New Player Tickets
Why is this still even a thing? I combined a couple tickets tonight and this is a new players options:
Do we just assume there are zero new players or those who are starting over? Or is it we just rely on the players to help them out?
Do we just assume there are zero new players or those who are starting over? Or is it we just rely on the players to help them out?

Its like saving a quarter from 1997 and spending it now then complaining because you can't buy much.
I have used those since 2006 and I have never seen it as an option.
Really the point is why isn't more being done to help new players or returning players? What are they going to do with any of these items?
Even now in the bank box were also these:
Also it shows that the original developers were just as stingy with items as they are now.
Clearly the rules sets and gameplay for difficulty have changed since 97, this should reflect to keep up with the times. At a minimum a full spellbook would be helpful...
Horn of Retreat and a Undead slayer that could get up to triple slayers on it was from the Haven Paladin Quest. Opposing Necro Quest pretty much got nothing unless you kept the scrolls from the quest for deco.
I wish they would have never changed Haven
starting down in that hole / cave area with the guy in the hooded shroud
been so long I don’t remember it all