What was the most difficult encounter or boss you have faced in UO?

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We quickly abandoned all hope and left the ancient wyrms lair.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Having nothing to lose & fully expecting it to be a trap, I did what I’ve always done when seeing strange gates to unknown places... I jumped right in. 1st thing I see are corpses EVERYWHERE & a balron marching towards me with words over his head saying, ‘Ahh, more fools coming to their deaths.’ It was at that moment I realized I’d f—ed up.
He wiped out everyone in 1 or 2 melee hits & those that survived ran off only to die a screen away by fireballs, lightning, explosion, or other spells. 30mins in, a group of dedicated mages stayed in the hallway near 2nd lvl 3rd lvl stairs casting e-fields to block the Balron, effectively creating a res spot for everyone. Some brave souls would periodically teleport thru e-fields into the almost certain deathzone & lure the balron off when he would press up against the e-fields waiting for them to drop. This genius tactic kept the res area relatively safe, allowed fighters to get back in the fray much faster, & we started seeing small chips off the GM’s healthbar.
Whoever in control of the balron had a wickedly funny sense of humor
Took prob 50-60 players almost 2hrs to lay low the beast. In all prob around 150 players involved(or more) but most didn’t/couldn’t stay the entire fight so players came & went as the night wore on. At no time did I see less then 40 players there.
I’ve never seen a boss fight last so long with so many players involved in any game. The balron’s commentary at times was hilarious. One of my fondest memories playing UO, def in the top 10.
Thanks for making me remember this again