recent bannings is good and all but why not target all cheaters?
the recent bannings are good and all but really those activities have very little negative impact on the game aside from the multiboxer's. When are you going to start banning people using 3rd party programs in PvP ?
I am a diehard no cheating player. As people who know me will tell you.
But do you ban people for using Pinco’s UI? It has an inbuilt script to auto stop attack when blood oathed.
We need a list. I can no longer argue to people to say they MUST use uoassist and not an equivalent when for a couple of weeks the program didn’t work and even I have ran out of uoassist macro spaces.
Also our guild has a policy you absolutely must use UOCartographer, if you’re not logged in you can’t play with us.
And whilst I don’t condone speed hacking, I agree again they should first make the 2 client’s speeds the same.
of them to give a squat how many kiss the banstick.
Bring out Lucille....
Little extreme...
it was plastered all over stratics as if it was an approved program.
cheating is allows on EC but not CC?
I would prefer they concentrate on the player afk pvm'ing, resource harvesting, things like that. I could care less if someone is making recalls, or casting combat training AFK.
A 2nd grader can put the square peg in the square hole, if they want to.
So person A reports person B for cheating everyday for 15 years, and nothing happens. Can you really blame person A for deciding to even the playing field?
all you have to do is paralise someone and see how quick the trap box goes off to find the “cheaters”.
i only use uoasist and uocartographer, in fel I am in the minority.
You’d only be left with like 10 classic client players if they banned people. Everyone else left would be EC players as If you use EC you don’t need to speedhack cos it’s inherently faster.
Always known for my anti-cheating stance I was held up to be a liar and a hypocrite on a forum because of this cruel 'joke'. I wasn't banned, but I was deeply distressed.
Scripters will be banned, but they have to be caught in the act. There is no way to prove a video isn't a 'set up', much like the scripter who claimed to be me.
Especially if the character name did happen to be unique.
It would take a lot of effort to frame someone. To begin with, people normally post videos of themselves killing other people. So what you’d have to get whole guilds involved in a re-inactment of being owned by someone...
Are you also a flat earther per chance?
The enchanted client was made to allow players to add cuztomizable UIs, I dont know if they need to be approved or what, but if it doesnt theres probably many wicked UIs out there with "helping automated" scripts. Just the fact that people jump of horse, dismount jump back on again in a nanosecond looks ridiculous, even if allowed and legal its just a stupid move making pvp less manual and less fun.
UO:assist: why this program that havent been updated for past 10years are still the only legal option to drink a freaking potion in 2dclient is beyond me. we cant all run around doubleclicking potions in2d client (yes i know someone that does that). Theres few features of UOAssist that are useful, just add them to 2d client so we can all skip the 3rd party program in first place.