Best 1-slot pet?
What would be the best 1-slot pet trained to max skill/stats but still 1-slot, to use as a group of 5?
Just looking at a list, I would think the 'blood fox' would be pretty good since it has wolf pact instinct, Grasping Claw and Bleed, and high base damage (16-21) according to uo-cah.
Stone slith also has a few abilities but no pact instinct and a large range of base damage (6 - 24).
Lesser hiryu has a few abilities too but again no pact instinct, however, high base damage (18 - 23).
Anything I haven't considered? Or does anyone have experience?
Just looking at a list, I would think the 'blood fox' would be pretty good since it has wolf pact instinct, Grasping Claw and Bleed, and high base damage (16-21) according to uo-cah.
Stone slith also has a few abilities but no pact instinct and a large range of base damage (6 - 24).
Lesser hiryu has a few abilities too but again no pact instinct, however, high base damage (18 - 23).
Anything I haven't considered? Or does anyone have experience?
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Five Wolf Spiders took down the Invasion Captains pretty fast.
I always wished Raptors were 1 slot, they don't do anything special but 5 of them would be cool.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Captains didn't switch targets. When the first dungeon event came out, we found that paragons switched targets and killed them fast. So I let mine go.
Also they start at less than 20 stats so gaining stats and skills would be a pain.
ya I been slooooooowly trying to train one
This is bad information. The mastery ability As One does not heal the pet, it merely splits the damage taken among all controlled pets and you have less to heal per pet, you still have to do the healing yourself though.
I use a trained up wolf spider to tank allosaurus and then use the pet I want to actually pet train as the second pet. Through As One it get's half the damage and advances it's pet training. I have done so with giant beetles, crimson drakes etc. and it always worked. None of those have pack instict, especially not with wolf spiders.
you’re using all that mana to split the damage between pets which helps you how exactly? Healing more pets is just harder work..
generally once a mob hits one pet it will stay attacking that one, you put consume damage on that one pet. Less mana and it actually heals the pet.”
Yup thats why 5 Wolf Spiders in a Dynamic Dungeon does not work, even with As One.
They work on Mobs that do not change targets or hit real soft.
The other trick to As One is it's fantastic for training pets. They will gain 'XP' from taking As One damage the same as if they were taking direct damage. So a 2-slot Tank like a Triton can take the hits offering great mitigation before the damage is split. Tritons come with overcapped Energy Resist too which makes a 2 slot the perfect tank for Unbound EVs.
DPS wise there's nothing anywhere stronger at single target damage then a Tamer/Bard Running Prov Buffs with 5 Wolf Spiders. Just make sure you have backup who can res your pets if they die because there's no room for Vet on that build, as you have to run meditation and max mana regen in order to sustain bard buffs indefinitely.
The single biggest threat to wolf spiders is AOE damage. Anywhere AOE damage is dealt, don't take wolfies there you'll spend most of your time just rezzing pets. AOE damage is also the bane of As One
Pets with Pack Instinct
The first ‘aggressive’ pet most tamers add to their stable and needing a single control slot, used in a pack their damage output through pack instinct is phenomenal. However controlling 5 creatures at once, and keeping them alive, is not a task for the faint hearted. A single frenzied is useful where you need to keep tight control on damage output, such as reducing a giant beetle to the ‘subdued’ state necessary to tame it.