The Value of a Valorite Runic Hammer

So you can throw these in a trashcan for 120000 clean up points which sets their game value at 12 million gold...

In the event a person decides to use them for crafting, is there any possible outcome (however improbable the stats may be) to produce an item worth more than 12 million gold with the hammer?

What would I need to craft with it for you to pay me more than the game pays me to throw it in the trash?


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Why would anyone choose a useless hammer? Why is the top tier hammer useless will the AWOL developers ever bother to communicate???
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2022
    "I suggest making double axes or bladed staffs,
    powerful, inspired exalted > vampiric (4 charges)

    although you can loot these, the odds of you getting a double axe or bladed staff are low and the odds of them having damage increase on too are even lower.

    so you're looking for
    Hit fatigue 50-70
    Hit life leech anything above 81
    Hit mana leech anything above 81
    Hit area or Hit spell
    Damage inc

    (PS let me know if you get one that is Spell Chan too, i'll be very interested, would pay close to a plat depending)"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    McDougle said:
    Why would anyone choose a useless hammer? Why is the top tier hammer useless will the AWOL developers ever bother to communicate???
    Yoshi gave you a use. Reforging can get 100% leeches and as he said, Hit fatigue is great for both PvP and PvM. They are the same as Barbed for crafting Metal suits to get less stamina loss when hit.  Also sounds like they are useful for cleanup points.

    Why do you need a developer to come tell you that you don't not understand their uses?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,392
    120k cleanup points?!? I had no idea they were worth that much, wow
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "test cente comes in really handy for runics, they give you near unlimited charges to test,

    perhaps using 6 charges would be better and choosing vampiric/+ vicious,

    you can still get over cap with the high end runics even when you choose 2 names"
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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Why would anyone choose a useless hammer? Why is the top tier hammer useless will the AWOL developers ever bother to communicate???
    Yoshi gave you a use. Reforging can get 100% leeches and as he said, Hit fatigue is great for both PvP and PvM. They are the same as Barbed for crafting Metal suits to get less stamina loss when hit.  Also sounds like they are useful for cleanup points.

    Why do you need a developer to come tell you that you don't not understand their uses?
    Now now do you want us to end up back in detention 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited July 2022
    McDougle said:
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Why would anyone choose a useless hammer? Why is the top tier hammer useless will the AWOL developers ever bother to communicate???
    Yoshi gave you a use. Reforging can get 100% leeches and as he said, Hit fatigue is great for both PvP and PvM. They are the same as Barbed for crafting Metal suits to get less stamina loss when hit.  Also sounds like they are useful for cleanup points.

    Why do you need a developer to come tell you that you don't not understand their uses?
    Now now do you want us to end up back in detention 
    When someone is trying to learn how to use items in the game there is no need for you to derail the thread with the same BS.  Teach them or do not reply.

    Valorite runics make the same stats as barbed does, but  on Metal. These runics can also make weapons, Barbed can not.

    I wear many pieces of crafted armor on my toons.

    You can make items worth more than 12M with these runics. Or you can go the easy route and get the cleanup points the cleanup dyes sell for 1+M per use.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    Yoshi said:
    "I suggest making double axes or bladed staffs,
    powerful, inspired exalted > vampiric (4 charges)

    although you can loot these, the odds of you getting a double axe or bladed staff are low and the odds of them having damage increase on too are even lower.

    so you're looking for
    Hit fatigue 50-70
    Hit life leech anything above 81
    Hit mana leech anything above 81
    Hit area or Hit spell
    Damage inc

    (PS let me know if you get one that is Spell Chan too, i'll be very interested, would pay close to a plat depending)"
    That's super helpful thanks! I don't want to throw them away... I'll burn through mining and bods and hammers for a year playing the game if I knew what combo of Valorite hammer produced stats and items were worth more than 12 mil
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    keven2002 said:
    120k cleanup points?!? I had no idea they were worth that much, wow
    True story! 8k per charge and 15 charges on a new one!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited July 2022
    keven2002 said:
    120k cleanup points?!? I had no idea they were worth that much, wow
    Ill see your wow and raise you a HOLY COW!

    I think we should close and delete this thread before word gets out and these cost a lot more on vendors.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    Pawain said:
    keven2002 said:
    120k cleanup points?!? I had no idea they were worth that much, wow
    Ill see your wow and raise you a HOLY COW!

    I think we should close and delete this thread before word gets out and these cost a lot more on vendors.
    Oops did I just break the game economy??? I must be the only one who constantly checks the clean up value of every in game item to baseline it's minimum inherent value hahaha

  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    edited July 2022
    If you're interested, a Valorite ingot is worth 10 so on the face of it should be valued at 1000 gp per ingot but if you factor the need for 1700 to complete the lbod for plate plus maybe another mil for bribing up I would really say Valorite ingots should sell for 7500 per.... Because why would I sell them for less if I can turn 1700 of them into a Valorite hammer and throw that away for 12 mil 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    Crafting items have been underpriced on player vendors for years also, but that is fine. :)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    Also. I'm the one who bought your Valorite ingots.

     :D j/k too young for transfers and I play on legends where I'm the only one mining 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    Have fun!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    No but seriously this economics is my love for this game... Played off and on for almost 25 years and way back when, I had a phase where I was one of those players who spent literally all my game time wandering around to vendors pre vendor search just to buy and flip items on my own vendor... For one of those stints I only did yard sales for like a year haha
  • BenBen Posts: 263
    edited July 2022
    Pawain said:
    keven2002 said:
    120k cleanup points?!? I had no idea they were worth that much, wow
    Ill see your wow and raise you a HOLY COW!

    I think we should close and delete this thread before word gets out and these cost a lot more on vendors.
    Wow, that is significant. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited July 2022
    You right click a home or bank trash can and it says appraise for cleanup. Click that.  Then it stays in that mode until you hit escape.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2022
    "something to note when reforging, no matter how high the runic, if you use 2 names (6 charges) you will never also roll a mod outside of those 2 names. So if i'm hoping to get a life/mana leech weap with swing speed and hit spell, you have to roll one name (4 charges) and pray to the RNG gods.

    When people say there are no uses for this or that runic, they are just wrong, i'm constantly using all the colour runics of the rainbow."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2022
    "also, the afk script farmers pay a fortune for decent self repair weapons (which can only be crafted not looted)"
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  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,392
    Yoshi said:
    "something to note when reforging, no matter how high the runic, if you use 2 names (6 charges) you will never also roll a mod outside of those 2 names. So if i'm hoping to get a life/mana leech weap with swing speed and hit spell, you have to roll one name (4 charges) and pray to the RNG gods.

    When people say there are no uses for this or that runic, they are just wrong, i'm constantly using all the colour runics of the rainbow."
    Care to share what you would consider to be your best creation from using a runic so far?

    I haven't had much luck in limited use but honestly I'm not too keen on burning a val hammer (120k turn in points) for 2 maybe 3 attempts at a weapon that might only be slightly better than something that can be imbued (at least that's my experience). Maybe if you can provide some examples of how good items can be I might be enticed to try.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2022
    "I crafted this with a bronze runic, (you cannot imbue more than 50 lightning and cannot imbue reactive para), i used 4 charges: vicious/slaughter.

    same, bronze runic, it came with 70% cold which i enhanced to 100%

    This i crafted just today with a valorite runic, 4 charges of the vampire, with all these ideal mods plus self repair, i'm hoping to sell to an afk scriptor for a lot!

    This was made with a barbed runic 4 charges, if i were to see this on auction safe (as Brittle) i'd pay around a plat. As the hit chance increase is so hard to find (please PM me if anyone has something similar - i will buy)"

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  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,392
    edited July 2022
    Yoshi said:

    This i crafted just today with a valorite runic, 4 charges of the vampire, with all these ideal mods plus self repair, i'm hoping to sell to an afk scriptor for a lot!

    Interesting. I do think the axes are pretty good but those are with bronze hammers. 

    I'll take your word on the val hammer item because that's what I've typically seen and IMO I can imbue something almost the same if not better. Below is what I can imbue on that staff with only Fatigue needed from reforging (with a much lower hammer) while only losing Self Repair & 4 Int. As you have mentioned before; Durb of 255 can really last a long time and depending on what is being scripted I'd imagine they could just repair when they log on before starting. 

    IMO anything above a bronze runic is currently best used for cleanup points (or just unclaimed). The intensity aren't really that concentrated and more so seem like they just max out a bunch of stuff...which can easily be done via imbuing while burning a much lower runic.
  • gaygay Posts: 407
    Val hammers are great, they make self repair 100% element, triple leech axes which are wonderful for (definitely not afk) farming.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "yeah you can imbue that, that is why i highlighted the self repair bit"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    @keven2002 yes 255 dura will last forever and you hardly ever have to repair, but you do have to be present at the keyboard to do so normally, it’s why I said I will hopefully sell to an afk script farmer (I know 3 or 4)
    So what they do is they put a sampire in a certain place (EG fan dancer dojo as you can get splintering bokutos) and they use an auto loot feature to automatically loot splintering bokutos and just leave it running all day. I think it’s actually possible to do in EC even. 

    Not condoning it but just explaining the high value of the item (not to me but high value to other people)”
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  • DeathBringerDeathBringer Posts: 132
    Can't you get over maximum TOTAL imbuing intensity on items made with valorite hammers?

    So theoretically you could get really amazing items?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    Can't you get over maximum TOTAL imbuing intensity on items made with valorite hammers?

    So theoretically you could get really amazing items?
    Reforging can. But it depends on the roll.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DeathBringerDeathBringer Posts: 132
    Does anyone know how much past maximum imbuing intensities you can get with valorite hammers?
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I forgot how to combine runics 
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