why are crafting skills not on jewlery
if i was a skilled craftsman the first thing i'd do is make things that made me a better one. also will the ridiculous randomness of crafting ever be fixed if i want to make a piece of armor or a weapon with set mods i should be able to make exactly what i want. make it expensive make it so i need rare ingredients but please not this random nonsense...lets apply this randomness to other skills with 120 plus skill invested. I'm a leet mage let me summon an EV no wait not create food here let me try again wait what bless that's not what i cast at all... or a swordsman ah let me swing my OP sword of monster slaying at this dragon wait what no nit that goat what the heck ...
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
I too dislike the randomness of runic crafting or runic re-forging, that's why most of my characters' weapons and parts, or all, of their suits are made via imbuing.
I hate the randomness of runic reforging also, yet I believe a fully repairable item is the best gear possible, it's a tragedy they give in one hand, yet take so much in another always. This is what I hate about the Developers mentality. Just let me play the game, without so many inbuilt negatives.
Imbuing is a good system, you can get by with it, but it cannot compete with PvM drops. And Imbued items are Brittle.... why?
To the original poster, I don't have a problem with Crafting skills not being on jewelry, it could almost make it too easy.
Yes I am serious.
There are 10 crafting skills, and 3 gathering skills, of these, only 3 go to 120 skill.
The skills that can be added to with jewellery are the 30 main skills that go to 120.
(Out of 58 0dd skills).
So you see, if you could add up to 30 per skill, you are taking most (70%) Craft skills down to only 70 skill requirement, as opposed to the current set-up, where the 30 current skills that use jewellery still require 90 skill.
Therefore, it would make most Crafting skills too easy.
You really need to think before you type.