Time to prepare your ship for Shrouded Sails!

PawainPawain Posts: 9,630
edited March 20 in General Discussions

You can name your ship but the Tillerman name is random when the ship is placed and cant be changed.

If you want to gain cargo to use at the Black Market and possibly get drops for the event you can do that by scuttling Pirate and Merchant Ships and sinking Beacons.

The best ship to use is an Orc ship because it will do more cannon damage than the others.  You should be able to find a nice fisherman that will give you one or buy one cheap.

With no added benefits an Orc ship Cannon will do 6500 Damage.
With no added benefits the other ship Cannons will do 5000 Damage.
Beacons and Ships take more than 9 basic shots to sink  so that 1500 damage makes a difference.

Sinking Ships and Beacons is a group event.  Party will not affect your drops.  You will get more things in a party.

All of the cannon types do the same damage, so you can also get those cheap from other players. Or you can craft cannons.  Or you can buy cannons from the Black Market.  Cannons can be dyed while installed using a metal Dye Tub.   Cannons need repairs after being used. You need to be near land or at some docks to repair them with Ingots.  A Smith will use less ingots to make repairs.  Or hold a +60 Smith hammer when repairing to use less ingots.  I repair at moderate damage.  If you ignore repairs, your cannon will eventually explode and it and all cannon supplies inside will be gone.

Cannons need a Cannonball, Fuse Cord, and Powder Charge to fire.  You drop those onto the cannon to place them inside.  If you try to use the container picture, added items will not go in.
You also need two other items in your backpack to Prepare a cannon to Fire. A Ramrod and a Torch. 
Ramrods are crafted by a tinker.  Torches sold by a Provisioner.

If someone starts Preparing a Cannon and they do not have a Ramrod, then another player tries to Prepare the cannon, the cannon will lock up, The original player must get a Ramrod and prepare again to make it work. If they leave or no one claims to have done that, you unload the cannon and remove it then place it back again to reset it.


All members of the placing account have full access to the ship.

A confusing thing for a Ship NOOB will be Permissions and overcoming your fear of allowing others on your ship.

Board your ship and left click the Tillerman in CC.  Choose security settings to get a menu.

The basic setting is Public Access, this applies to all players.  Mine is set to passenger.
I place others on my ship in a party for Bard Buffs and credit for Killing/Capturing Dread Pirates.
I use party Access for those players.  They are set to Officer so they can help operate the ship and swab the deck.

N\A:  Means No Access other than owner.
Passenger:  Can only Board the ship.  Can Not fire or Prep Cannons, Drive ship, or open Hold.
Crew: Can Board Ship, Prep and Fire Cannons, and Drive ship. Can not open Hold.
Officer: Can Board ship, Prep fire and dismantle Cannons, Drive Ship, Open Hold,
Deny Access: No Access other than owner.

So, to allow others to fire cannons, use Crew.  For trusted players use Officer.

Access List:   Click this to allow individual access to a ship.  You can set a player to Captain so they can use the ship and dry dock it.  Like making a co owner of your house but more power.  Or you can set an individual player to any of the other access levels.

Do not leave your public access set to anything higher than Passenger when you are not on board, or others can steal your cannon supplies. 

Painting your ship: 
You can go to the Emporium and buy temporary ship paint. Each color can be made darker using up to 3 applications.  So, 3 shades of your chosen color. The paint timer is only active when the ship is out.

Ship repairs:  Your ship may take damage while on the High Seas.  You can do permanent repairs with Boards and Cloth.  A tailor will use less materials to repair the ship.

Dry Docking:
When you are finished sailing, clear the decks and hold.  While on land near the ship, click the Tillerman and choose Dry Dock.  Your ship and all the cannons and supplies will turn into a toy ship in your backpack.

Related topic about scuttling Pirate and Merchant Ships.

Copy yourself with a fully outfitted ship to Test Center.  You will be ready to test the event when it is there.  Possibly in less than 3 weeks.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
  • HippoHippo Posts: 296
    Great treatise on ship & crew! On ATL I had my Orc ship HMS Hungry Hippo permission set to Guild for crew. Some low-life looted all my ammo, lesson learned so now change permissions after each cruise. Plus I always drydock flagships now for fear of losing "pumpkin" bow guns and the BUCs cannon due to decay or beacon spawning next door when I'm offline!  I carry a ton of comm deeds and one archer has a blue beetle for emptying the cargo hold after the voyage.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,136Moderator
    @Grimbeard is correct, or there is something I don't know. My orc ship cannons do 6500 damage, not 7500.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,630
    edited March 20
    Mariah fixed it. Thanks.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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