Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talisman (Inscription BOD Reward) : WHAT GIVES ??
@Bleak , @Kyronix
I understand that, with Publishes 95 and 96 ( and ) the "Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talisman" was added, for 500 points, as a Reward to Inscription Bulk Order Deeds ( ).
YET, at least from reading up Threads and Posts on the topic like this one , I seem to understand that there is not much of an improvement from using this quite hard to get Talisman.... players trying to craft Inscription items with it, did not notice any "guaranteed" improvement in getting extra MODs....
Is it bugged ? What is the deal with it ?
Furthermore, my understanding is, that in order to get a higher chance at crafting a Spellbook or Scrappers Compendium with a higher number of magical properties and of higher intensities, is that the "Exceptional" modifier of the Talisman worn should be as high as possible....
Problem is, that th Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talisman takes "precisely" that Talisman slot so, it is "either" this one Talisman OR the Talisman with the Bonus for crafting Exceptional items.... cannot have both.... so, which one would need a Scribe to wear if he/she wanted to max out the number of magical properties and their intensities for a Spellbook or Scrappers Compendium ?
Bottom line question is, for a Scribe wanting to craft Spell Books (or Scrappers) carrying the Max number of MODs that they can possibly craft them with (for regular Mage Spellbooks it is 3 magical properties, not sure if Slayer would be a 4th or one of those 3... for Scrappers Compendium, instead, I am not sure whether the max number of properties is 4+1 or 5+3, anyone knows ?), what would be the most preferable "set up" and then hope that the RNG would be beneficial ?
I understand that, with Publishes 95 and 96 ( and ) the "Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talisman" was added, for 500 points, as a Reward to Inscription Bulk Order Deeds ( ).
YET, at least from reading up Threads and Posts on the topic like this one , I seem to understand that there is not much of an improvement from using this quite hard to get Talisman.... players trying to craft Inscription items with it, did not notice any "guaranteed" improvement in getting extra MODs....
Is it bugged ? What is the deal with it ?
Furthermore, my understanding is, that in order to get a higher chance at crafting a Spellbook or Scrappers Compendium with a higher number of magical properties and of higher intensities, is that the "Exceptional" modifier of the Talisman worn should be as high as possible....
Problem is, that th Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talisman takes "precisely" that Talisman slot so, it is "either" this one Talisman OR the Talisman with the Bonus for crafting Exceptional items.... cannot have both.... so, which one would need a Scribe to wear if he/she wanted to max out the number of magical properties and their intensities for a Spellbook or Scrappers Compendium ?
Bottom line question is, for a Scribe wanting to craft Spell Books (or Scrappers) carrying the Max number of MODs that they can possibly craft them with (for regular Mage Spellbooks it is 3 magical properties, not sure if Slayer would be a 4th or one of those 3... for Scrappers Compendium, instead, I am not sure whether the max number of properties is 4+1 or 5+3, anyone knows ?), what would be the most preferable "set up" and then hope that the RNG would be beneficial ?
Now, since spellbooks can come with a max of 3 magical properties (or is it 4 if one considers also the Slayer magical property which the RNG can possibly award... see my question thread here ?), one would understand, from the above indication, that upon using 10 charges (at 100% Inscription skill) did NOT guarantee, in any of the 10 inscription attempts, any of the 3 (or is it 4 ?) maxed out Magical Properties that the Spellbooks could have been inscribed with....
So, how does this particular Talisman work exactly ? Anyone knows ?
Or is it just plainly "bugged" and not working as intended ?
Upon further reading, I realized that also the Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talismans do come with Exceptional and Regular % Bonuses like the regular crafting Talismans....
Question is, do those Bonuses on Guaranteed Spellbook Improvement Talismans come as "Random" in their % figures or are they always "set" in what this particular BPD Reward Talisman gets created with ?
And if they are created with these Bonuses as "random", within what MIN-MAX ranges can they come with ?
Is their MAX Bonus still 30% as with the other Talismans' Bonuses or are their minimum and maximum different to the regular Talismans ?
Bottom line is, I do not understand what the "Guaranteed" stands for, what it really thus, and whether it is currently working "as intended" or whether it may or not be bugged....
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
For example, I am considering enjoying Inscription BODs and this particular Reward, yet, I am wondering, is it worth the time and effort it takes to get it ?
I'd rather know it "before" I actually spend time in UO to work for it.... if I do not like what it provides, then I'd rather spend my time in Ultima Online doing something else which I could more enjoy....
That is, I need to understand more precisely what this Talisman does and gives, before I want to spent time and efforts to get it...
I do not see anything wrong with this. Is there any ?
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
What is the point of researching/testing something that was already tested and researched by other players over the Years ?
So, I would imagine, that it would make sense to "first" check out if the information is already available because someone, over the Years, may already have found that out.... it does not make sense ?
Second, it's a garunteed improvement so you don't waste materials on blanks. It's an improvement not a magic make event level book pen.
but when I do go for the master craftsmans talismans, I always keep turning in the BODs until I get one of the higher % talismans. And with these, I would do the same.
I personally wouldn't try with the lower % ones.
I have heard some got really good spellbooks by using this talisman. I don't remember what they got on the book, but I remember some of them calling it "impressive"