2nd Day in a Row for ATL
2nd day in a row now where Atlantic has crashed 2-3 hrs after scheduled server up.
Yesterday it was multiple times around 8:30 am EST.
If this isn't something your aware of, can you please check the logs & ban these pricks that are up to no good.
Yesterday it was multiple times around 8:30 am EST.
If this isn't something your aware of, can you please check the logs & ban these pricks that are up to no good.

so they fixed something that was not broken to try to resolve the Lag and turn out that didnt help a bit and also result on something else broken now??? Very Interesting.
That most certainly has nothing to do with predictably timed server crashes.
My point was simply to bring attention, if not already noticed. B/c if not already noticed probability (and history) may suggest nefarious intent.
I was unaware other servers were seeing these crashes at the time of my post, which drastically lessens probability of outside influence. Thanks @jaytin for that info
wasn't his fault but he still felt bad...
could be just a minor bug like that...
Anytime we get a crash there should be a revert with time variable dependent on when the last backup save was made.
Santa crashing shards - LOL
How can ya get mad @ ole Chris
He just wanted a telescope with his name on it
I quit playing mornings for a couple weeks due to crashs. Just started again a couple days ago.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Did u page on this noble sack? They only get caught if someone reports them. Avatar runs on most shards so u can’t hold that against us.
This is totally off topic but had to respond when u trash talk my shard in my thread.
Alt has plenty of trashy peps due to the population but we also have some of the best folks around. The oldest & largest public rune library in the game, set up to help players, started on Atl. I could mention other 1st but there’s no need, we know Atl is great & don’t need validation
Game On Bro !
@Superfrog can almost hear the bar music every time I log on