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  • i would like to see well working game. Thank  you!
  • idk why GM's don't ahswer for the most valiable topic on this days?  People want to know what's wrong and what are u guys doing there? Cause keep the silence it's nort a good way to keep your audience stay in this broken game
  • Covfefe said: I can't test at the moment because test center copy isn't avail right now.And i don't want to customize my own house because i'm too lazy to return everything. But are you saying that when you customize the house, the jeweller…
  • Covfefe said: show a screenshot of the floor below it, and floors above too below above
  • Cinderella said: my friend Joyce used to have a keep east of Minoc there was a tile on the roof, that if you locked stuff down there that after 5 mins they poof I lost track of how many times we placed the potted plants there and came back l…
  • Yes, I checked everything. only I have access to the house, so the influence of someone is excluded. Yes, quite recently, when I changed the color of my foundation, a mannequin disappeared, I was also scared, but in vain, because it was in moving cr…
  • Lord_Frodo said: Sorry for your loss.  In 25 years I have never lost anything but I do mouse back over everything to make sure it is either locked down or secured.  I never assume anything.  As for the GMs response it is a rule that UO will n…