Still Waiting On The Fix As Promised



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    When all is said and done, this is a 'vanity' item, it's not game play essential, a short delay should be acceptable on something that the majority of players see as totally unnecessary anyway. I think it is unique in that they are providing a work around for people who were extensively using an exploit.  Most exploit uses would not be treated so sympathetically, nor would we expect them to  be.
    The way you keep classifying this as an exploit is sad.  I know you think the developers can do no wrong but come on.

    This feature was in the game for years.  The devs did not notice this exploit for years?  And what is being exploited?  Is lag at an EM event an exploit also?  We better stop allowing a large group to concentrate at and event because that is an exploit of my bandwidth. 

    Now they are going to add a switch to bring this exploit back!

    Are they going to add a switch for other exploits so I can lower my pets slots or dupe items?

    How many other games bring exploits back since you want to be the exploit authority?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So any BUG/EXPLOIT/DUPE/WHATEVER after being in the game for X amount of time should be considered a feature/intended and never be fixed no matter what.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Bilbo said:
    So any BUG/EXPLOIT/DUPE/WHATEVER after being in the game for X amount of time should be considered a feature/intended and never be fixed no matter what.
    Call it what it is.  We are removing a feature in the game that has unintended game consequences.
    (sorry we do not monitor the product we produce so it took many years for us to notice this.)

    Usually they do leave it in or make a way to do it still.  Black Dye tubs. White dye tubs. Metallic dye tubs were all made resulting from bugs.  The black and white tubs were added quickly.

    There are plenty of actual bugs that need to be fixed. Carpentry BODs that do not bribe up as an example.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Pawain said:
    Bilbo said:
    So any BUG/EXPLOIT/DUPE/WHATEVER after being in the game for X amount of time should be considered a feature/intended and never be fixed no matter what.
    Call it what it is.  We are removing a feature in the game that has unintended game consequences.
    (sorry we do not monitor the product we produce so it took many years for us to notice this.)

     LOL!  Glad I wasnt' drinking something when I saw that.  But quoted for truth.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    And yes, if you leave it in the game for years...then leave it in the damned game.  Period.  
  • And yes, if you leave it in the game for years...then leave it in the damned game.  Period.  
    Whoa! Uriah off the leash :D
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So then Multiboxing is legal according to you guys or how about duping those were both unchecked for years or better yet scripting and lumber/ingot spawn should be put back they way it was because it was that way for years before the FIX
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Don't give a fliip about boxing, really, anymore.  Just don't care, it happens and still is happening.
    Duping will always be around, I buy from dupers and so does everyone else, it too, is now part of the game,
    There was no fix, there was randomization that favored scripters over players, but there was no fix of resources...don't iknow where you heard that.
    The only fix involved inthat was insuring that the scripters were the only ones who would have resources available to sell
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited June 2019
    Bilbo said:
    So then Multiboxing is legal according to you guys or how about duping those were both unchecked for years or better yet scripting and lumber/ingot spawn should be put back they way it was because it was that way for years before the FIX

    Where did you learn to read?  Multiboxing has always been against the ToS. Scripting, Duping. Ditto.  Diablo. Toss up an item and potion and you dupe the item.  Games have fought duping since day 1.  

    Placing in game items in your house is not against the rules.... (until recently)

    Finding multiboxers and scripters in random places is not easy.  The devs never walked around Luna????

    Here are the recent actions.  Notice someone was busted for house design.  Making your house block another persons ability to see their own house can get you in trouble.  First you get a warning and time to remove the items that were paged upon.  But if a player does not care if their neighbor has overhanging objects then those will stay unless some local cop comes by and pages.

    The following are actions taken on accounts that were banned or suspended during the month of May:

    6   - Disruptive Behavior
    19 - Macroing 
    2   - Solicitation
    1   - Illegal house design
    4   - Multiboxing

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I have heard of Mulitboxing but I am not sure I know what it is. Can anyone explain what it is? I will also try to search it on the web.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Multiboxing is the use of a third party program to control multiple incidences of UO through a single keyboard and mouse, performing the same action simultaneously. - eg if there are 6 characters on line and the player casts a spell, all 6 characters cast the same spell on the same target at the same time.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    @Mariah thank you for making this clear to me. The reason I asked is because I was accused of multiboxing, which I had not heard of, and wanted to make sure I was not doing anything that went against the ToS. If I had to be with out my daily UO fix I would suffer from withdrawal something feirce. <span>:smiley:</span>
  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    Is this thread actually a thing?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited June 2019
    Dukarlo said:
    Is this thread actually a thing?

    Even with all the due and sincere sympathy to Bleak as a person and respect for his family issues, yes, the thread actually is "a thing", and this because, before Bleak's kind post, nor @Mesanna nor anyone from the Team have deigned in the mean time to notify the delay respect to the FORMAL PROMISE they made to activate the "switch" with FT official release, and his when they where instead oh so quick to "fix" the BF "issue" to satisfy the oh so big (surely so LOUD) whining crowd of "laggers".
    And this, IN MY OPINION, still is a total lack of respect for A LOT of PAYING players.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited June 2019
    Arron said:
    Ivenor said:
    The point here now is NOT to be for or against the BF "fix": each one of us has, as today, repeated ad nauseam his opinion on the issue.

    The point is that at 03/25/19 the Team FORMALLY PROMISED that a "see/don't see switch" would had been implemented with the release of Forgotten Treasures.

    FT had its WWR at 06/18/19 and the switch is NOT there.

    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    Only half your accounts?
    They are the ones I keept Active, until now, only to have "Vanity Castles" in "secondary" Shards and such stuff. AAMOF as July the First I will suspend 10 of them for the max time allowed by the Housing Rules to avoid having the Houses go to the IDOC "cycle".
    This mean, FYI, that, in a year, they are around 1,000 US$ that EA/BS wil NOT collect from me.

    FYI too, there are other players that have activated this already, and for TENS of Accounts each of them.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Maybe that will be the next fix they will implement. Not allowing people to turn of accounts off for months at a time without fear of loss. Just saying. That is a lot of money loss. Imagine the hardware memory and the lag that could be reduced if those accounts were allowed to fall after a couple of weeks of not paying their subscription, not allowed to have a free ride for months at a time. Just saying.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited June 2019
    Arron said:
    Maybe that will be the next fix they will implement. Not allowing people to turn of accounts off for months at a time without fear of loss. Just saying. That is a lot of money loss. Imagine the hardware memory and the lag that could be reduced if those accounts were allowed to fall after a couple of weeks of not paying their subscription, not allowed to have a free ride for months at a time. Just saying.
    Those are the Housing rules as now, and nothing in the TOS says that I'm not entitled to use them as a "political" statement: its MY money. If "they" don't want losing revenues "they" can start showing more respect to the players, e.g. at the BARE MINIMUM with Mesanna having the common decency to notify in time when they will break a promise.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Arron said:
    Maybe that will be the next fix they will implement. Not allowing people to turn of accounts off for months at a time without fear of loss. Just saying. That is a lot of money loss. Imagine the hardware memory and the lag that could be reduced if those accounts were allowed to fall after a couple of weeks of not paying their subscription, not allowed to have a free ride for months at a time. Just saying.

    Instead of making people pay 12 times a year, it might cause those people to quit paying the 4 times a year that they do pay.  Equal a net loss, instead of the net increase.

    Yall don't get too greedy, it might cost yua in the long run
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 549Moderator
    The question has been answered. This thread is no longer topical. 
This discussion has been closed.