Pub 103 Krampus Feedback
in Test Center
Feedback for the Krampus Encounter
Playtest Questions
1. How do the new spawn restrictions with regard to the 25% distance limitation feel? How often are ambushes spawning during a normal trade route with these in place?
2. How many trade orders should be required before there is a chance to spawn Krampus?
Playtest Questions
1. How do the new spawn restrictions with regard to the 25% distance limitation feel? How often are ambushes spawning during a normal trade route with these in place?
2. How many trade orders should be required before there is a chance to spawn Krampus?
2. WAY less.
Vesper to Skara had none.
Vesper to Yew had one ambush which was a lot stronger than the first.
Then I cancelled two orders, Jhelom and New Mag to avoid boats/moongates.
Thought, I hope I didn't mess things up by cancelling orders to go on in the progression.
Then had to stop for the day.
I have done many trade orders in the past and only get five line orders. Are you players who aren't getting ambushed built up the trade line orders? Don't know if that matters or not.
Trinsic <> Skara
New Magincia <> Yew
The greater the distance between cities, the larger that 25% area becomes.
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However, on the same route I can sometimes get ambushed mutiple times and sometimes not at all. I have walked all the way from Trinsic to Minoc without a single ambush.
2-3 of each mob, when you get 3 WW's and 3 Ice Fiends it gets a little rough..I never got the minions to spawn, I was on a trade run from Brit to Yew when Krampus spawned so I didn't make it in time but I think, at least for me, the spawn rate was fine, not too hard but not to easy and plenty of them.
I had concerns about this also. The first time he spawned I was just returning a trade order so the Minister told me he was up and I was able to get there. The second time he spawned on my trade route, so I was already there (I also announced in General Chat where he was for others to come).
@Kyronix Would it be possible to add a notice to only those with an active trade order that alerts you that Krampus has spawned? This would allow you to cancel your order and go to a Minister to find his location.
If this is possible, I suggest only giving this message to those on an active trade order, because those would be the people doing the content (if everyone in the game got the message it would be distracting, or would cause people to just sit around waiting for the message so they can kill Krampus with minimal effort invested).
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Also I think setting the trade order count to somewhere between 30-50 orders would be good.
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So @Kyronix you can see in some instances there is NOT ample time to get to his location.
There's a VERY slim chance I would have made it from Yew ALL the way to almost Trinsic on foot before he was dead, and I knew about it BEFORE I got to the Trade Minister..if I had gone all the way there and THEN found out, I wouldn't have made it to him.
Currently only 1 Krampus can spawn because there isn't a realistic possibility of most players being able to handle these solo vs groups. The intent is also to boost the number of overall trade orders that are being run - more money for the cities - the faster you do the trade missions, the faster Krampus spawns, the faster you can get his goodies.
You bring up a good point about people limping in at the last minute to kill Krampus without doing anything to benefit the cities (via a trade order). In order to combat that we can add a modifier to up your chances of phat lootz if you complete a trade order as opposed to if you are a limper. I think that's a fair compromise to encourage participation.
Right now the trade order count is somewhere between 20-25, once you reach 20 there's a very good, but not guaranteed chance he'll spawn.
@Khyro - thanks for the feedback. Look forward to more testing. We'll announce another public test event for the weekend to get additional feedback. Spread the word to come test Krampus - once we get close to Thanksgiving the window for additional changes gets pretty slim! Now is the time to make your feedback heard! Thanks again!
The only other concern I have is since its based on just trade orders completed, why would anyone stop to kill the ambushers. Just run from town to town to hit the magic number faster and leave all the spawned ambushers just running amuck. May be a good idea to have the ambushers take the trade box until the ambushers are killed like it was last time there was an event like this. Just some FYI to think about. @Kyronix
Does anything cause the current count to go down? Me and @Violet did around 25 trade orders late last night and we were still getting Frost Spiders and Frost Slimes to spawn. We were chaining them pretty fast too. I assume as the ambusher difficulty goes up (Spiders/Slimes >Trolls/Snakes > Elementals > Fiends/Wyrms > Minions), it is indicating he is closer to spawn? Or do those change based on some other variable?
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Maybe Krampus should kidnap the New Magincia trade minister~ (that would also really mess up the stealth trade order bots that run out of New Mag)
If you did that many trade orders and it was still spawning spiders/oozes then there is an issue we'll have to track down.
@The_Higgs_1 you get a bonus to the amount of gold that is deposited to the city based on the number of trade orders you complete ambusher you kill, so there is an added benefit to killing them. If someone opts to run away, they will eventually despawn.
@Violet I will contend that human nature does drive to the path of least resistance, however there are some pretty strong motivators that drive people to play for cities they have a connection too. I doubt the citizens of New Magincia would be very happy if their trade minister went missing!
I know, I know, why would people want to dye it...
Most of them were completed with Moongates (basically we were trying to do as many as possible to get a pseudo counter on how many it took). Do moongate trade order runs invalidate that count towards spawning Krampus?
We also noticed this in the patch notes:
"• Krampus cannot spawn if a Moongate has been used."
However, both myself and @Violet had Krampus appear on our trade runs after using a moongate (two separate spawns). If it matters mine was from Magincia to Britain moongate, Violet's was Magincia to Vesper Moongate.
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Citizens of Vesper rejoice!
*sends a pigeon with a note to call off the abduction of the New Magincia Trade Minister*
Since then I've run Skara to Brit, Brit to Minoc, Minoc to Trinsic and Trinsic to Brit without a single attack on any of those 4
I did notice (EC) that even after I self rezzed the healer symbols were still showing on my overhead map.
P.S. the last 2 trips have given me SoTs for detect hidden and spirit speak - are the trade ministers trying to tell me something?