Anyone get Farming to produce?
I water one day, the next day they look like they started over.

There is a row where that yellow line is. Very difficult to see.

There is a row where that yellow line is. Very difficult to see.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
Here is the instructions at the farm.
It seems that they do look dead every day. But I was able to harvest the fluffy ones on a different plat that has had identical care.
Around 8:10C. All the plants on the farm reverted, even the ones I just watered.
Here they are now:
I had just watered all these, I harvested 4 plants on the first plot. The ones I showed a pic of in the first post are now new looking plants. I can not harvest those now. But I just harvested those other 4. I harvested Nightshade and Ginseng.
I should have been able to harvest that Nightshade and Ginseng from the plants in the first picture, they were nice and fluffy after I watered them. Now I can not.
Here is the current plant type menu we can plant:
I should be able to harvest the plants on the original plot when they change states again.
I have some questions that could help if answered.
1. On the screen where you buy plants:
a. Why does garlic and Mandrake root take more than 20 days and produce half of Ginseng and Nightshade which take 4 and 6 days?
b. Why does cotton and flax take so long to harvest and produce so little?
2. What is happening at around 8 central each night to make the plants revert to a diff graphic?
3. Does it matter what time I water? Is watering like feeding Chicken Lizards where you have to do it 24 hours after you did the last one? Or is watering any time during the day while shard is up?
4. The plants go through a period of being really small and blending into the rows, its very difficult to find them. Can this be resolved? I had to set my mouse on the lowest dpi to find them to water.
Thats my plot on the corner. Move mouse as slow as I can but cant get one plant to show up.
added: I eventually found them by random clicking everywhere. Glad the pitcher cuser does not say cant be used on that and go away.
Would be nice to have an answer to my questions above. @Kyronix
1. On the screen where you buy plants:
a. Why does garlic and Mandrake root take more than 20 days and produce half of Ginseng and Nightshade which take 4 and 6 days?
b. Why does cotton and flax take so long to harvest and produce so little?
2. What is happening at around 8 central each night to make the plants revert to a diff graphic?
3. Does it matter what time I water? Is watering like feeding Chicken Lizards where you have to do it 24 hours after you did the last one? Or is watering any time during the day while shard is up?
4. The plants go through a period of being really small and blending into the rows, its very difficult to find them. Can this be resolved? I had to set my mouse on the lowest dpi to find them to water.
3: it’s a 24 hour watering timer, the water status should be evident from the color
4: can you show a picture of what you are describing?
The plot next to it is also mine. Where the sheep is. I can't see three of those.
It seems the plant graphic is the same color as the ground. I could see them after watering. Making the "Dry plant" graphic a more black or a different green would help.
I am red/green color blind, so I don't see shades of brown like others do. Can others see the plants in front of the guy in purple?
They are Garlic and Mandrake.
No, I also cannot see a difference in color. To my knowledge I am not color blind. It is very difficult to find exactly where the curser needs to go when watering. Need to repeatedly keep trying to water and hope you get lucky. All my plots (2accts on NL) act the same as you have shown above. I water several times a day. Every day the plot goes back to plain dirt field.
One of my plots has one area where when I water it ignores my command. If I use the shovel I'll get a spot dug up. However, I cannot plant a seed because it says there is already a seed planted. Watering does nothing. That area in the plot simply goes back to 'empty'. Nothing will grow in that spot.
Maybe if one of the DEVs claim a plot they can see for themselves the problems? I had to start over several times since beta, getting expensive.
Here they are today, before and after watering. I'm guessing they will look like this every day for a while.
I planted pic 2 last night. It is also easy to see.
This may have been a bug...
Note to farmers. Carry a reagent bag with you that reduces weight.
1. Don't plant cotton or Flax, you can get wool from sheep that are all over the place now, Thanks! I have sheared over 200 wool while farming just standing in this field.
2. Ginseng and Nightshade take 1 RL day to go from plant to Harvest.
3. My Gallic took less than a week to harvest.
Here is todays Picture.
1. is beginning today, (I watered a garlic.)
2. is what they looked like after watering.
3. Is what they looked like after harvesting.
Skara Brae fields.
Hate to keep spending the gold and as of now we have no way to know if the farming is fixed or broken. Planting regs is VERY expensive, more so than purchase from Mage NPC.
Could we possibly get some feedback on the status of farming?
Have to buy a new plot and plant seeds. The plant types we can grow did not change.
Ah...OK got ya. I need to check the date boards, my bad. Thanks!
Here is an image taken just after maintenance
I hope this helps.
I plant nightshade and ginger daily in a field. It harvests the next day. You can harvest those dry looking plants. Since Mandrake takes 6 days. We should have the 24 day Mandrake root ready tomorrow.
Mine are the first 3 plots on that field.