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- Whitewolf
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ok besides teleporting, what is the difference, tryin to decide if spending 1500 points for magery master vs 200 or what ever it is for magery is worth it.
LilyGrace said: That's a nice collection! I don't think I've ever seen the shadow stone you have there. i cant vouch for all that shadow stone but alot of it comes from the primeval lich spawn in the abyss
its really a simple solution, course they will never go for it, they will loose to much money in transfer tokens, but just make the EM drops shard bound, bots are backed by greed, take that away and well no more bots, well alot less anyway.
im convinced luck doesnt work period, i think luck is a item property they introduced to give players something to do, build and collect pieces to make a luck suit, i have a max luck suit and ive tested it out alot and i mean alot, doin t-maps, SoS,…
Feigr said: I mean, to be fair here, I've never had trouble finding someone willing to move stuff for me on Chessy. One pretty well known PVPer that regularly kills me and loots stuff still did it for me honestly once. I don't like to use t…
ya know i used to fill the same way on the housing situation on Atlantic, but then one day i was like well im done with the drama and the toxicity that is Atlantic, i play UO to get a break from real life, so i decided to check out other servers, im…
another one id love to see revisted is the stygian Drake, i love how they look in EC, but again only comes in 4 slot they just not worth it, if they came in 3 slot they be well worth the effort, and make it so their damage is type is based on their …
also can anyone explain why i have to constantly log in over and over again on the forums to be able to post anything
same here
i thought it be cool to get a vet reward that gave 1 peerless boss key a week
thought something was fishy about this guy thanks for the heads up, and way to avoid this from happening again, is if you bidding on an item try to access the safe from standing out side the house in possible, or just buy the item outright.
its not very complicated its simple really, just wipe the gold, erase all current gold in the game and just make people start over, i do have a few plat to my name and so ya it affect me to, but honestly i wouldnt mind, it put everyone back on the s…
Kyronix said: We are always evaluating new ways to pull gold out of the economy. Understand though, that after 25+ years we are in a unique situation where decades of inflation and design choices have lead to less and less money coming out o…
i dont care about reforging them but be nice if they could be POF, i bought a really nice ring spent ALOT on it, this last event tore it up bad, then i discovered that it cannot be POF'ed. if i knew that before hand i would not have spent as much as…
Smoot said: remember when we had the 30day revert........... Remember back in the day when we had a dev team that cared about customer service and they would let us know that they knew the server was down and kept us updated with what was…
Packet loss has nothing to do with the game, has to do with your internet, i was having problems with packet loss and bad lag constantly, ungraded my internet havent had packet loss or lag since, im loving it.
Mariah said: Please stop posting misinformation at no time have the devs refused to fix any bug what do you mean? bugs bugs and more bugs - Ultima Online Forums (uo.com) those have been around for years, clearly they have refused to fix em.
one of the prime reason i no longer play on Atlantic.
how about they just fix the existing bugs first before they make even more bugs by tryin to add new things to the game.
there hasnt been any on Baja since about a week after the ToT event started
popps said: I find the quality of the Winter Spur new Spawn totaly underwhelmed... Very little quantity of items and of very, very low quality.... I have yet to find an Artifact item on it, not even a Lesser Artifact item !! Considering how…
Kyronix has said:Do not discuss unapproved 3rd party programs or clients. This is something on our radar and we aren't going to discuss any action we are taking publicly. If you want to comment on this topic email uo@broadsword.comThis is on their…
i for one am glad they did this, they are tyrin to breath some life into a dead profession
welp another year has gone by and yet these bugs still exists, wonder if these bugs exist in new legacy as well.
Victim_Of_Siege said: I've not been hit by this yet but a couple of folks I know have been hit multiple times while actively attacking monsters. Not sure what triggers it yet but I highly doubt the Devs will say because once it's out there it…
hmm never said anything about a ship not sure where that came from, and i dont multi box, i play only EC and i can barely figure out a cellphone let alone some program that allows you to play muiltple clients. in otherwards im not very tech savvy.
ohh and the timer on my glorious potion is still counting down
i havent gotten the afk for fighting the event spawn only for sailing on my ship pirate hunting got flagged twice now for that. and of course you dont know your flagged till ya find a pirate ship or beacon and find out you cant do any damage.
i would love to see a tamable hydra, but honestly they just need to revamp some of the existing pets, prime example would be stygian drake, no one uses them because at 4 slot you cant do anything with them, they should be spawn in 3 slot or have a c…
finally some positive changes, but i cant see how they goin to be able to pull this off with all the programs out there now days that mask people ip address's. course im no where near to being tech savvy maybe they can i dunno, i for one hope so.