High Seas requests
Add cloth to loot table for cargo ships
Make cargo hold a true secure container
All repairs to be done with materials in hold
Make cargo hold a true secure container
All repairs to be done with materials in hold
120 fishing scrolls are VERY worthwhile if you put in the effort to get them, to use or sell for big bucks
120 fishing is the reward. its the prestige of getting there
if you want to ask for something you want to ask once and for all about getting rid of shoes and boots a legendary fisherman fishes up
any skill beyond 80 ish should allow the fisherman to avoid fishing up crap
and not waste a read pick on that stupid big D rod or whatever its called
I'd still like to see a two tile fishing skill based weapon either a fishing pole or harpon/Trident anything to give a fisher the ability to handle fishing spawn without unequipping their fishing equipment
Additionally, some fishing poles are spell channel so you are able to use your magery/eval (multi tile distance) to handle fishing spawn without unequipping... again I don't think game mechanics really need to change based on a very small niche of players (that just has someone overly vocal about everything) simply because you don't want to use magery/eval or use and SDI suit or equip a bow etc.
a 120 tamer you would expect 100% success in taming a horse for example, fails to tame is just not an option at 120
so a fisherman with expertise would be able to avoid catching crap
just like over 50 skill (or something like that) then start to catch named fish there should be acknowledgement that they are too good to be pulling up old shoes
That said, they gave us the BG Pole for this exact reason so I don't see them changing 120 fishing to stop pulling up footwear, but I do think having 120 fishing should be more worthwhile than it is.
That doesn't have anything to do with having a fishing pole have a completely different mechanic (Spell Channel with 400 luck / 60 SDI / shooting harpoons) than any other item in the game like McDougle wants.
And about switching from a pole to a spellbook. I was on a fisherman who had around 50 magery. Before I could switch to my spellbook, a sea serpent paralyzed me. I was half dead before I could move. Usually I am able to switch quickly but not always. It would be so much easier if we could be able to defend ourselves right away.
Anyone can toss a net and get Scalis.
He wants to kill sea serpents, which I have no idea why he thinks he needs luck or SDI for that.