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Geisha Girls


  • Petra_Fyde は言いました: 本当ですか? 偶発的な攻撃が原因でシャードを辞めるのですか? メイン シャードのギルドに所属したことのある人なら誰でも、その偶発的な攻撃に遭遇したことがあるはずです。攻撃がフォローアップされない限り、誰もがそれを無視し、偶…
  • If the development and management policy of "New Legacy" in the future becomes "a world that forces PvP", I think I will reconsider playing NL. I don't want to be stressed by being attacked and killed miserably in a game that I play to change my moo…
  • I am participating in the final beta test of New Legacy. Thank you to all the developers. I play as a tamer, and after completing my skills, there are many times when I don't have enough gold to buy reagents. This is probably due to the adjustment o…
  • Necronom said: RAVER said: My character is a mage, and I'm currently on a quest to get all related parameters to 90. I'm having trouble with the following situation. All other mage-related parameters are at 90, but Evaluating Intellige…
  • Garret said: RAVER said: My "Evaluating Intelligence" is stuck at 89.7. No matter how much magic I use, it doesn't go up. My other wizard-related parameters are at 90, but the storyline is stuck. In this case, it looks like I need to m…
  • My character is a mage, and I'm currently on a quest to get all related parameters to 90. I'm having trouble with the following situation. All other mage-related parameters are at 90, but Evaluating Intelligence is stuck at 89.7. I've used many spel…
  • My "Evaluating Intelligence" is stuck at 89.7. No matter how much magic I use, it doesn't go up. My other wizard-related parameters are at 90, but the storyline is stuck. In this case, it looks like I need to make 0.5 points expendable to increase 0…