dropped a piece of my obelisk and it went under my castle!
It was part of a quest chain from a year or so ago.....obelisk statue thingamy that is in 6 pieces. I was trying to place it at my castle (one of the new Robins Roost ones) and the part I was trying to place (Heart of Earth) has gone under the floor. I can't pick it up, I can't lock it down, I can't retrieve it......I have tried every tile all around it and nothing works. Have paged a GM but have little hope of finding one before it decays. Does any one have any suggestions on how I might grab it.....Pleeeese???
If you cannot reach the item, please contact a GM as quickly as possible, and they will attempt to recover the item for you.
You can turn on your Circle of Transparency in the Classic Client by going to your Paper Doll and selecting the “Options” button. Then select the UO Symbol on the right hand side ( The second one up from the bottom ) and then click the “Use circle of transparency” checkbox.
In the Enhanced Client you can hit the ESC button, and then “User Settings”. On the “Graphics” tab you will find the “Use Circle of Transparency” checkbox.
I hope a GM was online to help you save that item.
The gargoyle Botter goes right to a trash bin after the house falls. I go there also after he gets all the stuff.