Halloween Treasures event?

Since it wasn't specifically mentioned in the newsletter and it has been mentioned in previous years I was wondering if it's going to happen.  Is there anyway we can get confirmation one way or another?


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Foos said:
    Since it wasn't specifically mentioned in the newsletter and it has been mentioned in previous years I was wondering if it's going to happen.  Is there anyway we can get confirmation one way or another?
    @Mesanna here a perfect chance to show your new dedication to player developers communication...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    edited September 2022
    It would be really great to get some kind of event besides the usual Halloween and Christmas events to conclude the year seeing that NL wont be ready. 
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    dvvid said:
    It would be really great to get some kind of event besides the usual Halloween and Christmas events to conclude the year seeing that NL wont be ready. 

    Most of us love the Halloween event.  It's what we look forward to all year.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited September 2022
    dvvid said:
    It would be really great to get some kind of event besides the usual Halloween and Christmas events to conclude the year seeing that NL wont be ready. 
    100% agree.

    It's ironic that the Devs act like they don't want us hoarding things but then they do things like add more pumpkin designs ("Gotta collect'em all!") or colored glass designs which inevitably is something people are going to collect.

    I see why they do it... it's basically just adding new artwork to an existing thing (ie minimal effort) but if that's the approach they are going to take to just reskin previous rewards every single year then give us more storage.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Foos said:
    dvvid said:
    It would be really great to get some kind of event besides the usual Halloween and Christmas events to conclude the year seeing that NL wont be ready. 

    Most of us love the Halloween event.  It's what we look forward to all year.
    Don’t get me wrong… I love Halloween in UO. I was just thinking since NL is delayed, a little extra something would be nice. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    edited September 2022
    they are giving us new green pumpkin designs.
    so people will want to go to the cemeteries and the fields.
    And 2 new trick or treat items.
    (no mention of zombie skeletons, so the Butchers might be a little easier to kill)

    this usually starts in October
    so it doesn't look like any of that would be on TC for testing
    much less a new Treasures of event.

    one thing i didn't see listed in the newsletter
    was whether Krampus is returning.
    they must not have fixed the specials on the candied staff.
    (I was hoping they would turn this back on,
    because there are people who didn't get the orb shield recipe)
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    they are giving us new green pumpkin designs.
    so people will want to go to the cemeteries and the fields.
    And 2 new trick or treat items.
    (no mention of zombie skeletons, so the Butchers might be a little easier to kill)

    No offense but this is the exact type of mindset that fosters lack of new content. I know it's crazy to say this, but there are quite a few people that play UO that do not care about collecting sets of stuff; these people want new things to do / new functional items to improve their play.

    A dynamic dungeon event is even a little different from what you're killing compared to the Halloween event... killing more butchers/pumpkins is just repeating the same thing from the last 5-10 years. That's fine for some but this is extremely boring for many others for decoration that many people do not care about. 

    this usually starts in October
    so it doesn't look like any of that would be on TC for testing
    much less a new Treasures of event.

    I do think you are correct on the possibility of a 25th event arc (the Devs REALLY missed the opportunity on this one...it's very disappointing) but that shouldn't stop a new dynamic event fromt starting. When was the last time they actually tested a new treasures event on TC1? The whole premise of having the tool they have is to "drop in" an event and supposedly doesn't need testing (which is why the last 3 events weren't on TC). Inability to drop it in to TC isn't a valid argument for not getting a dynamic event. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    I like dynamic events too but maybe a week or so after Halloween.  Halloween with the butchers and the trick or treating should have it’s own time.  Usually they have a dynamic event in October that competes with Halloween.  This year, maybe, being the exception.  Have to think after reading the newsletter that the team is reorganizing.  
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    Fairly happy about the fact there was no ToT announcement. Too much stuff going around in the fall -> winter holiday time anyways. A ToT on top of it is not necessary plus we already had a two-month one earlier this year. Devs are listening, yay.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • username said:
    Fairly happy about the fact there was no ToT announcement. Too much stuff going around in the fall -> winter holiday time anyways. A ToT on top of it is not necessary plus we already had a two-month one earlier this year. Devs are listening, yay.
    You do realize that participating in a ToT is not a requirement. I see no reason that you can't have both and let people prioritize their game play. Personally, I don't do the halloween activities much so having the ToT like last year it was nice. 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    username said:
    Fairly happy about the fact there was no ToT announcement. Too much stuff going around in the fall -> winter holiday time anyways. A ToT on top of it is not necessary plus we already had a two-month one earlier this year. Devs are listening, yay.
    You do realize that participating in a ToT is not a requirement. I see no reason that you can't have both and let people prioritize their game play. Personally, I don't do the halloween activities much so having the ToT like last year it was nice. 
    I'm also one of those players that doesn't do (or care about) the Halloween event. The last thing I need is 3 more pumpkin designs that end up in a bag somewhere. I always find it funny when people say "there is too much going on" like they have to do every single thing that is going on.

    It's hard for me to imagine how people can sit in a field (or cemetery) for hours/weeks on end for some non-functional pixels and be against getting a ToT style event that would give us usable items.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    @keven2002 I never said I was against the dungeon events.
    I was only mentioning what was already said in the newsletter.

    And the reason they have had the same events at Halloween time
    were because people have repeatedly asked the Devs at meet & greets
    for them to return the pumpkin carvings,
    zombie skeletons and have new trick or treat items. 
    They have become holiday traditions

    And in December we have holiday gifts and the Artisan Festival.
    Also Krampus if they decide to turn it back on.


    Just because you don't enjoy doing these things,
    doesn't mean others don't have fun doing them.

    I love going to the fields and getting the pumpkins
    and to the cemeteries too
    but I also spend gold purchasing the same items from vendors too
    (sometimes new designs are really hard to get)


    And your comment: "I always find it funny when people say "there is too much going on" like they have to do every single thing that is going on."

    We like to be able to participate in events.
    the Spring Fever event was awesome
    but it being limited time, we neglect other things.
    usually by this time of the year I have most of prep for christmas done.
    Now it will be a rush to get it done.
    (this is about stuff that is done for others... the spirit of giving)

    Don't get me wrong, the items obtained during Spring Fever were worth it.

    We just need time between events to get things done.
    Putting them too close together will drive players away.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    edited September 2022
    For newer reasonably developed players a good source of gold.  The carving kits and pumpkins sell well.  And, you get to meet other players.  Not an obsession though. Knights really good for training casting and distance weapon skills plus you get player’s bones from them.  Will likely spend a few nights recalling from cemetery to cemetery for an hour or so.

    Newer players can see how it’s done without much risk and often get to loot the butchers.  Started playing about this time of year and was amazed at what players could do when taking on the butchers.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Arnold7 said:
    For newer reasonably developed players a good source of gold.  The carving kits and pumpkins sell well.  And, you get to meet other players.  Not an obsession though. Knights really good for training casting and distance weapon skills plus you get player’s bones from them.  Will likely spend a few nights recalling from cemetery to cemetery for an hour or so.
    yes I know for a fact you can make millions off of them.

    Last time i paid attention to how much i spent was over 10M
    and I wasn't even the only person buying them from the seller.
    (he was selling the pumpkins and carving kits for 50K each)

    I wouldn't know how much the bones go for.
    I usually give them to the owners or toss for cleanup points
    (if they are the plain ones)


    you can also make gold off of the Artisan Festival gifts.
    items from the first 3 years are worth 100 cleanup points
    (but later years and the boxes aren't worth any)

    older gifts I sell for around 250K
    and the new items (blankets and stained glass) sell for lot more
    blankets usually around 1-4M and windows 5-10M
    (skulls and hearts usually sell quicker)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    edited September 2022
    The problem, to my viewing, is not merely turning a switch to activate a "Treasures Of" Event but, rather, the issue of "New" Rewards to give to players....

    Besides the fact that New Rewards can impact gameplay and, therefore, their Design needs to be carefully thought over, there is also the issue of testing them, both internally and externally (on the Test Server) to make sure that they work well and do not screw up something....

    And the more these New Rewards are, for a New Event, the more work time they take up....

    Not to mention, that, in order to keep up with players' interest, inevitably, to my thinking, New items need to be more powerful as compared to existing ones or, cover gameplay areas which were not yet covered..... but this could cause some imbalances elsewhere.....

    Bottom line is, launching a New Event with New Items that would be appealing to players, to my opinion, takes a lot more work time that one might time the mere pressing of a button could take....
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited September 2022
    popps said:
    The problem, to my viewing, is not merely turning a switch to activate a "Treasures Of" Event but, rather, the issue of "New" Rewards to give to players....

    Besides the fact that New Rewards can impact gameplay and, therefore, their Design needs to be carefully thought over, there is also the issue of testing them, both internally and externally (on the Test Server) to make sure that they work well and do not screw up something....

    And the more these New Rewards are, for a New Event, the more work time they take up....

    Not to mention, that, in order to keep up with players' interest, inevitably, to my thinking, New items need to be more powerful as compared to existing ones or, cover gameplay areas which were not yet covered..... but this could cause some imbalances elsewhere.....

    Bottom line is, launching a New Event with New Items that would be appealing to players, to my opinion, takes a lot more work time that one might time the mere pressing of a button could take....

    Well first thing is that aside from the Wildfire ostard, none of the items have ever landed on TC1 so that's not actually a prerequisite of getting a new item.

    Secondly,the Dev team has had since March (when Spring Fever launched) to think up some new rewards (ie 6 months) for the next event. I think that is more than enough time to think/test potential items. Honestly they only really need around 4-5 truly new usable items (like the Spring event) and then sprinkle in previous rewards like the SSI Epps / HCI Earrings / etc. Those 4-5 items automatically double when you create a Garg version. Everything else could just be a reskin of an existing item like the talisman would be essentially the conjurers trinket with a different slayer or 50SDI spellbook with a different name/hue. On top of that, half of their work is done for them in the dozens of suggestions/wants from the player base in threads that appear. I'm sure there is plenty of a backlog to revisit if they had trouble thinking up things on their own. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    keven2002 said:
    username said:
    Fairly happy about the fact there was no ToT announcement. Too much stuff going around in the fall -> winter holiday time anyways. A ToT on top of it is not necessary plus we already had a two-month one earlier this year. Devs are listening, yay.
    You do realize that participating in a ToT is not a requirement. I see no reason that you can't have both and let people prioritize their game play. Personally, I don't do the halloween activities much so having the ToT like last year it was nice. 
    I'm also one of those players that doesn't do (or care about) the Halloween event. The last thing I need is 3 more pumpkin designs that end up in a bag somewhere. I always find it funny when people say "there is too much going on" like they have to do every single thing that is going on.

    It's hard for me to imagine how people can sit in a field (or cemetery) for hours/weeks on end for some non-functional pixels and be against getting a ToT style event that would give us usable items.
    I think most players want to take part in any and all events available. And many struggle to find enough time to cover it all. 

    That aside, if we already know things with NL are behind because life happened and had to be dealt with, how can we think there was time enough to bring a new ToT to successful fruition?

    I should think dealing with the day to day, 25th Anniversary content, ironing out new Halloween, Artisan Festival & Krampus content, along with continued development of NL, sounds like enough to pull off successfully at this time.

    You know things will pop up and fires will need to be put out with any and all of this. If a less than stellar ToT got thrown in right now? That doesn't seem wise to me. 

    I just scrolled back up to reread a comment and see I'm pretty much echoing most of what Cinderella already said. 
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    I feel like this has steered in to whether or not we are having a treasures event.  The post was only intended to ask for clarification as to whether we are or not.  That's it.  I feel like if you want to have a discussion about what type of events we should be having that should be another post, at least IMO. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Gee so we just need some simple communication from the developers? 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited September 2022
    LilyGrace said:

    That aside, if we already know things with NL are behind because life happened and had to be dealt with, how can we think there was time enough to bring a new ToT to successful fruition?

    This is my entire point. They devoted most of 2020 development to a "tool" which would help "drop in" dynamic events with very minimal effort. The biggest effort here would just be a little planning on what the rewards would be and where to have it.

    Which bring me back to one of my original questions: What have they been working on for the last 6 months? Did they really only plan on having NL this year and no other new content? So we get no NL and no new content? I find that hard to accept.

    LilyGrace said:
    I should think dealing with the day to day, 25th Anniversary content, ironing out new Halloween, Artisan Festival & Krampus content, along with continued development of NL, sounds like enough to pull off successfully at this time.

    You know things will pop up and fires will need to be put out with any and all of this. If a less than stellar ToT got thrown in right now? That doesn't seem wise to me. 

    What is the "day to day"? As far as I know they aren't actively fixing the backlog of older bugs and if they haven't introduced anything new in 6 months then there really won't be any emergency thing that would pop up.

    What 25th Anniversary content? The limited 2 hour event this weekend? That will be over in 72 hours so this doesn't seem like an excuse after that, does it?

    Ironing out "new" content? lmao. What new content? Please don't confuse new rewards with new content. It's literally just new rewards being added to existing content. What is there really to "iron out" by flipping a switch for "butchers in cemetery = ON" / Artisan Festival = ON / etc? Also you are assuming there is Krampus this year... there was no mention of that at all so if that did happen it would likely be "Krampus = ON" and you can enjoy the same exact event as last year. 

    NL has been kicked to next year sometime (could be next September for all we know)... people aren't going to be around for NL if they don't give some fresh content. This goes back to what I said earlier; they cannot just completely ignore production shards (which is keeping the lights on) for some project they've been working on for probably 3 years now. 

    I don't think you are giving the Devs enough credit for what they are capable of producing. The "new content" in the Newsletter (ie new pixels and same old content) could be produced by kids in high school as some type of senior project if they were given 6 months. A team of people that are paid to do this for a living should be more than capable of putting together fresh content in that same time frame (while handling the day to day "fires" they have supposedly been).
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    OK, so there's no day-to-day business that needs attention in the running of UO. Firing up events, old or new, is just a push of a button. Once the button is pushed you can go back to bed. The fairgrounds for the Origin event were made manifest by the snap of the fingers, no work, no planning was necessary. High school kids could be put in charge of new artwork. And we don't care that extenuating and unforeseen circumstances, experienced by a very small dev team, may play a part in slowing game development down. 

    Man, I wish I'd gone into game development as a career. Other than that part where some people won't take into consideration the dev team may be heavily and negatively impacted by personal life events outside their control, it sounds like a totally tit job. 

    This, for legal reasons is not at all possible ...
    "The "new content" in the Newsletter (ie new pixels and same old content) could be produced by kids in high school as some type of senior project if they were given 6 months." 

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited September 2022
    Day to day business as you call it, should really only be working on content for the next arc (and working on NL). We aren't getting NL this year so that leaves us with content for the next arc.... which looks like the same old stuff they turn on every year.

    So your stance is that because "something happened to someone" (no other details than that), the PAYING customer base shouldn't worry about getting anything new?? 

    Is your stance also that when you pay a contractor to put a new roof on your house and something happens to someone on the crew that it's acceptable to only get a few shingles put on each day and 6 months later the roof still isn't finished? Come on, you know it's not acceptable in any other instance.

    I don't think you would have wanted to go into the game development career if you worked for any team outside of this one; you would actually have deliverables / deadlines / roadmaps etc. This team seemingly operates with very little of those but to my view they have their own set of problems that you probably wouldn't have wanted to be on that team either.

    EDIT** For the record I was giving the Devs the benefit of doubt since Destard event ended thinking we might actually get something more than a handful of regurgitated reward ideas from the same events we get every year. I kept saying "we will see". So far it looks like I was wrong. I think for me, it's what we are not seeing that is very telling to me. There is nothing I've seen that looks like 6 months of work (which includes the 2 screenshots of banners for NL).
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Even if it was two developers say mesanne and hubby the other two couldn't post ? Life happens its why some have shard shields and others don't the bottom line is even if the entire team out mesanne should have had a higher up covering..i can see no where if it was one of us we would still have jobs ..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    McDougle said:
    Even if it was two developers say mesanne and hubby the other two couldn't post ? Life happens its why some have shard shields and others don't the bottom line is even if the entire team out mesanne should have had a higher up covering..i can see no where if it was one of us we would still have jobs ..
    Nailed it.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    keven2002 said:
    McDougle said:
    Even if it was two developers say mesanne and hubby the other two couldn't post ? Life happens its why some have shard shields and others don't the bottom line is even if the entire team out mesanne should have had a higher up covering..i can see no where if it was one of us we would still have jobs ..
    Nailed it.
    Well we've had a little communication and through it vague acknowledgement now we need a little accountability...there is much precedence for this the jolly Rogers on Atlantic i survived the age of shadows etc a little gift for your patience be it have a tot or new black market gifts anything...to show some appreciation to the people that ultimately pay thier salaries..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    A couple of days after a newsletter and we are back to you saying we have no communication in every thread.  Email her if you miss her so much. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    keven2002 said:

    So your stance is that because "something happened to someone" (no other details than that), the PAYING customer base shouldn't worry about getting anything new?? 

    I don't know, Keven. If you know so well what it takes to keep a MMORPG going for 25+ years and you have such a deep understanding of all that would be involved in its day-to-day operations, then you certainly should be a game developer.

    I do look at new UO art being introduced as something new. It's sort of built right into the name, "new UO art". So, the 25th Anniversary art, whether you liked it or not, is new. The Origin event is something new. New items, even though introduced through systems we're already familiar with; Trick or Treating, fighting in the cemeteries, holiday tokens, Krampas, will be new and I'm sure I'll enjoy going after them. 

    Do I wish NL was right around the corner? Sure. But I know releasing it before it's truly ready would be bad. And I know trying to cram a new ToT event into the game if it isn't ready, for whatever reason it isn't ready, would not be a good thing either. It would cause a lot more howling than not having a ToT at this time is.

    It's funny you use contractors working on a house as an analogy. It's something, having gone through three top to bottom renovations of New England antique homes, I know a lot about. There are plenty of setbacks and delays to be had. With just about every major project and every contractor hired, things go wrong and take longer than you'd hoped. It's the nature of the beast.

    At any rate, I'm done canvasing the subject. Whether you're actually angry and your tone a bit hostile, or it's just landing that way with me because of whatever mood I'm in, I'm not sure. But I know I'm not diggin' it. So, off I go.


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Pawain said:
    A couple of days after a newsletter and we are back to you saying we have no communication in every thread.  Email her if you miss her so much. 
    Again you posted to troll rather than comprehend as i clearly stated we've had communication might i suggest you simply ignore my comments in the future? 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited September 2022
    In real life, politicians created TV and entertainment to keep people from revolting.

    We are paying citizens of Britannia, and we pay our taxes every month. 

    I am not sure why the Team is so quiet and inactive. Their cash cow and year end bonus is at stake.

    @Mesanna pls unleash all the events and rewards and keep the citizens busy logged in playing, and not posting here!!
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Agree with Seth. Unleash 25 years of destruction. 

    Even dreadmares and banes but in the 25 year silver color. 
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