


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "I mean, for me to suggest that to be able to cast a spell (gift of renewal) that heals 495hp, which is 9 x more powerful than greater heal at 120 magery (55hp).
    Should require:
    a) reagents
    b) some skill

    is clearly absurd and i should be banned..."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    Gift of Renewal

    Effect: Regenerates (5 + (Skill Level Real / 240) HP every 2 seconds. (+1 HP per Focus level)
    Duration: 30 seconds (+10 seconds per Focus level). 1 minute cooldown.
    Area of Effect: Caster or 1 target
    Arcane Circle Bonus (per additional arcanist): +1 health regeneration, +10 seconds duration, +2% cure poison chance.
    Increases the recipient’s natural health regeneration for the duration of the spell regardless of the target’s condition. If the target is poisoned upon casting, the beneficiary will be cured, unless the poison level is lethal, and the spell ended (cancels cooldown timer). If the caster dies, the cooldown timer immediately ends.

    Notice it is based on skill level.  It does not direct heal it gives HP regeneration. 

    Do you just make up numbers and not know all the things you are saying can be looked up and happen to be different than what you say?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "How i make up numbers?
    its 11hp every 2 seconds for 90 seconds
    11 x 2 x 45 equals 495hp

    i have 0 skill

    you're saying i am making up numbers when you only just found out that you can level 6 for 6 hours at 0 skill.. and i been using this for a decade..

    it's actually more poweful than heal because it will heal you through poison and mortal

    (also please stop quoting my own text to me from wiki, not all but some)"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited June 2023
    nevermind.. Didnt read the bold part.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,671
    edited June 2023
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "you can heal too at same time buff is on, it dont' stop you from being able to cast other spells..."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "Pawain, why don't you cast the spell before writing nonsense? you're like popps spending more time writing and looking things up, could just log in and cast it, would be quicker..

    it's not hit point regeneration, you get a direct 11 hp every 2 seconds like mini heal on yourself

    How you can say i heal only 99hp in 90 seconds? when i don't i heal 495 hp in 90 seconds..."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Yoshi said:
    “Perhaps then Garth could be right and should only stop EJ accounts from being able to circle if you don’t want them to change Arcane Circle skill level”

    Garths point was, if you were going to be so quick to stop the stoning of skills, then every skill that can be stoned while continuing to gain the benefits, should be stopped..
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I can’t think of any sorry, what do you mean?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Yoshi said:
    "Pawain, why don't you cast the spell before writing nonsense? you're like popps spending more time writing and looking things up, could just log in and cast it, would be quicker..

    it's not hit point regeneration, you get a direct 11 hp every 2 seconds like mini heal on yourself

    How you can say i heal only 99hp in 90 seconds? when i don't i heal 495 hp in 90 seconds..."
    You don't get to 7.7k posts by checking things before you post... you get there by giving "best guess assumptions" and then arguing about how you were right at some point and then deflect when people call you out. :D
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Hi @Yoshi,

    Other than you, who cares?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “Hi @Rocko , don’t @ me for pointless comments

    if nobody cares then shouldn’t be a problem also to require some skill to cast arcane circle and gem poof if you stone skill off
    if nobody cares..

    like Acid rain said:
    ’Arcane circle does absolutely nothing in itself. ’

    (Skill required would need to be more than 40, or else I would still get circle at 20 JoaT if someone casted at 40)

    I think if requirement was 100 that would make training spellweaving easier as quite difficult to train at high level 
    (I do have a neat trick to 120 spellweaving if anyone needs PM me, I am too lazy to write in uoguide)
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Hi @Yoshi I will do what I want.

    Other than you, who cares?
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999

    Urge said:
    I knew about this 17 years ago. I would use JoAT Attunement to absorb AIs in PvP, and Gift of Renewal to help keep me healed. 
    The good old days. Wait a min...bok and evade mages were cycling thru then too. 
      yea back when AI did 55-60 damage, it was very useful...  now some people use it to absorb 2-3 hits worth of damage.  -but, tbh, i see less people using it now than I did say before Global Loot.  but the effects now make one near invincible in pvp...at least.

       indeed they were, now there's many mage templates with Parry and/or bushido (evade), time for a nerf to them or buff everything else (without buffing parry/evade) ... not sure what's taking so damn long....  but then again, the bug section hasn't really seen any movement in months either, so there's that.

      I do agree that the scaling with arcane focus vs spellweaving skill is backwards... But, there are far more important things that should take priority over changes to that, some skills could/should be given higher damage, in addition perhaps benefit from slayer bonus damage

     I feel like Spellweaving, Necromancy, Mysticism in particular, and to lesser extent, Chivalry, Ninjitsu & Bushido could use more spells to make them more rounded, in terms of offense, defense & utility uses (some obviously more than others)    Magery for example has everything.  to gain the full benefit of all magery has to offer, in two skills Magery & Eval-int, and you have offense, defense (mage weapon) and healing, summons, fields.    no other skills come close to the variety so there's a lot that could be given to the other casting skills.    -but again, priorities, blatant cheating, bugs, new content.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovenantX said:

    Urge said:
    I knew about this 17 years ago. I would use JoAT Attunement to absorb AIs in PvP, and Gift of Renewal to help keep me healed. 
    The good old days. Wait a min...bok and evade mages were cycling thru then too. 
      yea back when AI did 55-60 damage, it was very useful...  now some people use it to absorb 2-3 hits worth of damage.  -but, tbh, i see less people using it now than I did say before Global Loot.  but the effects now make one near invincible in pvp...at least.

       indeed they were, now there's many mage templates with Parry and/or bushido (evade), time for a nerf to them or buff everything else (without buffing parry/evade) ... not sure what's taking so damn long....  but then again, the bug section hasn't really seen any movement in months either, so there's that.

      I do agree that the scaling with arcane focus vs spellweaving skill is backwards... But, there are far more important things that should take priority over changes to that, some skills could/should be given higher damage, in addition perhaps benefit from slayer bonus damage

     I feel like Spellweaving, Necromancy, Mysticism in particular, and to lesser extent, Chivalry, Ninjitsu & Bushido could use more spells to make them more rounded, in terms of offense, defense & utility uses (some obviously more than others)    Magery for example has everything.  to gain the full benefit of all magery has to offer, in two skills Magery & Eval-int, and you have offense, defense (mage weapon) and healing, summons, fields.    no other skills come close to the variety so there's a lot that could be given to the other casting skills.    -but again, priorities, blatant cheating, bugs, new content.

    Parry Mages were the major reason Evasion got nerfed in the first place. Back then, Warriors didn't have the Mana Regen rate to constantly keep Evasion up 24/7 (while Mages did), and you could still interrupt their bandy self heals with a Poison (wasting 4-6 secs of bandy time, not every Warrior had 140+ DEX back then), while a Mage could heal 40-50 HP in just 1.25 seconds of uninterrupted casting. Parry Mages not only got a defensive bonus from Evasion, but also an offensive bonus from it, since they got interrupted less during Evasion (so could string together a nasty combo uninterrupted), so they double dipped into it's benefits. 120 Swords/45% HCI, had a 20% chance of successfully landing a hit during Evasion against a Evasion Mage with 120 Magery (-0 Mage Wep)/120 Parry/120 Bushido/45% DCI.
    Hence why they first added a 80+ DEX requirement for full Parry chance (which few Mages had back then due to gear limitations), and then dropped Evasion's duration unless you also had GM Tact+GM Anat. Then they added the 20 second cooldown to it, then the diminishing returns in PvP, which affects Samurai Warriors as well.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    CovenantX said:

    Urge said:
    I knew about this 17 years ago. I would use JoAT Attunement to absorb AIs in PvP, and Gift of Renewal to help keep me healed. 
    The good old days. Wait a min...bok and evade mages were cycling thru then too. 
      yea back when AI did 55-60 damage, it was very useful...  now some people use it to absorb 2-3 hits worth of damage.  -but, tbh, i see less people using it now than I did say before Global Loot.  but the effects now make one near invincible in pvp...at least.

       indeed they were, now there's many mage templates with Parry and/or bushido (evade), time for a nerf to them or buff everything else (without buffing parry/evade) ... not sure what's taking so damn long....  but then again, the bug section hasn't really seen any movement in months either, so there's that.

      I do agree that the scaling with arcane focus vs spellweaving skill is backwards... But, there are far more important things that should take priority over changes to that, some skills could/should be given higher damage, in addition perhaps benefit from slayer bonus damage

     I feel like Spellweaving, Necromancy, Mysticism in particular, and to lesser extent, Chivalry, Ninjitsu & Bushido could use more spells to make them more rounded, in terms of offense, defense & utility uses (some obviously more than others)    Magery for example has everything.  to gain the full benefit of all magery has to offer, in two skills Magery & Eval-int, and you have offense, defense (mage weapon) and healing, summons, fields.    no other skills come close to the variety so there's a lot that could be given to the other casting skills.    -but again, priorities, blatant cheating, bugs, new content.

    Parry Mages were the major reason Evasion got nerfed in the first place. Back then, Warriors didn't have the Mana Regen rate to constantly keep Evasion up 24/7 (while Mages did), and you could still interrupt their bandy self heals with a Poison (wasting 4-6 secs of bandy time, not every Warrior had 140+ DEX back then), while a Mage could heal 40-50 HP in just 1.25 seconds of uninterrupted casting. Parry Mages not only got a defensive bonus from Evasion, but also an offensive bonus from it, since they got interrupted less during Evasion (so could string together a nasty combo uninterrupted), so they double dipped into it's benefits. 120 Swords/45% HCI, had a 20% chance of successfully landing a hit during Evasion against a Evasion Mage with 120 Magery (-0 Mage Wep)/120 Parry/120 Bushido/45% DCI.
    Hence why they first added a 80+ DEX requirement for full Parry chance (which few Mages had back then due to gear limitations), and then dropped Evasion's duration unless you also had GM Tact+GM Anat. Then they added the 20 second cooldown to it, then the diminishing returns in PvP, which affects Samurai Warriors as well.
        Exactly, I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows why they nerfed Parry + Magery, and evasion back then, that was the closest to invincible you could get, disarm was really the only vulnerability... Nothing in a sandbox should only have ONE vulnerability.., now mages (with the exception of the 20s cooldown on evasion) are basically right back there again.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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