The Value of a Valorite Runic Hammer



  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Skett said:
    I forgot how to combine runics 
    Put runics in imbuers pack. Stand by soul forge. Double click and target like item. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    Ty sir 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Skett said:
    I forgot how to combine runics 
    dbl click one and target another. same for tokuno dyes.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I did it opens the gump window 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Skett said:
    I did it opens the gump window 
    Have to be near a soulforge?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    edited July 2022
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    Thank all it worked 
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,303
    dvvid said:
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I have a 3 90 charge Val hammers and a 45 charge I wish we could make runics combinable to 500 charges would free up hundreds of storage spaces 
    or a new reward that would hold 5000 of each runic type 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    Skett said:
    I have a 3 90 charge Val hammers and a 45 charge I wish we could make runics combinable to 500 charges would free up hundreds of storage spaces 
    or a new reward that would hold 5000 of each runic type 
    Before increasing hammers charges, there is PLENTY of items which could be made stackable, but are still not....

    Now, making those items stackable WOULD surely free up lots and lots of storage space....
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Yoshi said:
    "something to note when reforging, no matter how high the runic, if you use 2 names (6 charges) you will never also roll a mod outside of those 2 names. 
    “With this knowledge, it was relatively simple to reverse engineer the exact properties each name will yield. So have now updated the official wiki with what should be 100% accuracy :

    this is currently more accurate than uoguide
    (may correct that when I get a chance, or if anyone wants to copy over they are welcome to)"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Skett said:
    I forgot how to combine runics 
    you have to be near a soulforge
    they can only be combined up to 100 uses
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Don't forget the nonsense that you can't get hit spells with reforging on ranged weapons. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited August 2022
    @keven2002 claimed for some reason that I dont use crafted pieces.  Also I dont imbue these because you can get higher values from Reforging. Also imbuing only gets 5 properties, reforging with barbed or valorite can get 6.

    These can be enhanced still, unless I already did one of them.  Valorite kits make the same thing as Barbed kits for armor.  The gloves are here because those can be recreated with a Valorite kit, but I tried a lot and could not hit those numbers.  They would have better resists if I could hit them.

    I can't do repetitive things so if you keep going, you could hit caps on more stats.  I stop when something gets me what I need for the suit.

    Oopps I put a piece twice so I had to edit in the correct one.
    temp.bmp 389.8K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited August 2022
    Honestly P***** it was my mistake to think that for as much time as you spend playing the game, that you would actually have end-game level gear. I guess that's my bad. It kind of makes sense why you always try to pound the drum on group play because with that armor it's hard to imagine being able to solo much of any end-game content. 

    The one decent piece you've shown isn't crafted at all. It's a lesser artifact with Str and Dex/Stam. 

    While there can be a place for crafted gear, it's usually going to be imbued so you get Str/Dex/Int all on the same piece. Those piece could have easily been created with a horned kit and imbued to be better. I'm assuming this is a warrior if they are all Dex type pieces. You have have Stam Regen on 3 of the 4 pieces which isn't really necessary (especially if using a leech weapon). Look at your total Stam per piece. 3 of the 4 are 13Stam or less and have 8LMC. Who knows how many attempts it took you to get those combos with a barbed kit but the end result is something that you could have just used a horned kit (more charges to use per kit) to get something with the Dex/Stam and imbue the rest. 

    Now let's compare any of those pieces you burned X charges for to some sleeves I have on my 4th string dexer (archer). It's not perfect (I'd rather MR than SR) but even this piece eclipses what you posted. My sampire is xfering shards right now but his entire suit is made up legendary items like below (close to 15 stam / 15 mana though with MR).

    My piece has more Stam than 3 of your 4.
    More mana than all 4.
    More SR than 3 of your 4
    More LMC than 3 of your 4
    WAY more resist than ALL your 4

    Point blank highest level runic items cannot beat a legendary artifact. You will end up losing on 9 out of 10 properties you compare. I'd even argue you would be better off using a horned kit and imbuing mods if you are going to take such a hit on resists...and even then likely can't create an entire suit like that without making some major sacrifices for resists to be at 70 for all (and forget about being overcapped for Vamp form or corpse skin etc).

    *=edit by Rorschach.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited August 2022
    I see I hit a nerve proving you wrong, Like I said you could hit all the caps if you keep trying.  Also since you refuse to read, I told you the only looted piece there could be crafted also. but, have higher resists...

    I never said crafted things cant beat what we can loot, if we could craft what we could loot, why would we kill stuff?  You sound like Popps now.

    Once you hit the max swing speed, have decent mana and 150 str, there is no reason to put more stats on a suit.
    So you do not need max stats on everything. Your Artifact only has 2 stats at max.

    I have just as good of stuff as yours, but I am smart enough to know how to build a suit with 2 legendaries and the rest crafted, I have 7 dexxers that need suits.  

    You probably only use swords so anyone could make a suit for that with 1 legendary piece.

    temp.png 205.1K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BenBen Posts: 263
    Yoshi said:
    "also, the afk script farmers pay a fortune for decent self repair weapons (which can only be crafted not looted)"
    This is why I love reading posts like this. Always learning something. To think, I usually put these in the salvage bag.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Ben said:
    Yoshi said:
    "also, the afk script farmers pay a fortune for decent self repair weapons (which can only be crafted not looted)"
    This is why I love reading posts like this. Always learning something. To think, I usually put these in the salvage bag.
    Keep in mind merv/yoshi lives in fantasy land 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 283
    edited August 2022
    Val hammer crafted. Whetstone removed dmg as its all on jewels & armor. Don’t need ssi. Imbued to add 5th property since dmg removed. This baby DesTroYs any single target standing toe to toe never backing down.

    Took MANY tries to get 100% mana leech w life leech, fatigue, & mana drain. More tries to get one that could fit imbuing. Used on a human healing chiv warrior that uses joat weaving, NOT a sampire.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited August 2022
    Pawain said:
    I see I hit a nerve proving you wrong, Like I said you could hit all the caps if you keep trying.  Also since you refuse to read, I told you the only looted piece there could be crafted also. but, have higher resists...

    I never said crafted things cant beat what we can loot, if we could craft what we could loot, why would we kill stuff?  You sound like Popps now.

    Once you hit the max swing speed, have decent mana and 150 str, there is no reason to put more stats on a suit.
    So you do not need max stats on everything. Your Artifact only has 2 stats at max.

    I have just as good of stuff as yours, but I am smart enough to know how to build a suit with 2 legendaries and the rest crafted, I have 7 dexxers that need suits.  

    You probably only use swords so anyone could make a suit for that with 1 legendary piece.

    Proving me wrong? Lol once again you are in fantasy land P***. In typical P*** fashion, you take something that you were obviously proven wrong and you reply with a troll remark saying how you are the one proving someone wrong. You feel the need to puff up your chest by saying how smart you are when in reality the more you talk, the more you show your complete ignorance to something you devote a large part of your life too (ie you are bad at your passion lmao). Such a sad life.

    Once again I need to refocus your attention on the subject at hand...I know when you become triggered you tend to get diarrhea of the fingers and just start typing random stuff to deflect from being wrong. The proof is that you felt compelled to reply on a thread that hasn't been touched in 2 weeks in an attempt to make a point about using top end runic gear because you just can't help yourself. 

    You have just admitted your barbed runic crafted armor isn't better than my legendary piece so that's a step in the right direction (btw I see you trying to pull your tiny ruler out for some contest you think you have a chance to win lol).

    Now try to explain how someone would not be able to craft what you posted with a horned runic and simply imbue the item to obtain the a similar item much quicker and without burning as many resources. I've crafted enough armor to know that you can make animated/haste gear with a horned runic to get 5Dex/10Stam type pieces and have leftover properties to supplement the suit. So I could add MR 2 / 8LMC / 5HP or whatever else I wanted.

    I understand perfectly well how to build a suit (wait does that make me smart and tough like you?) and know that you don't "need" all legendary artifacts. That said, you show your ignorance by saying "there is no need to put more stats on a suit". So your newbie logic is to use pieces that aren't best in game because it's overkill? That is why you need groups/your 3 other accounts to kill stuff when I'm able to run through most content with just one. This is also why nobody takes your advice on how to play UO because you are telling them to go burn up 5/10/15 top end runics for inferior pieces and this is also why you are dependent on your weapon to give you SSI/DI. Please stay in the kiddy pool while the adults play end-game content. 

    You continue to show your ignorance by assuming what I play. I have a dexers for each skill to switch things up because I get bored of winning UO (I know winning is a hard concept for you to grasp). This is this is what I have on my macer who has max swing speed on a war hammer without any SSI/DI on the weapon. Meanwhile you are telling people "it's hard to get max swing speed on a macer"... yea I guess it is if you use barbed runic kits to make your suits like it's 2009 it can be tough lmao. 

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Acid_Rain said:
    Val hammer crafted. Whetstone removed dmg as its all on jewels & armor. Don’t need ssi. Imbued to add 5th property since dmg removed. This baby DesTroYs any single target standing toe to toe never backing down.

    Took MANY tries to get 100% mana leech w life leech, fatigue, & mana drain. More tries to get one that could fit imbuing. Used on a human healing chiv warrior that uses joat weaving, NOT a sampire.

    Nice weapon
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    this is getting rather heated and some unwelcome personal attacks have been edited. Please keep it civil.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited August 2022
    keven2002 said:
    Pawain said:
    I see I hit a nerve proving you wrong, Like I said you could hit all the caps if you keep trying.  Also since you refuse to read, I told you the only looted piece there could be crafted also. but, have higher resists...

    I never said crafted things cant beat what we can loot, if we could craft what we could loot, why would we kill stuff?  You sound like Popps now.

    Once you hit the max swing speed, have decent mana and 150 str, there is no reason to put more stats on a suit.
    So you do not need max stats on everything. Your Artifact only has 2 stats at max.

    I have just as good of stuff as yours, but I am smart enough to know how to build a suit with 2 legendaries and the rest crafted, I have 7 dexxers that need suits.  

    You probably only use swords so anyone could make a suit for that with 1 legendary piece.

    Proving me wrong? Lol once again you are in fantasy land P***. In typical P*** fashion, you take something that you were obviously proven wrong and you reply with a troll remark saying how you are the one proving someone wrong. You feel the need to puff up your chest by saying how smart you are when in reality the more you talk, the more you show your complete ignorance to something you devote a large part of your life too (ie you are bad at your passion lmao). Such a sad life.

    Once again I need to refocus your attention on the subject at hand...I know when you become triggered you tend to get diarrhea of the fingers and just start typing random stuff to deflect from being wrong. The proof is that you felt compelled to reply on a thread that hasn't been touched in 2 weeks in an attempt to make a point about using top end runic gear because you just can't help yourself. 

    You have just admitted your barbed runic crafted armor isn't better than my legendary piece so that's a step in the right direction (btw I see you trying to pull your tiny ruler out for some contest you think you have a chance to win lol).

    Now try to explain how someone would not be able to craft what you posted with a horned runic and simply imbue the item to obtain the a similar item much quicker and without burning as many resources. I've crafted enough armor to know that you can make animated/haste gear with a horned runic to get 5Dex/10Stam type pieces and have leftover properties to supplement the suit. So I could add MR 2 / 8LMC / 5HP or whatever else I wanted.

    I understand perfectly well how to build a suit (wait does that make me smart and tough like you?) and know that you don't "need" all legendary artifacts. That said, you show your ignorance by saying "there is no need to put more stats on a suit". So your newbie logic is to use pieces that aren't best in game because it's overkill? That is why you need groups/your 3 other accounts to kill stuff when I'm able to run through most content with just one. This is also why nobody takes your advice on how to play UO because you are telling them to go burn up 5/10/15 top end runics for inferior pieces and this is also why you are dependent on your weapon to give you SSI/DI. Please stay in the kiddy pool while the adults play end-game content. 

    You continue to show your ignorance by assuming what I play. I have a dexers for each skill to switch things up because I get bored of winning UO (I know winning is a hard concept for you to grasp). This is this is what I have on my macer who has max swing speed on a war hammer without any SSI/DI on the weapon. Meanwhile you are telling people "it's hard to get max swing speed on a macer"... yea I guess it is if you use barbed runic kits to make your suits like it's 2009 it can be tough lmao. 

    keven2002 said:

    You say most of your dexxers wear "crafted armor" but I'd be willing to bet it's imbued armor (possibly reforged with a low end runic); not a reforged piece from a barbed kit / val hammer. I'd actually be willing to bet on it. Feel free to post your pieces that you made with a barbed or val runic (that are not imbued). 
    You asked me to prove you wrong and I did!

     Would be nice if you did not make up stuff to make yourself feel correct. Or maybe remember what you post. Or stick to showing players what they can do with the high end runics.

    I never said anything about other runics, nor did I disparage them.

    As I already stated. You can not get max caps with imbuing. 

    When making armor for archers or macers, which have slow weapons, it is important to have pieces with 10 LMC and +10 stamina.  My macer has 234 Stamina with his 1999 suit.  

    So go take some deep breaths and calm down. You are the only heated person in this thread resorting to name calling when you feel you were offended.  You lost that bet, get over it and move on.
    My macer has 234 Stamina with his 1999 suit.  Grow up and stop acting like a child.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 283
    Am I in the right place? Thought this was a thread on val hammers.

    Yes, they can make some really nice stuff thru reforging if your crafter has the skill, time, patience, & resources.

  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    edited August 2022
    Acid_Rain said:
    Am I in the right place? Thought this was a thread on val hammers.

    Yes, they can make some really nice stuff thru reforging if your crafter has the skill, time, patience, & resources.

    Thanks for sharing the pics... My post kinda blew up a bit didn't it?  :D

    My sampire and archer are all set on gear and I was just contemplating whether or not to burn through my high end runics to sell things in an old school vendor mall I'm building on Legends. I'll sell most of the duds for cheap to the new folks who pick Legends to call home I think, so I really don't care about how unlikely it may be to roll perfection on a piece... There's really only like 2 vendors stocking gear over here...

    I do understand the value of the lower runics.  The shop will be stocked with blanks for 100% elemental damage, 150 luck pieces, 5 HCI or DCI armor pieces and maybe even the self repair after what yoshi mentioned.

    Anyone else have any pics of their high-end runic crafted gear?  Wanna also tell me what you'd sell it for on a vendor or safe?  Like if you were actually just trying to create markets for those new players who don't already have 25 years of stuff?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2022
    "Have you thought about crafting shields? namely Arcane+ / of Aegis, reactive para with spell chan no negative sells well"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    Yoshi said:
    "Have you thought about crafting shields? namely Arcane+ / of Aegis, reactive para with spell chan no negative sells well"
    Sure... my question for that would be, is the valorite runic the right one or is the bronze better?  I always thought shields were good for filling in some of the gaps at the end of the build and people might need space to imbue the shields.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Here is the thing yes with multiple tries you might make a decent weapon for yourself or shields you can sell for a little gold but the big money is in luck and studded 55lmc suits kid yourself all you want that the reality lesser runics much more valuable and that should not be the case 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited August 2022
    Valorite hammer use depends on how far into the end-game you want to go. Since obtaining Val hammers is not nearly as difficult as it used to be, thanks to the BoD rework, you can just keep getting hammers to make the armor and weapons you want, knowing you're going to have to make new armor/weapons shortly. It's a cyclic system. 

    I'm not saying people should do this, I'm saying it's a possibility, you can. Generating hammers for these types of weapons and amor is probably not realistic gameplay for many, but it can be for some.

    Using a val hammer you can easily get 7 mod weapons that can still be enhanced. (These are on TC as a demonstration only. I wouldn't actually use these on Pac.)

    I chose vampiric and vitality here, but you could choose vampiric and something else to bump your leeches to 2x100 easily, or maybe 3x100 with a bit of work, or a hit spell effect, etc. You might even get a bit of ele damage with a 2x100 leech and could still enhance.

    Yes, they cannot be repaired, so you're not going to be using them for that long. However, I can generate all the val hammers I need (thanks BoD's!) to make the weapons I need. Armor can be a better choice (and easier to craft), since it wears so much less (and has better enhance opportunities). Especially for non-melee characters.

    All said, a 7 mod weapon with 2x100 leech is not that hard to acquire, since you can just run BoD's to generate the val hammers needed to craft such weapons.

    Sure, for PvM farming, I wouldn't use a 7 mod, but for boss fights where I can get 100 boss kills or something before needing a new weapon, yeah, it's something to consider. (It's something I consider, although I run gear slightly lower than this.)
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