Still Waiting On The Fix As Promised

It took like 2 comments and a handful of days to trash a lot of homes that used the bamboo tile feature. A lot of areas, including Luna on most shards, looks like hell. We were promised a fix. Where is it? It's been a long time tolerating this. I appreciate that all the lag deaths inside the walls of Luna have come to an end *grin* but it's time to complete this. To me it's far more important than anything else that's being worked on including whatever is up with the current in-game events. Thank you for you valuable time.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    That awkward moment when you think visual aesthetics of unloaded houses is the most pressing matter in uo
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited June 2019
    Should of just revamped the house customization tool from the get go.  Crafted walls and shit so ppl could have rainbow houses... Lol

    Better yet.  Remove house customization all together and introduce 200 prebuilt houses
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    edited June 2019
    It took them years to fix the bug, that forced us to see it.
    And it caused major lag too...
    (my old computer lagged horrible, a non-gamer computer with Windows 10)
    (my new gamer computer doesn't lag, except a few times on Atlantic near these houses. the fix stopped that!!!)

    I'm glad they fixed it.
    Just wish they would fix the stairs from loading it...
    Not everybody's homes were ugly, but some of them hurt my eyes.
    Now they found away to force us to see them again...

    Just give them time to implement it.
    A couple months, is better than years...
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    They already "fixed" the stairs in Pub 105. And the bamboo "fix" was apparently so pressing that they actually did a hotfix for it. (Note, one of the animal taming exploits in the past that was being passed around publicly on the forums was not hotfixed, but scheduled to be fixed during the next patch cycle). 

    This was not an issue that needed hotfixed. It should have been introduced in a normal patch cycle along side the option to toggle the display of public houses. We are now at Pub 105, where we were promised we would have that option, and yet there is still no option for it (at least they added text for the option in the cliloc?).

    Not everyone that used bamboo tiles used to to display "unicorn puke vomit" or thousands of animated rares. They were actually the vast minority. The majority of people that used this used it to accent their house and to make certain deco visible like flowers and rubble pieces, or public crafting tables, crystal portals, etc.

    Yes, I used the bamboo tiles to display crafted stone. We designed our houses with a theme of shadow iron granite and they were tastefully done. Most our houses were 15x15 or smaller and only 2 levels. Shadow iron granite is not an eyesore, unlike some of the tilesets that are available in the house customization tool (maybe we should all create giant crystal house monstrosities with flowing lava everywhere... that's a tileset available, so people must want to see that right?).

    They should add all the colored granite as choices in the house customization tool. They already have all the art for it done and this would solve the main reason most people chose to use bamboo tiles (to design houses in colored granite).

    FWIW I still have lag issues running around Atlantic Luna, even with these changes in place. The major cause of lag is actually the vendors/mannequins which are always visible and are often decked out with full sets of armor. Don't believe me? Run around the Trinsic swamp on Pacific and let all those vendors/mannequins load as you run by.

    It is very disappointing the way they decided to implement this change. I am not holding my breath for the option to toggle houses as visible either. But should it actually be implemented, it won't matter because they will implement it with the default of not enabled (so houses don't load). Which is incredibly backwards from any other game that has performance improving options (i.e. you toggle options OFF to improve performance if needed).

    Anyways, I know this is a sensitive topic for some and I'm sure I will get attacked for defending the use of bamboo tiles (Since it happens in every other thread about it).
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • Always interesting to hear people gripe even after the handful got their way lol. Peanut gallery aside, just asking for what was promised in a reasonable time frame. It's dragged on too long.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Lynk said:
    That awkward moment when you think visual aesthetics of unloaded houses is the most pressing matter in uo

    You play your game, I'll play mine. Got a better gripe? Start your own thread and I'll dump on it to return the favor :)
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    I miss the "unicorn puke vomit".  It always reminded me of the Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas.
  • Always interesting to hear people gripe even after the handful got their way lol.
    Tbf, it's always the same other small handful that champions the public display.  Empty statistics are empty.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited June 2019
    The point here now is NOT to be for or against the BF "fix": each one of us has, as today, repeated ad nauseam his opinion on the issue.

    The point is that at 03/25/19 the Team FORMALLY PROMISED that a "see/don't see switch" would had been implemented with the release of Forgotten Treasures.

    FT had its WWR at 06/18/19 and the switch is NOT there.

    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311

    I thought i hated the retina piercing orange but the plain bamboo looks even worse.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Ivenor said:
    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    Can i have ur stuff?
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Ivenor said:
    The point here now is NOT to be for or against the BF "fix": each one of us has, as today, repeated ad nauseam his opinion on the issue.

    The point is that at 03/25/19 the Team FORMALLY PROMISED that a "see/don't see switch" would had been implemented with the release of Forgotten Treasures.

    FT had its WWR at 06/18/19 and the switch is NOT there.

    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    I think you and I have a different definition of 'liar'.  I'm sure the team have developed the promised 'switch', but developing a function and having work as intended in UO code isn't always straightforward, as we all know very well. If I promise to attend a meeting at a certain time and place and then my transport breaks down, or some family emergency crops up and I don't attend, am I a liar?

    When all is said and done, this is a 'vanity' item, it's not game play essential, a short delay should be acceptable on something that the majority of players see as totally unnecessary anyway. I think it is unique in that they are providing a work around for people who were extensively using an exploit.  Most exploit uses would not be treated so sympathetically, nor would we expect them to  be.
  • Ivenor said:
    The point here now is NOT to be for or against the BF "fix": each one of us has, as today, repeated ad nauseam his opinion on the issue.

    The point is that at 03/25/19 the Team FORMALLY PROMISED that a "see/don't see switch" would had been implemented with the release of Forgotten Treasures.

    FT had its WWR at 06/18/19 and the switch is NOT there.

    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    I think you and I have a different definition of 'liar'.  I'm sure the team have developed the promised 'switch', but developing a function and having work as intended in UO code isn't always straightforward, as we all know very well. If I promise to attend a meeting at a certain time and place and then my transport breaks down, or some family emergency crops up and I don't attend, am I a liar?

    When all is said and done, this is a 'vanity' item, it's not game play essential, a short delay should be acceptable on something that the majority of players see as totally unnecessary anyway. I think it is unique in that they are providing a work around for people who were extensively using an exploit.  Most exploit uses would not be treated so sympathetically, nor would we expect them to  be.
    You have no way of knowing what the majority of players want lol. I guess you never went to the meet and greet where we were getting organized and protesting. That was just getting going and we backed off cause we were promised a fix. It was never an exploit and you know it. It was never stated to be an exploit. That aside... doesn't matter if you hate it or love it. Doesn't matter if it's one person or a thousand. It's over, the promise was made. I expected a fix as quickly as it took to hose everything up. Or the change shouldn't be implemented. The bandaids of safes showing and such are not a solution. We just want everyone to know this is a priority concern for a huge number of reasons I won't rehash. The way the game looks is an embarrassment and we have in no way forgotten what we were promised. This isn't an Atlantic Pirate Flag situation. It effecting many numerous aspects of the game in a very negative way.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    I guess you never went to the meet and greet where we were getting organized and protesting. That was just getting going and we backed off cause we were promised a fix. [...]
    The way the game looks is an embarrassment
    You mean that one guy with his 10+ accounts?

    For the second part, many home owners don't seem to care, as they rather leave empty bamboo plots than building some nice looking and visible houses. It's been lots of weeks and it seems it's just their choice.

    The houses will stay that way for most players even after the switch gets implemented. It's really the home owner to blame and nobody else.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited June 2019
    JollyJade said:
    Ivenor said:
    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    Can i have ur stuff?
    @JollyJade - You surely not! :D :p ;)
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev
    So I just would like to say that the "Display Public House Contents" toggle is currently still in testing. We had originally scheduled for this feature to go out in Publish 105 but my little one decided to come early and we had to push this feature so that it could be properly tested. I would like to thank you for your patience as we finalize these new options in both clients.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Bleak said:
    So I just would like to say that the "Display Public House Contents" toggle is currently still in testing. We had originally scheduled for this feature to go out in Publish 105 but my little one decided to come early and we had to push this feature so that it could be properly tested. I would like to thank you for your patience as we finalize these new options in both clients.
    Thanks @Bleak for the feedback and best wishes for the family! :)
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Congrats Bleak

    As for the rest I stop listening when anyone starts talking for "the majority of players" with out proof. 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Bleak said:
    So I just would like to say that the "Display Public House Contents" toggle is currently still in testing. We had originally scheduled for this feature to go out in Publish 105 but my little one decided to come early and we had to push this feature so that it could be properly tested. I would like to thank you for your patience as we finalize these new options in both clients.

    Thanks for the update, and grats on the little one! I know our dev team is busy with life and High Seas stuff, but info like this goes a long way.

    JollyJade said:
    For the second part, many home owners don't seem to care, as they rather leave empty bamboo plots than building some nice looking and visible houses. It's been lots of weeks and it seems it's just their choice.

    The houses will stay that way for most players even after the switch gets implemented. It's really the home owner to blame and nobody else.
    This is a very polarizing topic that I have no desire to get into again, but please do not assume that because there are still many houses with the bamboo means those owners do not care. Everyone who used the bamboo tiles does indeed care, or they would not have used it in the first place.

    I know several players (role players and artists who are upset for reasons the ''winners'' do not understand) who have simply left the bamboo and have taken a break from UO. Also, several houses with bamboo are renting vendors, and simply can't be corrected until every single vendor is removed. Others are waiting to see what the promised fix will actually entail before rebuilding their entire home. Other homes are on a rotating payment cycle and are not accessible yet. There are many reasons.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • Ok, i agree that a fix should be done in a timely manner. *cough* *cough* The kitchen items still broken.

    1. The fix may be taking longer cause of issues we are not a were of. Like when it switch turns on all your stuff "poofs" away. OMG the crying if that was implemented.

    2. There are more urgent game crashing issue that need to be addressed.

    3. if you know how to write code and can fix it.. maybe submit your code fix to the dev team.  (something my programming teacher once told us.. well if you can fix it, send me the code. LOL this man is like a code grand-master. He writes code for medical stuff.  I still think he was being snarky)

    Before getting bent, put yourself in the dev shoes.. i am not a cheerleader for the dev.  As my granny would say, "Patience is virtue, honey"
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Bleak said:
    So I just would like to say that the "Display Public House Contents" toggle is currently still in testing. We had originally scheduled for this feature to go out in Publish 105 but my little one decided to come early and we had to push this feature so that it could be properly tested. I would like to thank you for your patience as we finalize these new options in both clients.
    Thanks for sharing that AWESOME news! Congratulations on the birth of your child, I hope the mom and new baby are both healthy, and doing well. :)
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Bleak said:
    So I just would like to say that the "Display Public House Contents" toggle is currently still in testing. We had originally scheduled for this feature to go out in Publish 105 but my little one decided to come early and we had to push this feature so that it could be properly tested. I would like to thank you for your patience as we finalize these new options in both clients.

    Well damn is that isn't the most ironclad excuse I could imagine lol Congratulations! Well that shut me up! I'm done lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • See? If I didn't complain we wouldn't have gotten some great UO gossip lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55

    Before getting bent, put yourself in the dev shoes.. i am not a cheerleader for the dev.  As my granny would say, "Patience is virtue, honey"
    I'm with you on your overall post, but I did want to comment on this one line.

    If you indicate a deadline to your client and are going to slip that deadline, the adjusted milestone should be communicated. We aren't owed an explanation as to the why just a simple "X feature will not be implemented within the timeframe previously indicated due to testing complications. We will be pushing this feature back to Y patch" 
  • Karyn you are right about the deadline. One thing i have learn about programmers.. We are not the best communicators.  My Technical Writing class got a whole class session lecture on this and professor Emmons was determine to change that one class at a time.
  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    Karyn you are right about the deadline. One thing i have learn about programmers.. We are not the best communicators.  My Technical Writing class got a whole class session lecture on this and professor Emmons was determine to change that one class at a time.
    Typically we would see this communicated by the project manager or rather in this case the product manager. Does Broadsword have someone in the PM role?

  • Mesanna is the Development Lead.  I would guess that would make her product manager. I understand we have a small team.  Not 100% sure all the job duties.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541

    Karyn said:
    Does Broadsword have someone in the PM role?

    Small team, most like is the Dark Lady herself.
    BS does need help with PR and marketing - but I promised not to beat that drum anymore.

    @Bleak ;
    Congrats on the little one! No need to explain the reasoning - but am glad to know the Devs have a life away from the code. :)
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Ivenor said:
    The point here now is NOT to be for or against the BF "fix": each one of us has, as today, repeated ad nauseam his opinion on the issue.

    The point is that at 03/25/19 the Team FORMALLY PROMISED that a "see/don't see switch" would had been implemented with the release of Forgotten Treasures.

    FT had its WWR at 06/18/19 and the switch is NOT there.

    For what it matters and considering that I don't like liars, as a, small as it is, concrete form of protest and boycott, I will "vote with my wallet", and, as 07/19, I will suspend the payment for half of my Accounts until the Team will keep the promise.

    In advise the players that are against the way in which this issue is (mis)handled to do the same.

    Only half your accounts?
This discussion has been closed.