 4-8 hours testing - sorry, I don't really keep track

    I usually play solo, mostly because of time zones. Therefore I have not yet had an opportunity to try Corgul, Scalis or Charybdis.

    I found the initial purchase of ethereal sand in Minoc gave me enough soulbinders for several hours of play collecting souls. I first tried a beacon, and found that souls are less likely to be collected there and now the 'orcs' aren't actually orcs and so no longer vulnerable to my orc slayer, took an unacceptable time for me to defeat. 
    I have had much better results with the red tokuno merchants and orc ships which have no pirate aboard. I find that a ship's crew will fill a soulbinder to 'legendary'   I enjoyed this and look forward to doing it back 'home'.

    Downsides: as mentioned, the orcs that aren't orcs, the Gargoyle crews who got me bad karma and turned me grey (I was in Fel). 

    Questions that are buzzing around in my empty head

    How many legendary ethereal souls will be needed to meet the requirement of the Fellowship Vendor so that I can get the rewards?

    When will we find out what all those gems are for?

    What will I do with the fellowship coins I am amassing?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    Petra, fyi the soulbinders can be filled to Mythical. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799

    How many legendary ethereal souls will be needed to meet the requirement of the Fellowship Vendor so that I can get the rewards?

    If you kill a pirate, it makes your soulbinder mythical
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Treasures of the Seas:

    Today I have spent approximately 4 1/2 hours testing

    I usually play solo, but Today I doubled up when I was fighting the pirates.

    What I like most about the above feature is:
    I love to go out and take down the merchant ships, pirates & plunderbeacons

    What I like least about the above feature is :
    the gargoyle merchants, the plunderbeacon's crew and spawn say they are soulbound but you don't get credit with the soulbinders for the kills...

    What I feel can be improved about the above feature is:
    getting credit for all soulbound creatures
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    Feature: [Treasures of the Sea]

    I have spent approximately [2] hours testing the above feature.

    I usually play [solo]

    What I like most about the above feature is [the creatures being orange looks neat?]

    What I like least about the above feature is [it's limited to sea based content and thus any melee character that hasn't invested in either a cannon boat or just swapped out to a method of ranged damage will not be able to participate]

    What I feel can be improved about the above feature is [Make sure there are land bound creatures that can be slain for soul gathering, either in the graveyards or reopen khaldun again. This will prevent the clustering of people in the sea around plunder beacons, and provides halloween content for subscribers that don't play ranged damage characters.]
  • Feature: New Crafting of Equipment, High Seas Boss Reward.

    I have spent approximately 10 hours testing the above feature.

    I usually play pair, and about 6-10 party member.

    Feedbacks & Questions:

    1. I feel that there are too many "ethereal sands" to drop when Corgul is killed.
    (Approximately 100,000)
    This may be reduced a little more.

    2. I have defeated all "High Seas Boss" (Scalis, Charybdis, & Corgul) multiple times, but I have never received a new reward.
    What is the probability of getting it?
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Spent a couple of hours killing stuff to fill ethereal soulbinders with a friend

    Couldn't figure out where to hand them in to get points, box that looked likely at the fellowship hall was inaccessible.

    Gave them to the mail box at brit commons which said thanks for testing but didn't give us any points or silver to claim anything?

    No idea now where you are supposed to take them nor roughly now many you would need to get any of the rewards. and if we were handing them in to the right place.  Couldn't determine if we were doing the right thing to get a pumpkin head or cannon or recipe?


    Asked repeatedly in general chat and help chat to no answer.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    For the "Quality of Life" section on the house security menu when locking down a container, can we also add the ability to select "Default Security Level" (ie. Co-owner, Friend..etc)? So that we dont have to choose a level every time we lock down a container? This would help A LOT. Hopefully it is not too late.

    Exciting patch, everything else looks great.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
     Bit late now, as the testing phase is done, but in case the info is still needed for personal testing...

    *2click the soulbinder bottle at Brit Commons to get soulbinders (or you can craft them)
    *Kill High Seas critters with the subtitle Soulbound to fill/charge the bottles
    *Drop filled bottles onto the dolphin in Brit Commons so the devs can get an idea of how long it takes ppl to acquire the filled bottles and thus set a value on the rewards
    *Walk thru the moongate to get 100 points added to the character
    *Go to the Fellowship building in far East Brit, where there is an NPC to spend the points to buy Treasures of the Seas rewards.

  • Cjcaine1Cjcaine1 Posts: 12
    edited September 2019
    I want to ask - is any use of Fellowship coins or it just deco?
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