5 slot pet has AI Cap of 35 sometimes
"both clients, when pet is not aggressing you (when owner has commanded it to stop and follow), roughly 40% of the Armor Ignore hits it receives can be subject to the 35 damage armor ignore cap that is supposed to only be present on single slot mounts."

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Seriously have you ever been killed by someones pet? And why.
Why is everyone playing a tamer with a non aggressive pet?
fixing this bug should not affect you trammel player”
combined with exploit that allows you to heal pet while riding..
I will just turn my tamer red, be quicker than waiting for fixes i think"
Honestly if pvp "fixes " didn't impact pvm i would never reply but on all shards except Siege it's gonna be an issue
i am still experiencing the same effect on test centre today, 70%ish of the AI hits are going 35 damage or less, the remaining AI hits are like 145..
(pet AI cap is based on pets max HP)”
So in your katana exemple, your damage range was 32-45, so after calculating the 90% dmg modifier from AI it goes down to 28-40.
So if you hit lower than 35, it will use the normal damage calculation without the hp based formula.
If you hit 35+ it will then apply the hp based formula which I suspect its 35 dmg : 150 hp ratio ( waiting on your answer @Yoshi on how much hit point your hiryu had )
Which would explain why on your bladed staff with higher base dmg range 45-55, even after the 90% dmg modifier from AI, you always hit 35+ so always use the hp based dmg formula from publish 98.
It's still fascinating tho how a normal weapon without slayer can hit for so much, and I assume when it uses the hp based formula ( if you hit AI base of 35+ ) any slayer like dragon or reptile wouldn't increase the damage since it's a cap damage from the ratio 35 : 150 hp only
Have you tested if this hp based dmg cap also works for bows or is it only a melee thing, the cap for AI is different on bows its 30 on players, or maybe its also hp based just with a lower ratio of 30 : 150 .
Either way I don't know if I'm a fan of having that increased damage formula coming from a AI normal weapon, I feel like you should be wearing a slayer to reach that high damage... just like a mage has to equip a dragon slayer spellbook. But I can see why they added that, for the pets that has no slayers...
14-16 lightnings seems very low considering the amount of spell damage you had, it's almost impossible as a mage/mystic to kill a 5 slot trained non-slayer pet
For now yea if you equip a weapon make sure you have a minimum of 39dmg (or 40?not sure if it rounds up or down for that) , so you can pull the buffed up AIs all the time
stamina at 150
and mana at 1500
if I deal 36 damage AI (and only AI) it is dealing max AI damage (depending on pets HP)
The damage I deal for AI should be the same as if I was attacking a monster, like quickblade said, I should at least have to use a slayer to deal the high damage that I am dealing to pets.
At the moment I am now swinging quite fast and dealing max AI damage to ALL pets with no slayer!
I think it’s overpowered
(I don’t see why also a damage cap would be based on the pets HP, this negates HP on a pet as being a good property even… especially since it’s costly to add HP.)
this pet AI thing is crazy”