All wands should have FasterCast 1
From the wizzard of Oz to Merlin to the harrypotter to the mondane the wizzard to the great gargamel of smurfs to the psychotacos of Yew, throughout history there has been many great mages. All great mages have a wand in their hand to make magic of great wonders. However there are not good enough wands in the game, and its about time devs takes mages more seriouslly.
All wands in game should have FasterCast 1.
There are even some wands with minus, yes you read it right, minus 1FC.
Some dont even have spell channeling! unbelivable.
There are even some wands with minus, yes you read it right, minus 1FC.
Some dont even have spell channeling! unbelivable.

I hearby request the need for 1 FC added to all wands in the game so
that all promising mages of the future can make real spells and not just
fizzle around.
Together we make the game greater!
