Skull Longsword in 2 hues
White is Hue ID 2500
Gold is Hue ID 0
I like the white color, looks almost like an actual skull.
(Specials: Armor Ignore and Concussion Blow. 'Cause someone will ask.)
White is Hue ID 2500
Gold is Hue ID 0
I like the white color, looks almost like an actual skull.
(Specials: Armor Ignore and Concussion Blow. 'Cause someone will ask.)
I'm gonna guess the color is random and it's Brittle because that one is way more powerful than the golden one.
Ok, maybe it's been like this forever I and just never noticed, but @Margrette is correct, Brittle item's are Hue ID 2500. Antique, Cursed, Prized, and Normal are Hue ID 0.
Here is a pack showing Normal/Prized/Cursed/Antique items in the left column and matching Brittle versions in the right column. The Cutlass are Antique, Cursed, and Brittle, left to right.
Has it always been this way? Have I really just never noticed? It would not surprise me. I honestly just don't remember all items having 2 hues.